# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `railties` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem railties`.
# :include: railties/README.rdoc
# source://railties//lib/rails/deprecator.rb#3
module Rails
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/deprecator.rb#4
def deprecator; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#11
module Rails::Command
include ::Rails::Command::Behavior
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
extend ::Rails::Command::Behavior::ClassMethods
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#116
def application_root; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#57
def environment; end
# Rails finds namespaces similar to Thor, it only adds one rule:
# Command names must end with "_command.rb". This is required because Rails
# looks in load paths and loads the command just before it's going to be used.
# find_by_namespace :webrat, :integration
# Will search for the following commands:
# "webrat", "webrat:integration", "rails:webrat", "rails:webrat:integration"
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#96
def find_by_namespace(namespace, command_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#53
def hidden_commands; end
# Receives a namespace, arguments, and the behavior to invoke the command.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#62
def invoke(full_namespace, args = T.unsafe(nil), **config); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#120
def printing_commands; end
# Returns the root of the \Rails engine or app running the command.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#108
def root; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#159
def command_type; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#167
def file_lookup_paths; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#154
def invoke_rake(task, args, config); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#163
def lookup_paths; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#127
def rails_new_with_no_path?(args); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#131
def split_namespace(namespace); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#146
def with_argv(argv); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#5
module Rails::Command::Actions
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#18
def boot_application!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#23
def load_environment_config!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#46
def load_generators; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#42
def load_tasks; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#13
def require_application!; end
# Change to the application's path if there is no config.ru file in current directory.
# This allows us to run rails server from other directories, but still get
# the main config.ru and properly set the tmp directory.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/actions.rb#9
def set_application_directory!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#14
class Rails::Command::Base < ::Thor
include ::Rails::Command::Actions
# source://thor/1.3.0/lib/thor/base.rb#155
def current_subcommand; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#172
def executable(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#175
def invoke_command(command, *_arg1); end
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#86
def banner(command = T.unsafe(nil), *_arg1); end
# Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace.
# Rails::Command::TestCommand.base_name # => 'rails'
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#106
def base_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#20
def bin; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#20
def bin=(value); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#20
def bin?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#122
def class_usage; end
# Return command name without namespaces.
# Rails::Command::TestCommand.command_name # => 'test'
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#115
def command_name; end
# Default file root to place extra files a command might need, placed
# one folder above the command file.
# For a Rails::Command::TestCommand placed in rails/command/test_command.rb
# would return rails/test.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#139
def default_command_root; end
# Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the command
# root.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#34
def desc(usage = T.unsafe(nil), description = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns true when the app is a \Rails engine.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#28
def engine?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#82
def executable(command_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#23
def exit_on_failure?; end
# Override Thor's class-level help to also show the USAGE.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#98
def help(shell, *_arg1); end
# Convenience method to hide this command from the available ones when
# running rails command.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#55
def hide_command!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#59
def inherited(base); end
# Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the
# same as Thor default except that the Command at the end of the class
# is removed.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#45
def namespace(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#67
def perform(command, args, config); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#76
def printing_commands; end
# Path to lookup a USAGE description in a file.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#129
def usage_path; end
# Allow the command method to be called perform.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#146
def create_command(meth); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#159
def namespaced_name(name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#164
def resolve_path(path); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/base.rb#15
class Rails::Command::Base::Error < ::Thor::Error; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#7
module Rails::Command::Behavior
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::Rails::Command::Behavior::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#0
module Rails::Command::Behavior::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#12
def no_color!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#17
def subclasses; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#36
def lookup(namespaces); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#56
def lookup!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#70
def namespaces_to_paths(namespaces); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command/behavior.rb#23
def print_list(base, namespaces); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#17
class Rails::Command::CorrectableNameError < ::StandardError
include ::DidYouMean::Correctable
# @return [CorrectableNameError] a new instance of CorrectableNameError
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#20
def initialize(message, name, alternatives); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#35
def corrections; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#18
def name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#49
Rails::Command::HELP_MAPPINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#41
class Rails::Command::UnrecognizedCommandError < ::Rails::Command::CorrectableNameError
# @return [UnrecognizedCommandError] a new instance of UnrecognizedCommandError
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#42
def initialize(name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/command.rb#50
Rails::Command::VERSION_MAPPINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#14
module Rails::Generators
include ::Rails::Command::Behavior
extend ::Rails::Command::Behavior::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#27
def namespace; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#27
def namespace=(val); end
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#274
def add_generated_file(file); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#88
def after_generate_callbacks; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#80
