module Cachecataz # Default config for Rails.cache, disabled, and [":", "/"] delims # # @example configure in an environment file (development.rb, production.rb) for Rails # # config.after_initialize do # Cachecataz.enable = true # Cachecataz.provider = Rails.cache # Cachecataz.random = false # default "random" is true, and true is recommended # end Config = {:api => {:get => :read, :set => :write, :exist? => :exist?}, :enabled => false, :ns_delim => ":", :index_delim => "/", :random => true } # Config method to enable Cachecataz # # @param [Boolean] val def self.enable=(val) Config[:enabled] = val end # Config method to randomize the seed for namespaces in Cachecataz. (default to true, the recommended setting) # # @param [Boolean] val def self.random=(val) Config[:random] = val end # Set custom delimiter if desired def self.delim=(val) Config[:ns_delim] = val.first rescue ":" Config[:index_delim] = val.last rescue "/" end # Config method to assign the provider, for Rails this is Rails.cache # # @param [Object] val an object that responds to the api provided def self.provider=(val) Config[:provider] = val end # Config method that maps the api method calls from the provider to the caching server # example is the mapping for the Rails.cache provider # # @example Cachecataz.api = {:get => :read, :set => :write, :incr => :increment, :exist? => :exist?} # # @param [Hash] api a hash of symbols or procs/lambdas mapped to each of [:get, :set, :incr, :exist?] def self.api=(api) validate_api(api) Config[:api] = api end # [] operator to run the actual calls on the cache provider configured def self.[](*api_args) return false if !Config[:enabled] api_method = api_args.slice!(0) case when Config[:api][api_method].respond_to?(:call) Config[:api][api_method].call(*api_args) when Config[:provider].respond_to?(Config[:api][api_method]) Config[:provider].send(Config[:api][api_method], *api_args) else raise "Unknown method: #{api_method} for provider: #{Config[:provider]}" end end # Method that validates the api and provider if they are defined in configuration def self.validate_api(api={}) unless api.include?(:get) && api.include?(:set) && api.include?(:exist?) raise "Unknown api methods, define [:get, :set, :exist?] to use cachecataz with a non-standard provider" end end # Method that includes and extends the appropriate modules def self.included(inc_class) inc_class.instance_variable_set(:@_point_keys, {}) inc_class.send(:include, Cachecataz::InstanceMethods) inc_class.send(:extend, Cachecataz::ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Takes the cache_point and the value from the cache # # @param [Symbol] point_key the symbol that identifies the namespace point # @param [Hash] scope_hash the hash that provides the data for creating the namespace key # @return [String] cachecataz namespaced cache key def cache_key(point_key, scope_hash) c_point = cache_point(point_key, scope_hash) c_key = Cachecataz[:get, c_point].to_s.strip return "#{c_key}#{Cachecataz::Config[:ns_delim]}" << c_point end # Determines and returns the cache_point # putting i.to_s first in the scope_hash lookup because primarily using with self.attributes in rails which is string keyed def cache_point(point_key, scope_hash) c_scope = @_point_keys[point_key] c_point = c_scope.inject(point_key.to_s){|s, i| s << Cachecataz::Config[:ns_delim] << (scope_hash[i.to_s] || scope_hash[i]).to_s } Cachecataz[:set, c_point, Cachecataz::Config[:random] ? rand(10000).to_s : "0"] if !Cachecataz[:exist?, c_point] return c_point end # Method used in the Class to defined a cachecataz namespace # assigns the scope to a class instance variable with the point_key as key # # @param [Symbol] point_key the name of the cachecataz namespace # @param [Array] c_scope the symbols that defined the scope of the namespace def cache_scope(point_key, *c_scope) c_scope.flatten! c_scope.uniq! c_scope.sort!{|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} @_point_keys[point_key] = c_scope end # Class level method that expires the namespace in the cache for the point_key and # scope data provided # # @param [Symbol] point_key # @param [Hash] scope_hash the data provider for the scope of the namespace def expire_namespace(point_key, scope_hash={}) c_point = cache_point(point_key, scope_hash) Cachecataz[:set, c_point, (Cachecataz[:get, c_point].to_i + 1 rescue rand(10000)).to_s] end # Class level method to expire all the namespace of cachecataz for a given data provider # # @param [Hash] scope_hash the data provider for the scope of the namespace def expire_all_namespaces(scope_hash={}) @_point_keys.keys.each{|k| expire_namespace(k, scope_hash)} end # Resets a cache namespace to 0, should be needed, but wanted to have something here to do it def cachecataz_namespace_reset(point_key, scope_hash={}) c_point = cache_point(point_key, scope_hash) Cachecataz[:set, c_point, "0"] end # provides access for the point_keys stored in the Class instance variable def point_key(point_key) @_point_keys[point_key] end # provides access to all point_keys for the Class def point_keys @_point_keys end end module InstanceMethods # Instance method for accessing the cachecataz namespace identifier # # @param [Symbol] point_key name of the cache_space defined on the Class # @param [Hash] scope_hash provides the data for the namespace key # @return [string] namespace key for the cachecataz namespace def cachecataz_key(point_key, scope_hash={}) return "cachecataz disabled" if !Cachecataz::Config[:enabled] scope_hash = self.attributes if scope_hash == {} && self.respond_to?(:attributes) return self.class.cache_key(point_key, scope_hash) end # Instance method to return a cache_key for the class # # @note method removes any index that is already in the namespace definition as it can't be 2x as unique on the same key # # @example user.cache_key(:ck_name, [:id]) # => "0:ck_name/:id" # # @param [Symbol] point_key name of the cache_space defined on the Class # @param [Array, []] indexes additional data elements that makeup the key for the instance # @param [Hash, self.attributes] scope_hash provides the data for the namespace key def cache_key(point_key, indexes=[], scope_hash={}) cache_key_point = cachecataz_key(point_key, scope_hash) indexes = [indexes] if !indexes.respond_to?(:each) indexes.uniq! indexes.reject!{ |i| self.class.point_key(point_key).include?(i) } return indexes.inject(cache_key_point){|s, n| s << Cachecataz::Config[:index_delim] << self.cachecataz_index_convert(n) } end # Determines the intended index conversion for index passed to cache_key # # @note if index responds to :call then it will check the arity to determine if it is 1, if so it passes self as the argument # # @param [Object] val the value passed to cache_key index # @return [String] string to append to namespace key def cachecataz_index_convert(val) case when val.kind_of?(Symbol) && self.respond_to?(val) self.send(val).to_s when val.respond_to?(:call) val.arity == 1 ? : else val.to_s end end # Instance method to expire a cachecataz namespace # # @param [Symbol] point_key name of the cache_space defined on the Class # @param [Hash, self.attributes] scope_hash provides the data for the namespace key def expire_namespace(point_key, scope_hash={}) scope_hash = self.attributes if scope_hash == {} && self.respond_to?(:attributes) self.class.expire_namespace(point_key, scope_hash) end # Instance method to expire all namespaces for an object def expire_all_namespaces(scope_hash={}) scope_hash = self.attributes if scope_hash == {} && self.respond_to?(:attributes) self.class.expire_all_namespaces(scope_hash) end # Instance method to reset a namespace, shouldn't really be needed, but avail def cachecataz_namespace_reset(point_key, scope_hash={}) scope_hash = self.attributes if scope_hash == {} && self.respond_to?(:attributes) self.class.cachecataz_namespace_reset(point_key, scope_hash) end end end