module ProMotion module WebScreenModule attr_accessor :webview, :external_links, :detector_types, :scale_to_fit def screen_setup check_content_data self.external_links ||= false self.scale_to_fit ||= false self.detector_types ||= :none end def on_init if self.detector_types.is_a? Array detectors = UIDataDetectorTypeNone self.detector_types.each { |dt| detectors |= map_detector_symbol(dt) } self.detector_types = detectors else self.detector_types = map_detector_symbol(self.detector_types) end self.webview ||= add, { frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height), resize: [ :width, :height ], delegate: self, data_detector_types: self.detector_types } self.webview.scalesPageToFit = self.scale_to_fit self.webview.scrollView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal set_initial_content end def web self.webview end def set_initial_content return unless self.respond_to?(:content) content.is_a?(NSURL) ? open_url(content) : set_content(content) end def set_content(content) content_path = File.join(NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath, content) if File.exists? content_path content_string = content_path content_base_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath self.web.loadHTMLString(convert_retina_images(content_string), baseURL:content_base_url) else # We assume the user wants to load an arbitrary string into the web view self.web.loadHTMLString(content, baseURL:nil) end end def open_url(url) request = NSURLRequest.requestWithURL( url.is_a?(NSURL) ? url : NSURL.URLWithString(url) ) web.loadRequest request end def convert_retina_images(content) #Convert images over to retina if the images exist. if UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.respondsToSelector('displayLinkWithTarget:selector:') && UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.scale == 2.0 # Thanks BubbleWrap! content.gsub!(/src=['"](.*?)\.(jpg|gif|png)['"]/) do |img| if File.exists?(File.join(NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath, "#{$1}@2x.#{$2}")) # Create a UIImage to get the width and height of hte @2x image tmp_image = UIImage.imageNamed("/#{$1}@2x.#{$2}") new_width = tmp_image.size.width / 2 new_height = tmp_image.size.height / 2 img = "src=\"#{$1}@2x.#{$2}\" width=\"#{new_width}\" height=\"#{new_height}\"" end end end content end def check_content_data PM.logger.error "Missing #content method in WebScreen #{self.class.to_s}." unless self.respond_to?(:content) end def html evaluate("document.documentElement.outerHTML") end def evaluate(js) self.webview.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString(js) end def current_url evaluate('document.URL') end # Navigation def can_go_back; web.canGoBack; end def can_go_forward; web.canGoForward; end def back; web.goBack if can_go_back; end def forward; web.goForward if can_go_forward; end def refresh; web.reload; end def stop; web.stopLoading; end alias :reload :refresh def open_in_chrome(inRequest) # Add pod 'OpenInChrome' to your Rakefile if you want links to open in Google Chrome for users. # This will fall back to Safari if the user doesn't have Chrome installed. chrome_controller = OpenInChromeController.sharedInstance return open_in_safari(inRequest) unless chrome_controller.isChromeInstalled chrome_controller.openInChrome(inRequest.URL) end def open_in_safari(inRequest) # Open UIWebView delegate links in Safari. UIApplication.sharedApplication.openURL(inRequest.URL) end # UIWebViewDelegate Methods - Camelcase def webView(inWeb, shouldStartLoadWithRequest:inRequest, navigationType:inType) if self.external_links == true && inType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked if defined?(OpenInChromeController) open_in_chrome inRequest else open_in_safari inRequest end return false #don't allow the web view to load the link. end load_request_enable = true #return true on default for local file loading. load_request_enable = !!on_request(inRequest, inType) if self.respond_to?(:on_request) load_request_enable end def webViewDidStartLoad(webView) load_started if self.respond_to?(:load_started) end def webViewDidFinishLoad(webView) load_finished if self.respond_to?(:load_finished) end def webView(webView, didFailLoadWithError:error) load_failed(error) if self.respond_to?("load_failed:") end protected def map_detector_symbol(symbol) { phone: UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber, link: UIDataDetectorTypeLink, address: UIDataDetectorTypeAddress, event: UIDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent, all: UIDataDetectorTypeAll }[symbol] || UIDataDetectorTypeNone end end end