def aliases; end
# Configure generators for API only applications. It basically hides
# everything that is usually browser related, such as assets and session
# migration generators, and completely disable helpers and assets
# so generators such as scaffold won't create them.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#112
def api_only!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#64
def configure!(config); end
# Hold configured generators fallbacks. If a plugin developer wants a
# generator group to fall back to another group in case of missing generators,
# they can add a fallback.
# For example, shoulda is considered a test_framework and is an extension
# of test_unit. However, most part of shoulda generators are similar to
# test_unit ones.
# Shoulda then can tell generators to search for test_unit generators when
# some of them are not available by adding a fallback:
# Rails::Generators.fallbacks[:shoulda] = :test_unit
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#104
def fallbacks; end
# Rails finds namespaces similar to Thor, it only adds one rule:
# Generators names must end with "_generator.rb". This is required because Rails
# looks in load paths and loads the generator just before it's going to be used.
# find_by_namespace :webrat, :rails, :integration
# Will search for the following generators:
# "rails:webrat", "webrat:integration", "webrat"
# Notice that "rails:generators:webrat" could be loaded as well, what
# Rails looks for is the first and last parts of the namespace.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#230
def find_by_namespace(name, base = T.unsafe(nil), context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Show help message with available generators.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#165
def help(command = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns an array of generator namespaces that are hidden.
# Generator namespaces may be hidden for a variety of reasons.
# Some are aliased such as "rails:migration" and can be
# invoked with the shorter "migration".
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#130
def hidden_namespaces; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#159
def hide_namespace(*namespaces); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#159
def hide_namespaces(*namespaces); end
# Receives a namespace, arguments, and the behavior to invoke the generator.
# It's used as the default entry point for generate, destroy, and update
# commands.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#257
def invoke(namespace, args = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#27
def namespace; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#27
def namespace=(val); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#84
def options; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#187
def print_generators; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#182
def public_namespaces; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#191
def sorted_groups; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#76
def templates_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#301
def command_type; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#309
def file_lookup_paths; end
# Try fallbacks for the given base.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#286
def invoke_fallbacks_for(name, base); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#305
def lookup_paths; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#280
def print_list(base, namespaces); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#313
def run_after_generate_callback; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#9
module Rails::Generators::Actions
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#10
def initialize(*_arg0); end
# Add the given source to +Gemfile+
# If block is given, gem entries in block are wrapped into the source group.
# add_source "http://gems.github.com/"
# add_source "http://gems.github.com/" do
# gem "rspec-rails"
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#151
def add_source(source, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Adds configuration code to a \Rails runtime environment.
# By default, adds code inside the +Application+ class in
# +config/application.rb+ so that it applies to all environments.
# environment %(config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com")
# Results in:
# # config/application.rb
# class Application < Rails::Application
# config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com"
# # ...
# end
# If the +:env+ option is specified, the code will be added to the
# corresponding file in +config/environments+ instead.
# environment %(config.asset_host = "localhost:3000"), env: "development"
# Results in:
# # config/environments/development.rb
# Rails.application.configure do
# config.asset_host = "localhost:3000"
# # ...
# end
# +:env+ can also be an array. In which case, the code is added to each
# corresponding file in +config/environments+.
# The code can also be specified as the return value of the block:
# environment do
# %(config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com")
# end
# environment(nil, env: "development") do
# %(config.asset_host = "localhost:3000")
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#206
def application(data = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds configuration code to a \Rails runtime environment.
