require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_group 'v3', 'lib/schemacop/v3' add_group 'v2', 'lib/schemacop/v2' # We don't care about the test coverage for the # tests themselves add_filter 'test' # Also enable branch coverage reporting enable_coverage :branch end # TODO: Move to more sensible location def assert_verr(&block) assert_raises(Schemacop::V2::Exceptions::ValidationError, &block) end # TODO: Move to more sensible location def assert_nothing_raised(&_block) yield assert true end require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/reporters' require 'schemacop' require 'pry' require 'colorize' require 'byebug' Minitest::Reporters.use! [ true)] class SchemacopTest < Minitest::Test def assert_is_a(klass, object) assert object.is_a?(klass), "Expected object with class #{object.class.inspect} to be a #{klass.inspect}." end end class V2Test < SchemacopTest def setup Schemacop.default_schema_version = 2 end end class V3Test < SchemacopTest class ValidationAssertion attr_reader :errors def initialize(&block) @errors = {} instance_exec(&block) end def error(path, exp) @errors[path] ||= [] @errors[path] << exp end end def setup Schemacop.default_schema_version = 3 end # Help test raise errors message # def assert_raises_with_message(exception, expected, msg = nil, &block) case expected when String assert = :assert_equal when Regexp assert = :assert_match else fail TypeError, "Expected #{expected.inspect} to be a kind of String or Regexp, not #{expected.class}" end ex = assert_raises(exception, *msg, &block) msg = message(msg, '') { "Expected Exception(#{exception}) was raised, but the message doesn't match" } if assert == :assert_equal assert_equal(expected, ex.message, msg) else msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp expected} to match #{mu_pp ex.message}" } assert expected =~ ex.message, msg block.binding.eval('proc{|_|$~=_}').call($LAST_MATCH_INFO) end return ex end def schema(type = :hash, **options, &block) @schema =, **options, &block) end def with_context(context, &block) Schemacop.with_context(context, &block) end def assert_validation(data, &block) result = @schema.validate(data) if block_given? assertion = assert_equal assertion.errors.keys.sort, result.messages_by_path.keys.sort, 'Unexpected validation error paths' assertion.errors.each do |path, expected_errors| actual_errors = result.messages_by_path[path].dup assert_equal expected_errors.size, actual_errors.size, "Unexpected number of messages for path #{path}" expected_errors.each do |expected_error| match = actual_errors.find do |ae| if expected_error.is_a?(Regexp) expected_error.match?(ae) else expected_error == ae end end if match actual_errors.delete(match) else assert match, <<~ERROR.strip Errors mismatch in path #{path}: Expected -------- #{} #{'Actual'.red} #{'------'.red} #{result.messages_by_path[path].join("\n\n").green} ERROR end end end else assert result.errors.empty?, "Expected data #{data.inspect} to match schema #{@schema.as_json}, but got errors: #{result.messages}." end end def assert_json(expected_json) # TODO: Double "as_json" should not be necessary assert_equal expected_json.as_json, @schema.as_json.as_json end def assert_swagger_json(expected_json) # TODO: Double "as_json" should not be necessary Schemacop.context.with_json_format(:swagger) do assert_equal expected_json.as_json, @schema.as_json.as_json end end def assert_match_any(array, exp) assert array.any? { |element| element.match?(exp) }, "Expected any of #{array.inspect} to match #{exp}." end def assert_cast(input_data, expected_data) input_data_was = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(input_data)) result = @schema.validate(input_data) assert_empty result.errors if expected_data.nil? assert_nil, 'Unexpected result data.' else assert_equal expected_data,, 'Unexpected result data.' end if input_data.nil? assert_nil input_data_was, 'Expected input_data to stay the same.' else assert_equal input_data, input_data_was, 'Expected input_data to stay the same.' end end end