relay.h File Reference

Logic for transferring control between Ruby and Verilog. More...

#include "common.h"


void relay_init ()
 Initialize the relay mechanism, which enables Verilog to transfer control to Ruby and vice versa, and start Ruby.
void relay_ruby ()
 Transfers control to Ruby.
void relay_verilog ()
 Transfers control to Verilog.

Detailed Description

Logic for transferring control between Ruby and Verilog.

Function Documentation

void relay_init (  ) 

Initialize the relay mechanism, which enables Verilog to transfer control to Ruby and vice versa, and start Ruby.

void relay_ruby (  ) 

Transfers control to Ruby.

void relay_verilog (  ) 

Transfers control to Verilog.

Generated on Sun Jan 27 22:47:05 2008 for Ruby-VPI by  doxygen 1.5.3