# By default, adds code inside the +Application+ class in
# +config/application.rb+ so that it applies to all environments.
# environment %(config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com")
# Results in:
# # config/application.rb
# class Application < Rails::Application
# config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com"
# # ...
# end
# If the +:env+ option is specified, the code will be added to the
# corresponding file in +config/environments+ instead.
# environment %(config.asset_host = "localhost:3000"), env: "development"
# Results in:
# # config/environments/development.rb
# Rails.application.configure do
# config.asset_host = "localhost:3000"
# # ...
# end
# +:env+ can also be an array. In which case, the code is added to each
# corresponding file in +config/environments+.
# The code can also be specified as the return value of the block:
# environment do
# %(config.asset_host = "cdn.provider.com")
# end
# environment(nil, env: "development") do
# %(config.asset_host = "localhost:3000")
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#206
def environment(data = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds a +gem+ declaration to the +Gemfile+ for the specified gem.
# gem "rspec", group: :test
# gem "technoweenie-restful-authentication", lib: "restful-authentication", source: "http://gems.github.com/"
# gem "rails", "3.0", git: "https://github.com/rails/rails"
# gem "RedCloth", ">= 4.1.0", "< 4.2.0"
# gem "rspec", comment: "Put this comment above the gem declaration"
# Note that this method only adds the gem to the +Gemfile+; it does not
# install the gem.
# ==== Options
# [+:version+]
# The version constraints for the gem, specified as a string or an
# array of strings:
# gem "my_gem", version: "~> 1.1"
# gem "my_gem", version: [">= 1.1", "< 2.0"]
# Alternatively, can be specified as one or more arguments following the
# gem name:
# gem "my_gem", ">= 1.1", "< 2.0"
# [+:comment+]
# Outputs a comment above the +gem+ declaration in the +Gemfile+.
# gem "my_gem", comment: "First line.\nSecond line."
# Outputs:
# # First line.
# # Second line.
# gem "my_gem"
# [+:group+]
# The gem group in the +Gemfile+ that the gem belongs to.
# [+:git+]
# The URL of the git repository for the gem.
# Any additional options passed to this method will be appended to the
# +gem+ declaration in the +Gemfile+. For example:
# gem "my_gem", comment: "Edge my_gem", git: "https://example.com/my_gem.git", branch: "master"
# Outputs:
# # Edge my_gem
# gem "my_gem", git: "https://example.com/my_gem.git", branch: "master"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#67
def gem(*args); end
# Wraps gem entries inside a group.
# gem_group :development, :test do
# gem "rspec-rails"
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#111
def gem_group(*names, &block); end
# Runs another generator.
# generate "scaffold", "Post title:string body:text"
# generate "scaffold", "Post", "title:string", "body:text"
# The first argument is the generator name, and the remaining arguments
# are joined together and passed to the generator.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#332
def generate(what, *args); end
# Runs one or more git commands.
# git :init
# # => runs `git init`
# git add: "this.file that.rb"
# # => runs `git add this.file that.rb`
# git commit: "-m 'First commit'"
# # => runs `git commit -m 'First commit'`
# git add: "good.rb", rm: "bad.cxx"
# # => runs `git add good.rb; git rm bad.cxx`
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#237
def git(commands = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#125
def github(repo, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates an initializer file in +config/initializers/+. The code can be
# specified as an argument or as the return value of the block.
# initializer "api.rb", <<~RUBY
# API_KEY = "123456"
# initializer "api.rb" do
# %(API_KEY = "123456")
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#319
def initializer(filename, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates a file in +lib/+. The contents can be specified as an argument
# or as the return value of the block.
# lib "foreign.rb", <<~RUBY
# # Foreign code is fun
# lib "foreign.rb" do
# "# Foreign code is fun"
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#275
def lib(filename, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs the specified \Rails command.
# rails_command "db:migrate"
# rails_command "db:migrate", env: "production"
# rails_command "db:migrate", abort_on_failure: true
# rails_command "stats", capture: true
# rails_command "gems:install", sudo: true
# ==== Options
# [+:env+]
# The \Rails environment in which to run the command. Defaults to
# ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development".
# [+:abort_on_failure+]
# Whether to halt the generator if the command exits with a non-success
# exit status.
# [+:capture+]
# Whether to capture and return the output of the command.
# [+:sudo+]
# Whether to run the command using +sudo+.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#391
def rails_command(command, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs the specified Rake task.
