#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # usage: patchmaster [-n] [-i] [-w] [-p port] [-t] [-d] [pm_file] # # Starts PatchMaster and optionally loads pm_file. # # The -n flag tells PatchMaster to not use MIDI. All MIDI errors such as not # being able to connect to the MIDI instruments specified in pm_file are # ignored, and no MIDI data is sent/received. That is useful if you want to # run PatchMaster without actually talking to any MIDI instruments. # # To run PatchMaster from within an IRB session use -i. See the # documentation for details on the commands that are available. # # To run PatchMaster using a Web browser GUI use -w and point your browser # at http://localhost:4567. To change the port, use -p. # # To run PatchMaster without a GUI use -t. All output will go to the # console. The app will run until interrupted. (If you do this, you might # want to create a trigger that calls `panic', because you won't be able to # use the computer keyboard to do that.) # # The =-d= flag turns on debug mode. The app becomes slightly more verbose # and logs everything to `/tmp/pm_debug.txt'. require 'optparse' use_midi = true gui = :curses port = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: patchmaster [options] [pm_file]" opts.on("-d", "--debug", "Turn on debug mode") { $DEBUG = true } opts.on("-n", "--no-midi", "Turn off MIDI processing") { use_midi = false } opts.on("-i", "--irb", "Use an IRB console") { gui = :irb } opts.on("-w", "--web", "Use a Web browser GUI") { gui = :web } opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", "Web browser GUI port number") { |opt| port = opt.to_i } opts.on("-t", "--text", "--nw", "--no-window", "No windows") { gui = :text } opts.on_tail("-h", "-?", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit 0 end end.parse!(ARGV) # Must require patchmaster here, after handling options, because Singleton # initialize code checks $DEBUG. require 'patchmaster' pm = PM::PatchMaster.instance pm.use_midi = use_midi pm.load(ARGV[0]) if ARGV[0] case gui when :curses require 'patchmaster/curses/main' pm.gui = PM::Main.instance pm.run when :irb require 'patchmaster/irb' start_patchmaster_irb when :web require 'patchmaster/web/sinatra_app' app = PM::SinatraApp.instance app.port = port if port pm.gui = app pm.run end