module PandaPal module LaunchUrlHelpers def self.absolute_launch_url(launch_type, host: uri_host, launch_handler: nil, default_auto_launch: false) opts = PandaPal.lti_paths[launch_type] auto_launch = opts[:auto_launch] != nil ? opts[:auto_launch] : default_auto_launch auto_launch = auto_launch && launch_handler.present? if auto_launch launch_handler = resolve_route(launch_handler) if launch_handler.is_a?(Symbol) return add_url_params([host.to_s, launch_handler].join, { launch_type: launch_type, }) else final_url = launch_url(opts, launch_type: launch_type) return final_url if URI.parse(final_url).absolute? return [host.to_s, final_url].join end end def self.url_for(options) if options.is_a?(Symbol) Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.send(options, host: uri_host) else options[:host] ||= uri_host Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(options) end end def self.normalize_lti_launch_desc(opts) opts = opts.dup opts.delete(:route_helper_key) opts.delete(:auto_launch) opts.each do |k, v| opts[k] = if v.is_a?(Proc) end opts end def self.launch_url(opts, launch_type: nil) url = launch_route(opts, launch_type: launch_type) url = resolve_url_symbol(url) if url.is_a?(Symbol) url end def self.launch_route(opts, launch_type: nil) if opts.is_a?(Symbol) || opts.is_a?(String) launch_type = opts.to_sym opts = PandaPal.lti_paths[launch_type] end if opts[:route_helper_key] opts[:route_helper_key].to_sym else opts[:url] ||= launch_type opts[:url] end end def self.resolve_url_symbol(sym, **opts) sym = :"#{sym}_url" unless sym.to_s.ends_with?('_url') opts[:only_path] = true unless opts.key?(:only_path) resolve_route(:"MainApp/#{sym}", **opts) end def self.add_url_params(url, params) uri = URI(url) decoded_params = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query || "") params.each do |k, v| decoded_params << [k, v] end uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(decoded_params) uri.to_s end def self.with_uri_host(uri) uri = URI.parse(uri) unless uri.is_a?(URI) raise "host: param must have a protocal and no path" if uri.path.present? initial = Thread.current[:panda_pal_access_uri] begin Thread.current[:panda_pal_access_uri] = uri yield ensure Thread.current[:panda_pal_access_uri] = initial end end def self.uri_host request = Thread.current[:controller]&.request Thread.current[:panda_pal_access_uri]&.to_s || "#{request.scheme}://#{request.host_with_port}" end def self.resolve_route(key, *arguments, engine: 'PandaPal', **kwargs) return key if key.is_a?(String) key_bits = key.to_s.split('/') key_bits.prepend(engine) if key_bits.count == 1 key_bits[0] = key_bits[0].classify engine = key_bits[0] == 'MainApp' ? Rails.application : (key_bits[0].constantize)::Engine engine.routes.url_helpers.send(key_bits[1], *arguments, **kwargs) end end end