# rake "db:migrate"
# rake "db:migrate", env: "production"
# rake "db:migrate", abort_on_failure: true
# rake "stats", capture: true
# rake "gems:install", sudo: true
# ==== Options
# [+:env+]
# The \Rails environment in which to run the task. Defaults to
# ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development".
# [+:abort_on_failure+]
# Whether to halt the generator if the task exits with a non-success
# exit status.
# [+:capture+]
# Whether to capture and return the output of the task.
# [+:sudo+]
# Whether to run the task using +sudo+.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#364
def rake(command, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates a Rake tasks file in +lib/tasks/+. The code can be specified as
# an argument or as the return value of the block.
# rakefile "bootstrap.rake", <<~RUBY
# task :bootstrap do
# puts "Boots! Boots! Boots!"
# end
# rakefile "bootstrap.rake" do
# project = ask("What is the UNIX name of your project?")
# <<~RUBY
# namespace :#{project} do
# task :bootstrap do
# puts "Boots! Boots! Boots!"
# end
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#302
def rakefile(filename, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Reads the given file at the source root and prints it in the console.
# readme "README"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#442
def readme(path); end
# Make an entry in \Rails routing file config/routes.rb
# route "root 'welcome#index'"
# route "root 'admin#index'", namespace: :admin
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#409
def route(routing_code, namespace: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates a file in +vendor/+. The contents can be specified as an
# argument or as the return value of the block.
# vendor "foreign.rb", <<~RUBY
# # Foreign code is fun
# vendor "foreign.rb" do
# "# Foreign code is fun"
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#258
def vendor(filename, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Append string to a file with a newline if necessary
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#507
def append_file_with_newline(path, str, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs the supplied command using either "rake ..." or "rails ..."
# based on the executor parameter provided.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#461
def execute_command(executor, command, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Indent the +Gemfile+ to the depth of @indentation
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#494
def indentation; end
# Define log for backwards compatibility. If just one argument is sent,
# invoke say, otherwise invoke say_status. Differently from say and
# similarly to say_status, this method respects the quiet? option given.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#450
def log(*args); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#513
def match_file(path, pattern); end
# Returns optimized string with indentation
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#487
def optimize_indentation(value, amount = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Always returns value in double quotes.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#475
def quote(value); end
# Returns optimized string with indentation
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#487
def rebase_indentation(value, amount = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#517
def route_namespace_pattern(namespace); end
# Manage +Gemfile+ indentation for a DSL action block
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions.rb#499
def with_indentation(&block); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#9
class Rails::Generators::Actions::CreateMigration < ::Thor::Actions::CreateFile
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#41
def existing_migration; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#41
def exists?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#18
def identical?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#22
def invoke!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#10
def migration_dir; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#14
def migration_file_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#37
def relative_existing_migration; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#29
def revoke!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#48
def on_conflict_behavior; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/actions/create_migration.rb#69
def say_status(status, color, message = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# ActiveModel is a class to be implemented by each ORM to allow \Rails to
