= Activity log In order to make your component compatible with the activity log, you need to follow these steps: . Make your model include the `Decidim::Traceable` module. This will let Decidim create versions every time your model records are changed. It uses https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail[`paper_trail`] to generate the versions. . Make your commands use `Decidim.traceability` to create and update records. Documentation can be found in `Decidim::Traceability`. This should set the author of the change in your record properly. That's all you need to do to get it working, really. We have a default way to present logs that Just Works™. Keep reading if you want to customize how the logs for your resources look! == The default renderer The default renderer doesn't know many things. It knows the author, what action was done, the resource affected and the space where the resource resides. When the resource is updated it shows the diff of all the fields that have been changed, with the old and new values for each field. values are not formatted in any specific way, so you might see some weirdly formatted values on the log diff: that's how it's rendered from the database. == Customizing the logs for your resources The default presenter doesn't fulfill your needs? You might want to create your own presenter if you find yourself in one of these cases: * You want to show what type of resource is affected by the action log * The default renderer cannot find the correct field to render the resource name * You want to show more info * You want to change the order of the factors in the log sentence * You want to change the format of the values in the diff Let's go ahead and see how to create your own resource presenter. Custom presenters should be named as `Decidim::<your module name>::<log name>::<your model name>Presenter`. There's currently only one log, `AdminLog`. This means that if your model is `Decidim::Accountability::Result`, then your admin log presenter is must be `Decidim::Accountability::AdminLog::ResultPresenter`. You can inherit from `Decidim::Log::BasePresenter` for simplicity: [source,ruby] ---- module Decidim module Accountability module AdminLog class ResultPresenter < Decidim::Log::BasePresenter end end end end ---- Some examples with basic customization follow, although you can read the source code docs and overwrite any method you need. === Changing the action log sentence In order to change the default sentence to something that fits better to your resource, you can overwrite the `action_string` method in your presenter: [source,ruby] ---- module Decidim module Accountability module AdminLog class ResultPresenter < Decidim::Log::BasePresenter private def action_string case action when "create" "decidim.accountability.admin_log.result.create" when "update" "decidim.accountability.admin_log.result.update" end end end end end end ---- This is useful to show the resource type in the sentence. === Limiting what fields get presented in the diff By default, all changed fields are presented in the diff. In order to limit them, overwrite the `diff_fields_mapping` method in your custom presenter. It has to return a `Hash`, where keys are the name of the attributes and values are the presenters that render the attributes. *Limitations*: we can only show diffs for column fields, not dynamic methods, so the `diff_fields_mapping` only accepts column names. In this example, we're telling our presenter to only present the `start_date` as a date, the `title` as an i18n field, the `decidim_scope_id` with no particular presenter, and `progress` as a percentage: [source,ruby] ---- module Decidim module Accountability module AdminLog class ResultPresenter < Decidim::Log::BasePresenter private def diff_fields_mapping { start_date: :date, title: :i18n, decidim_scope_id: :default, progress: :percentage } end end end end end ---- ==== Value types presenters Decidim comes with some default value types presenters to be used in the diffs. They all live in `Decidim::Log::ValueTypes`, check the source code for the full list. These presenters are used with a symbol, but you can use your own value type presenter if you use a string: [source,ruby] ---- module Decidim module Accountability module AdminLog class ResultPresenter < Decidim::Log::BasePresenter private def diff_fields_mapping { decidim_scope_id: "Decidim::Accountability::AdminLog::ValueTypes::MyCustomPresenter", } end end end end end ---- Then you can write your own value presenter as: [source,ruby] ---- module Decidim module Accountability module AdminLog module ValueTypes class MyCustomPresenter < Decidim::Log::Valuetypes::DefaultPresenter def present return unless value "My super duper value: #{value}" end end end end end end ---- == Multiple logs Although Decidim currently only has a log for the admin section, in the future we might need an activity log for the public part. It's easy to assume we might need to render the same data in different formats, so we need to differentiate the presenters for each log. The current system handles the case for multiple logs, although we only have one.