Feature: Cucumber command line In order to write better software Developers should be able to execute requirements as tests Scenario: Run single scenario with missing step definition When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature:5 Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) """ Scenario: Fail with --strict When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature:5 --strict Then it should fail with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing Undefined step: "missing" (Cucumber::Undefined) features/sample.feature:7:in `Given missing' 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) """ Scenario: Succeed with --strict When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature:10 --strict Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ @mri186 Scenario: Specify 2 line numbers where one is a tag When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature:5:16 Then it should fail with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing @four Scenario: Failing Given failing \"\"\" hello \"\"\" FAIL (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:2:in `flunker' ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:9:in `/^failing$/' features/sample.feature:18:in `Given failing' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/sample.feature:17 # Scenario: Failing 2 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined) 2 steps (1 failed, 1 undefined) """ Scenario: Require missing step definition from elsewhere When I run cucumber -q -r ../../features/step_definitions/extra_steps.rb features/sample.feature:5 Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Specify the line number of a row When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature:12 Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ @mri186 Scenario: Run all with progress formatter When I run cucumber -q --format progress features/sample.feature Then it should fail with """ U.F (::) failed steps (::) FAIL (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:2:in `flunker' ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:9:in `/^failing$/' features/sample.feature:18:in `Given failing' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/sample.feature:17 # Scenario: Failing 3 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined, 1 passed) 3 steps (1 failed, 1 undefined, 1 passed) """ Scenario: Run Norwegian Given I am in i18n/no When I run cucumber -q --language no features Then STDERR should be empty Then it should pass with """ # language: no Egenskap: Summering For å slippe å gjøre dumme feil Som en regnskapsfører Vil jeg kunne legge sammen Scenario: to tall Gitt at jeg har tastet inn 5 Og at jeg har tastet inn 7 Når jeg summerer Så skal resultatet være 12 @iterasjon3 Scenario: tre tall Gitt at jeg har tastet inn 5 Og at jeg har tastet inn 7 Og at jeg har tastet inn 1 Når jeg summerer Så skal resultatet være 13 2 scenarios (2 passed) 9 steps (9 passed) """ Scenario: --dry-run When I run cucumber --dry-run --no-snippets features/*.feature --tags ~@lots Then it should pass with """ Feature: Calling undefined step Scenario: Call directly Given a step definition that calls an undefined step Scenario: Call via another Given call step "a step definition that calls an undefined step" Feature: Failing expectation Scenario: Failing expectation Given failing expectation Feature: Lots of undefined Scenario: Implement me Given it snows in Sahara Given it's 40 degrees in Norway And it's 40 degrees in Norway When I stop procrastinating And there is world peace Feature: multiline Background: I'm a multiline name which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given passing without a table Scenario: I'm a multiline name which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given passing without a table Scenario Outline: I'm a multiline name which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn Given without a table Examples: | state | | passing | Scenario Outline: name Given without a table Examples: I'm a multiline name which goes on and on and on for three lines yawn | state | | passing | Feature: Outline Sample Scenario: I have no steps Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | missing | passing | | passing | passing | | failing | passing | Examples: Only passing | state | other_state | | passing | passing | # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | @four Scenario: Failing Given failing \"\"\" hello \"\"\" Feature: search examples Background: Hantu Pisang background match Given passing without a table Scenario: should match Hantu Pisang Given passing without a table Scenario: Ignore me Given failing without a table Scenario Outline: Ignore me Given without a table Examples: | state | | failing | Scenario Outline: Hantu Pisang match Given without a table Examples: | state | | passing | Scenario Outline: no match in name but in examples Given without a table Examples: Hantu Pisang | state | | passing | Examples: Ignore me | state | | failing | @sample_one Feature: Tag samples @sample_two @sample_four Scenario: Passing Given missing @sample_three Scenario Outline: Given Examples: | state | | missing | @sample_three @sample_four Scenario: Skipped Given missing Feature: undefined multiline args Scenario: pystring Given a pystring \"\"\" example \"\"\" Scenario: table Given a table | table | | example | 26 scenarios (17 skipped, 8 undefined, 1 passed) 42 steps (30 skipped, 12 undefined) """ Scenario: Multiple formatters and outputs When I run cucumber --format progress --out tmp/progress.txt --format pretty --out tmp/pretty.txt --dry-run features/lots_of_undefined.feature And "examples/self_test/tmp/progress.txt" should contain """ UUUUU 1 scenario (1 undefined) 5 steps (5 undefined) """ And "examples/self_test/tmp/pretty.txt" should contain """ Feature: Lots of undefined Scenario: Implement me Given it snows in Sahara Given it's 40 degrees in Norway And it's 40 degrees in Norway When I stop procrastinating And there is world peace 1 scenario (1 undefined) 5 steps (5 undefined) """ Scenario: Run feature elements which matches a name using --name When I run cucumber --name Pisang -q features/ Then it should pass with """ Feature: search examples Background: Hantu Pisang background match Given passing without a table Scenario: should match Hantu Pisang Given passing without a table Scenario Outline: Hantu Pisang match Given without a table Examples: | state | | passing | Scenario Outline: no match in name but in examples Given without a table Examples: Hantu Pisang | state | | passing | 3 scenarios (3 passed) 6 steps (6 passed) """ Scenario: Run a single background which matches a name using --name (Useful if there is an error in it) When I run cucumber --name 'Hantu Pisang background' -q features/ Then it should pass with """ Feature: search examples Background: Hantu Pisang background match Given passing without a table 0 scenarios 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Run with a tag that exists on 2 scenarios When I run cucumber -q features --tags three Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | 2 scenarios (1 undefined, 1 passed) 2 steps (1 undefined, 1 passed) """ @mri186 Scenario: Run with a tag that exists on 1 feature When I run cucumber -q features --tags one Then it should fail with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | @four Scenario: Failing Given failing \"\"\" hello \"\"\" FAIL (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:2:in `flunker' ./features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:9:in `/^failing$/' features/sample.feature:18:in `Given failing' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/sample.feature:17 # Scenario: Failing 3 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined, 1 passed) 3 steps (1 failed, 1 undefined, 1 passed) """ Scenario: Run with a negative tag When I run cucumber -q features/sample.feature --dry-run -t ~four Then it should pass with """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | 2 scenarios (1 skipped, 1 undefined) 2 steps (1 skipped, 1 undefined) """ Scenario: Run with limited tag number When I run cucumber -q features/tags_sample.feature --dry-run -t sample_three:1 Then it should fail with """ @sample_one Feature: Tag samples @sample_three Scenario Outline: Given Examples: | state | | missing | @sample_three @sample_four Scenario: Skipped Given missing 2 scenarios (2 undefined) 2 steps (2 undefined) Failed due to exceeding the tag limit @sample_three occurred:2 limit:1 features/tags_sample.feature:9 features/tags_sample.feature:16 """ Scenario: Run with a feature tag which has a limit When I run cucumber -q features/tags_sample.feature --dry-run -t sample_one:1 Then it should fail with """ @sample_one Feature: Tag samples @sample_two @sample_four Scenario: Passing Given missing @sample_three Scenario Outline: Given Examples: | state | | missing | @sample_three @sample_four Scenario: Skipped Given missing 3 scenarios (3 undefined) 3 steps (3 undefined) Failed due to exceeding the tag limit @sample_one occurred:3 limit:1 features/tags_sample.feature:5 features/tags_sample.feature:9 features/tags_sample.feature:16 """ Scenario: Reformat files with --autoformat When I run cucumber --autoformat tmp/formatted features Then "examples/self_test/tmp/formatted/features/sample.feature" should contain """ # Feature comment @one Feature: Sample @two @three Scenario: Missing Given missing # Scenario comment @three Scenario: Passing Given passing | a | b | | c | d | @four Scenario: Failing Given failing \"\"\" hello \"\"\" """ Scenario: Run feature elements which match a name using -n When I run cucumber -n Pisang -q features/ Then it should pass with """ Feature: search examples Background: Hantu Pisang background match Given passing without a table Scenario: should match Hantu Pisang Given passing without a table Scenario Outline: Hantu Pisang match Given without a table Examples: | state | | passing | Scenario Outline: no match in name but in examples Given without a table Examples: Hantu Pisang | state | | passing | 3 scenarios (3 passed) 6 steps (6 passed) """