# generate customized controller code.
# The API has the same methods as ActiveRecord, but each method returns a
# string that matches the ORM API.
# For example:
# ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel.find(Foo, "params[:id]")
# # => "Foo.find(params[:id])"
# DataMapper::Generators::ActiveModel.find(Foo, "params[:id]")
# # => "Foo.get(params[:id])"
# On initialization, the ActiveModel accepts the instance name that will
# receive the calls:
# builder = ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel.new "@foo"
# builder.save # => "@foo.save"
# The only exception in ActiveModel for ActiveRecord is the use of self.build
# instead of self.new.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#28
class Rails::Generators::ActiveModel
# @return [ActiveModel] a new instance of ActiveModel
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#31
def initialize(name); end
# Used for:
# * DELETE +destroy+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#89
def destroy; end
# Used for:
# * POST +create+
# * PATCH / PUT +update+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#82
def errors; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#29
def name; end
# Used for:
# * POST +create+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#67
def save; end
# Used for:
# * PATCH / PUT +update+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#74
def update(params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# Used for:
# * GET +index+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#38
def all(klass); end
# Used for:
# * GET +new+
# * POST +create+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#56
def build(klass, params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Used for:
# * GET +show+
# * GET +edit+
# * PATCH / PUT +update+
# * DELETE +destroy+
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/active_model.rb#48
def find(klass, params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#5
module Rails::Generators::AppName
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#22
def app_const; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#17
def app_const_base; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#9
def app_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#17
def camelized; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#13
def original_app_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#26
def valid_const?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/app_name.rb#6
Rails::Generators::AppName::RESERVED_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#17
class Rails::Generators::Base < ::Thor::Group
include ::Thor::Actions
include ::Rails::Generators::Actions
extend ::Thor::Actions::ClassMethods
# Check whether the given class names are already taken by user
# application or Ruby on Rails.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#264
def class_collisions(*class_names); end
# Takes in an array of nested modules and extracts the last module
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#287
def extract_last_module(nesting); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#302
def indent(content, multiplier = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Wrap block with namespace of current application
# if namespace exists and is not skipped
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#296
def module_namespacing(&block); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#312
def namespace; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#320
def namespace_dirs; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#316
def namespaced?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#324
def namespaced_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#307
def wrap_with_namespace(content); end
class << self
# Small macro to add ruby as an option to the generator with proper
# default value plus an instance helper method called shebang.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#396
def add_shebang_option!; end
# Use \Rails default banner.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#329
def banner; end
# Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#334
def base_name; end
# Returns the base root for a common set of generators. This is used to dynamically
# guess the default source root.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#236
def base_root; end
# Make class option aware of Rails::Generators.options and Rails::Generators.aliases.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#217
def class_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns default aliases for the option name given doing a lookup in
# Rails::Generators.aliases.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#357
def default_aliases_for_option(name, options); end
# Returns default for the option name given doing a lookup in config.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#362
def default_for_option(config, name, options, default); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#422
def default_generator_root; end
# Returns the default source root for a given generator. This is used internally
# by \Rails to set its generators source root. If you want to customize your source
# root, you should use source_root.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#227
def default_source_root; end
# Returns the default value for the option name given doing a lookup in
# Rails::Generators.options.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#351
def default_value_for_option(name, options); end
# Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source
# root otherwise uses a default description.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#41
def desc(description = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#29
def exit_on_failure?; end
# Removes the namespaces and get the generator name. For example,
# Rails::Generators::ModelGenerator will return "model" as generator name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#342
