require "base64" require "json" class Jets::Commands::Call include Jets::AwsServices def initialize(provided_function_name, event, options={}) @options = options @guess = @options[:guess].nil? ? true : @options[:guess] @provided_function_name = provided_function_name @event = event @invocation_type = options[:invocation_type] || "RequestResponse" @log_type = options[:log_type] || "Tail" @qualifier = @qualifier end def function_name if @guess ensure_guesses_found! # possibly exits here guesser.function_name # guesser adds namespace already else [Jets.config.project_namespace, @provided_function_name].join('-') end end def run @options[:local] ? local_run : remote_run end # With local mode there is no way to bypass the guesser def local_run puts "Local mode enabled!" ensure_guesses_found! # possibly exits here klass = guesser.class_name.constantize # Example: # PostsController.process(event, context, meth) event = JSON.load(transformed_event) || {} # transformed_event is JSON text String fun =, guesser.method_name) result = # check the logs for polymorphic function errors # Note: even though data might not always be json, the JSON.dump does a # good job of not bombing, so always calling it to simplify code. text = Jets::Util.normalize_result(result) STDOUT.puts text end def remote_run puts "Calling lambda function #{function_name} on AWS" unless @options[:mute] return if @options[:noop] options = { # client_context: client_context, function_name: function_name, invocation_type: @invocation_type, # "Event", # RequestResponse log_type: @log_type, # pretty sweet payload: transformed_event, # "fileb://file-path/input.json", <= JSON qualifier: @qualifier, # "1", } begin resp = aws_lambda.invoke(options) rescue Aws::Lambda::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException puts "The function #{function_name} was not found. Maybe check the spelling or the AWS_PROFILE?".color(:red) return end if @options[:show_log] puts "Last 4KB of log in the x-amz-log-result header:".color(:green) puts Base64.decode64(resp.log_result) end add_console_link_to_clipboard result = # already been normalized/JSON.dump by AWS unless @options[:mute_output] STDOUT.puts result # only thing that goes to stdout end end def guesser @guesser ||= end def ensure_guesses_found! unless guesser.class_name and guesser.method_name puts guesser.error_message exit end end # @event is String because it can be the file:// notation # Returns text String for the lambda.invoke payload. def transformed_event text = @event if text && text.include?("file://") text = load_event_from_file(text) end check_valid_json!(text) puts "Function name: #{function_name.color(:green)}" unless @options[:mute] return text unless function_name.include?("_controller-") return text if @options[:lambda_proxy] == false event = JSON.load(text) lambda_proxy = {"queryStringParameters" => event} JSON.dump(lambda_proxy) end def load_event_from_file(text) path = text.gsub('file://','') path = "#{Jets.root}/#{path}" unless path[0..0] == '/' unless File.exist?(path) puts "File #{path} does not exist. Are you sure the file exists?".color(:red) exit end text = end # Exits with friendly error message when user provides bad just def check_valid_json!(text) JSON.load(text) rescue JSON::ParserError => e puts "Invalid json provided:\n '#{text}'" puts "Exiting... Please try again and provide valid json." exit 1 end # So use can quickly paste this into their browser if they want to see the function # via the Lambda console def add_console_link_to_clipboard return unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ return unless system("type pbcopy > /dev/null") # TODO: for add_console_link_to_clipboard get the region from the ~/.aws/config and AWS_PROFILE setting region = || ENV["AWS_REGION"] ||'us-east-1' link = "{region}#/functions/#{function_name}?tab=configuration" system("echo #{link} | pbcopy") puts "Pro tip: The Lambda Console Link to the #{function_name} function has been added to your clipboard." unless @options[:mute] end # TODO: Hook client_context up and maek sure it works. Think I've figure out how to sign client_context below. # Client context must be a valid Base64-encoded JSON object # Example: def client_context context = { "client" => { "client_id" => "Jets", "app_title" => "jets call cli", "app_version_name" => Jets::VERSION, }, "custom" => {}, "env" =>{ "platform" => RUBY_PLATFORM, "platform_version" => RUBY_VERSION, } } Base64.encode64(JSON.dump(context)) end # For this class redirect puts to stderr so user can pipe output to tools like # jq. Example: # jets call posts_controller-index '{"test":1}' | jq . def puts(text) $stderr.puts(text) end end