When "I am requesting facet results$" do @results = nil @method = :facets end When /^I am requesting just the facet (\w+)$/ do |facet| @results = nil @options[:facets] = facet.downcase.to_sym end When /^I am requesting just the facets (\w+) and (\w+)$/ do |one, two| @results = nil @options[:facets] = [one.downcase.to_sym, two.downcase.to_sym] end When "I want classes included" do @options[:class_facet] = true end When "I don't want classes included" do @options[:class_facet] = false end When "I want all possible attributes" do @options[:all_facets] = true end When /^I drill down where (\w+) is (\w+)$/ do |facet, value| @results = results.for(facet.downcase.to_sym => value) end When /^I drill down where (\w+) is (\w+) and (\w+) is (\w+)$/ do |facet_one, value_one, facet_two, value_two| value_one = value_one.to_i unless value_one[/^\d+$/].nil? value_two = value_two.to_i unless value_two[/^\d+$/].nil? @results = results.for( facet_one.downcase.to_sym => value_one, facet_two.downcase.to_sym => value_two ) end When /^I drill down where ([\w_]+) includes the id of tag (\w+)$/ do |facet, text| tag = Tag.find_by_text(text) @results = results.for(facet.downcase.to_sym => tag.id) end When /^I drill down where ([\w_]+) includes the id of tags (\w+) or (\w+)$/ do |facet, text_one, text_two| tag_one = Tag.find_by_text(text_one) tag_two = Tag.find_by_text(text_two) @results = results.for(facet.downcase.to_sym => [tag_one.id, tag_two.id]) end Then "I should have valid facet results" do results.should be_kind_of(Hash) results.values.each { |value| value.should be_kind_of(Hash) } end Then /^I should have (\d+) facets?$/ do |count| results.keys.length.should == count.to_i end Then /^I should have the facet ([\w_\s]+)$/ do |name| results[facet_name(name)].should be_kind_of(Hash) end Then /^I should not have the facet ([\w_\s]+)$/ do |name| results.keys.should_not include(facet_name(name)) end Then /^the ([\w_\s]+) facet should have an? "([\w\s_]+)" key with (\d+) hits$/ do |name, key, hit_count| facet_name = facet_name name results[facet_name].keys.should include(key) results[facet_name][key].should eql(hit_count.to_i) end Then /^the ([\w_\s]+) facet should have an? "(\w+)" key$/ do |name, key| results[facet_name(name)].keys.should include(key) end Then /^the ([\w_\s]+) facet should have an? (\d+\.?\d*) key$/ do |name, key| if key[/\./] key = key.to_f else key = key.to_i end results[facet_name(name)].keys.should include(key) end def facet_name(string) string.gsub(/\s/, '').underscore.to_sym end