require 'tmpdir' require 'socket' if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" require 'mysql_isolated_server/jdbc_connection' else require 'mysql_isolated_server/mysql2_connection' end class MysqlIsolatedServer include DBConnection attr_reader :pid, :base, :port attr_accessor :params MYSQL_BASE_DIR="/usr" def initialize(options = {}) @base = options[:base] || Dir.mktmpdir("mysql_isolated", "/tmp") @mysql_data_dir="#{@base}/mysqld" @mysql_socket="#{@mysql_data_dir}/mysqld.sock" @params = options[:params] @load_data_path = options[:data_path] @port = options[:port] @allow_output = options[:allow_output] @log_bin = options[:log_bin] || "--log-bin" @parent_pid = options[:pid] @server_id = rand(2**31) end def self.thread_boot(*params) bin = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../bin/boot_isolated_server" mysql_dir, mysql_port = nil, nil restore_env = {} Thread.abort_on_exception = true do ENV.keys.grep(/GEM|BUNDLE|RUBYOPT/).each do |k| restore_env[k] = ENV.delete(k) end params = ["--pid", $$.to_s] + params pipe = IO.popen(["#{bin}"].concat(params), "r") do |pipe| mysql_dir = pipe.readline.split(' ').last mysql_port = pipe.readline.split(' ').last.to_i sleep end end while mysql_port.nil? sleep 1 end new(:port => mysql_port, :base => mysql_dir) end def make_slave_of(master) master_binlog_info = master.connection.query("show master status").first connection.query(<<-EOL change master to master_host='', master_port=#{master.port}, master_user='root', master_password='', master_log_file='#{master_binlog_info['File']}', master_log_pos=#{master_binlog_info['Position']} EOL ) connection.query("SLAVE START") connection.query("SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=1") end def set_rw(rw) ro = rw ? 0 : 1 connection.query("SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=#{ro}") end def locate_executable(*candidates) output = `which #{candidates.join(' ')}` raise "I couldn't find any of these: #{candidates.join(',')} in $PATH" if output.chomp.empty? output.split("\n").first end def up! mysqld = locate_executable("mysqld") exec_server <<-EOL #{mysqld} --no-defaults --default-storage-engine=innodb \ --datadir=#{@mysql_data_dir} --pid-file=#{@base}/ --port=#{@port} \ #{@params} --socket=#{@mysql_data_dir}/mysql.sock #{@log_bin} --log-slave-updates EOL while !system("mysql -h127.0.0.1 --port=#{@port} --database=mysql -u root -e 'select 1' >/dev/null 2>&1") sleep(0.1) end end def down! Process.kill("TERM", @pid) while (Process.kill 0, @pid rescue false) sleep 1 end @cx = nil end def boot! @port ||= grab_free_port system("rm -Rf #{@mysql_data_dir}") system("mkdir #{@mysql_data_dir}") if @load_data_path system("cp -a #{@load_data_path}/* #{@mysql_data_dir}") system("rm -f #{@mysql_data_dir}/") else mysql_install_db = locate_executable("mysql_install_db") idb_path = File.dirname(mysql_install_db) system("(cd #{idb_path}/..; mysql_install_db --datadir=#{@mysql_data_dir} --user=`whoami`) >/dev/null 2>&1") system("cp #{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/tables/user.* #{@mysql_data_dir}/mysql") end if !@log_bin @log_bin = "--log-bin" else if @log_bin[0] != '/' binlog_dir = "#{@mysql_data_dir}/#{@log_bin}" else binlog_dir = @log_bin end system("mkdir -p #{binlog_dir}") @log_bin = "--log-bin=#{binlog_dir}" end up! tzinfo_to_sql = locate_executable("mysql_tzinfo_to_sql5", "mysql_tzinfo_to_sql") raise "could not find mysql_tzinfo_to_sql" unless tzinfo_to_sql system("#{tzinfo_to_sql} /usr/share/zoneinfo 2>/dev/null | mysql -h127.0.0.1 --database=mysql --port=#{@port} -u root mysql ") connection.query("SET GLOBAL time_zone='UTC'") connection.query("SET GLOBAL server_id=#{@server_id}") end def grab_free_port while true candidate=9000 + rand(50_000) begin socket =, :STREAM, 0) socket.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(candidate, '')) socket.close return candidate rescue Exception => e puts e end end end attr_reader :pid def exec_server(cmd) cmd.strip! cmd.gsub!(/\\\n/, ' ') devnull ="/dev/null", "w") system("mkdir -p #{base}/tmp") system("chmod 0777 #{base}/tmp") parent_pid = @parent_pid || $$ mysql_pid = nil $stderr.puts cmd middle_pid = fork do mysql_pid = fork do ENV["TMPDIR"] = "#{base}/tmp" if !@allow_output STDOUT.reopen(devnull) STDERR.reopen(devnull) end exec(cmd) end # begin waiting for the parent (or mysql) to die; at_exit is hard to control when interacting with test/unit # we can also be killed by our parent with down! and up! # ["TERM", "INT"].each do |sig| trap(sig) do Process.kill("KILL", mysql_pid) rescue nil cleanup! exit! end end while true begin Process.kill(0, parent_pid) Process.kill(0, mysql_pid) rescue Exception => e Process.kill("KILL", mysql_pid) rescue nil cleanup! exit! end sleep 1 end at end @pid = middle_pid end def cleanup! system("rm -Rf #{base}") end def kill! return unless @pid system("kill -KILL #{@pid}") end end