# encoding: UTF-8 When /^I search for the specific id of (\d+) in the (\w+) index$/ do |id, index| @id = id.to_i @index = index end When /^I search for the document id of (\w+) (\w+) in the (\w+) index$/ do |model, name, index| model = model.gsub(/\s/, '_').camelize.constantize @id = model.find_by_name(name).sphinx_document_id @index = index end Then "it should exist" do ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id(@id, @index).should == true end Then "it should not exist" do ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id(@id, @index).should == false end Then "it should exist if using Rails 2.1 or newer" do require 'active_record/version' unless ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.to_f < 2.1 ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id(@id, @index).should == true end end Then "it should not exist if using Rails 2.1 or newer" do require 'active_record/version' unless ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.to_f < 2.1 ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id(@id, @index).should == false end end Then /^I can iterate by result and group and count$/ do results.each_with_groupby_and_count do |result, group, count| result.should be_kind_of(@model) count.should be_kind_of(Integer) group.should be_kind_of(Integer) end end Then "each result id should match the corresponding sphinx internal id" do results.each_with_sphinx_internal_id do |result, id| result.id.should == id end end Then "I should have an array of integers" do results.each do |result| result.should be_kind_of(Integer) end end Then "searching for ids should match the record ids of the normal search results" do normal_results = results # reset search, switch method @results = nil @method = :search_for_ids results.to_a.should == normal_results.collect(&:id) end Then /^I should get a value of (\d+)$/ do |count| results.should == count.to_i end Then /^the (\w+) excerpt of the first result is "(.*)"$/ do |column, string| excerpt = results.excerpt_for(results.first.send(column)) if excerpt.respond_to?(:force_encoding) excerpt = excerpt.force_encoding('UTF-8') end excerpt.should == string end Then /^calling (\w+) on the first result excerpts object should return "(.*)"$/ do |column, string| excerpt = results.first.excerpts.send(column) if excerpt.respond_to?(:force_encoding) excerpt = excerpt.force_encoding('UTF-8') end excerpt.should == string end Then /^the first result should have a (\w+\s?\w*) of (\d+)$/ do |attribute, value| results.first.sphinx_attributes[attribute.gsub(/\s+/, '_')].should == value.to_i end Given /^I provide excerpt option "([a-z_]*)" with value "([^"]*)"$/ do |k, v| @options[:excerpt_options] ||= {} @options[:excerpt_options][k.to_sym] = v end