module CabooseRets class AgentsController < ApplicationController # GET /agents def index @agents = Agent.where("office_mls_id = '46' ").order("last_name, first_name") @agent = Agent.where(:mls_id => '048540000').first @assistants = Agent.where(:assistant_to => '048540000').order("last_name, first_name") end # GET /agents/:mls_id def details mls_id = params[:mls_id] @agents = Agent.where("mls_id = '46'").order("last_name, first_name") @agent = Agent.where(:mls_id => mls_id).first || Agent.where(:mls_id => '048540000').first # @assistants = Agent.where(:assistant_to => la_code).order("last_name, first_name") @next = Agent.where("\'mls_id\' > \'#{mls_id}\' AND \'mls_id\' <> \'048540000\' AND \'office_mls_id\' = \'46\'").order("last_name, first_name").first @prev = Agent.where("\'mls_id\' < \'#{mls_id}\' AND \'mls_id\' <> \'048540000\' AND \'office_mls_id\' = \'46\'").order("last_name, first_name").first end # GET /agents/:mls_id/listings def listings @agent = Agent.where(:mls_id => params[:mls_id]).first is_agents = "mls_id = ? AND status = 'Active'" # is_coagents = "co_la_code = ? AND status = 'Active'" properties = Property.where(is_agents, params[:mls_id]) # residential_properties += Property.where(is_coagents, params[:mls_id]).select{ |p| defined? p && p.mls_acct } @property_groups = [ { type: 'Listing' , title: 'Property Listings' , url_prefix: 'properties' , properties: properties } ] end #============================================================================= # Admin functions #============================================================================= # GET /admin/agents def admin_index return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'view') @gen =, { 'office_mls_id' => '', 'mls_id' => '', 'first_name_like' => '', 'last_name_like' => '' },{ 'model' => 'CabooseRets::Agent', 'sort' => 'last_name, first_name', 'desc' => false, 'base_url' => '/admin/agents', 'use_url_params' => false }) @agents = @gen.items render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/agents/:id/edit def admin_edit return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'edit') @agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) @boss = @agent.assistant_to.nil? || @agent.assistant_to.strip.length == 0 ? nil : Agent.where(:mls_id => @agent.assistant_to).first render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/agents/:id/edit-bio def admin_edit_bio return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'edit') @agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/agents/:id/edit-contact-info def admin_edit_contact_info return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'edit') @agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/agents/:id/edit-mls-info def admin_edit_mls_info return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'edit') @agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/agents/:id def admin_update Caboose.log(params) return if !user_is_allowed('agents', 'edit') resp ={'attributes' => {}}) agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) save = true params.each do |name,value| case name when 'hide' agent.hide = value when 'contact_info' agent.contact_info = value when 'bio' = value when 'designation' agent.designation = value when 'assistant_to' agent.assistant_to = value if !value.nil? && value.length > 0 && Agent.exists?(:mls_id => value) boss = Agent.where(:mls_id => value).first resp.attributes['assistant_to'] = { 'text' => "#{boss.first_name} #{boss.last_name}" } else resp.attributes['assistant_to'] = { 'text' => "Not an assistant" } end end end resp.success = save && render :json => resp end # GET /admin/agents/:id/refresh def admin_refresh agent = Agent.find(params[:id]) RetsImporter.import("(LA_LA_CODE=#{agent.mls_id})", 'Agent', 'AGT') RetsImporter.download_agent_images(agent) render :json =>{ 'success' => "The agent's info has been updated from MLS." }) end # GET /admin/agents/assistant-to-options def admin_assistant_to_options options = [{ 'value' => '', 'text' => '-- Not an assistant --' }] Agent.where(:office_mls_id => '46').reorder('last_name, first_name').all.each do |a| options << { 'value' => a.mls_id, 'text' => "#{a.first_name} #{a.last_name}" } end render :json => options end # GET /admin/agents/agent_options def agent_options options = [{ 'value' => '', 'text' => '-- No Agent --' }] Agent.where(:office_mls_id => '46').reorder('last_name, first_name').all.each do |a| options << { 'value' => a.mls_id, 'text' => "#{a.first_name} #{a.last_name}" } end render :json => options end end end