def generator_name; end
# Convenience method to hide this generator from the available ones when
# running rails generator command.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#61
def hide!; end
# Invoke a generator based on the value supplied by the user to the
# given option named "name". A class option is created when this method
# is invoked and you can set a hash to customize it.
# ==== Examples
# module Rails::Generators
# class ControllerGenerator < Base
# hook_for :test_framework, aliases: "-t"
# end
# end
# The example above will create a test framework option and will invoke
# a generator based on the user supplied value.
# For example, if the user invoke the controller generator as:
# $ bin/rails generate controller Account --test-framework=test_unit
# The controller generator will then try to invoke the following generators:
# "rails:test_unit", "test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
# Notice that "rails:generators:test_unit" could be loaded as well, what
# \Rails looks for is the first and last parts of the namespace. This is what
# allows any test framework to hook into \Rails as long as it provides any
# of the hooks above.
# ==== Options
# The first and last part used to find the generator to be invoked are
# guessed based on class invokes hook_for, as noticed in the example above.
# This can be customized with two options: +:in+ and +:as+.
# Let's suppose you are creating a generator that needs to invoke the
# controller generator from test unit. Your first attempt is:
# class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
# hook_for :test_framework
# end
# The lookup in this case for test_unit as input is:
# "test_unit:awesome", "test_unit"
# Which is not the desired lookup. You can change it by providing the
# +:as+ option:
# class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
# hook_for :test_framework, as: :controller
# end
# And now it will look up at:
# "test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
# Similarly, if you want it to also look up in the rails namespace, you
# just need to provide the +:in+ value:
# class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
# hook_for :test_framework, in: :rails, as: :controller
# end
# And the lookup is exactly the same as previously:
# "rails:test_unit", "test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
# ==== Switches
# All hooks come with switches for user interface. If you do not want
# to use any test framework, you can do:
# $ bin/rails generate controller Account --skip-test-framework
# Or similarly:
# $ bin/rails generate controller Account --no-test-framework
# ==== Boolean hooks
# In some cases, you may want to provide a boolean hook. For example, webrat
# developers might want to have webrat available on controller generator.
# This can be achieved as:
# Rails::Generators::ControllerGenerator.hook_for :webrat, type: :boolean
# Then, if you want webrat to be invoked, just supply:
# $ bin/rails generate controller Account --webrat
# The hooks lookup is similar as above:
# "rails:generators:webrat", "webrat:generators:controller", "webrat"
# ==== Custom invocations
# You can also supply a block to hook_for to customize how the hook is
# going to be invoked. The block receives two arguments, an instance
# of the current class and the class to be invoked.
# For example, in the resource generator, the controller should be invoked
# with a pluralized class name. But by default it is invoked with the same
# name as the resource generator, which is singular. To change this, we
# can give a block to customize how the controller can be invoked.
# hook_for :resource_controller do |instance, controller|
# instance.invoke controller, [ instance.name.pluralize ]
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#174
def hook_for(*names, &block); end
# Keep hooks configuration that are used on prepare_for_invocation.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#375
def hooks; end
# Cache source root and add lib/generators/base/generator/templates to
# source paths.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#242
def inherited(base); end
# Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the
# same as Thor default except that the Generator at the end of the class
# is removed.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#54
def namespace(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Prepare class invocation to search on Rails namespace if a previous
# added hook is being used.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#381
def prepare_for_invocation(name, value); end
# Remove a previously added hook.
# remove_hook_for :orm
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#207
def remove_hook_for(*names); end
# Returns the source root for this generator using default_source_root as default.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#34
def source_root(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#414
def usage_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#29
Rails::Generators::DEFAULT_ALIASES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators.rb#46
Rails::Generators::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#5
module Rails::Generators::Database
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#9
def initialize(*_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#62
def build_package_for_database(database = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#50
def convert_database_option_for_jruby; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#70
def deploy_package_for_database(database = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#30
def docker_for_database_build(database = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#40
def docker_for_database_deploy(database = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#14
def gem_for_database(database = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#80
def mysql_socket; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#7
Rails::Generators::Database::DATABASES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/database.rb#6
Rails::Generators::Database::JDBC_DATABASES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/base.rb#14
class Rails::Generators::Error < ::Thor::Error; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#7
class Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute
# @return [GeneratedAttribute] a new instance of GeneratedAttribute
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#109
def initialize(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), index_type = T.unsafe(nil), attr_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#211
def attachment?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#215
def attachments?; end
# Returns the value of attribute attr_options.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#31
def attr_options; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#171
def column_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#133
def default; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#117
def field_type; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#175
def foreign_key?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#191
def has_index?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#195
def has_uniq_index?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#159
def human_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#163
def index_name; end
# Sets the attribute index_name
# @param value the value to set the attribute index_name to.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#32
def index_name=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#227
def inject_index_options; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#223
def inject_options; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#30
def name; end
# Sets the attribute name
# @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#30
def name=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#231
def options_for_migration; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#199
def password_digest?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#151
def plural_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#183
def polymorphic?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#179
def reference?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#187
def required?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#207
def rich_text?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#155
def singular_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#203
def token?; end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#30
def type; end
# Sets the attribute type
# @param value the value to set the attribute type to.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#30
def type=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#219
def virtual?; end
class << self
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#67
def dangerous_name?(name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#35
def parse(column_definition); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#82
def reference?(type); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#78
def valid_index_type?(index_type); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#72
def valid_type?(type); end
# parse possible attribute options like :limit for string/text/binary/integer, :precision/:scale for decimals or :polymorphic for references/belongs_to
# when declaring options curly brackets should be used
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#89
def parse_type_and_options(type); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#10
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute::DEFAULT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#8
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute::INDEX_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb#9
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute::UNIQ_INDEX_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Holds common methods for migrations. It assumes that migrations have the
# [0-9]*_name format and can be used by other frameworks (like Sequel)
# just by implementing the next migration version method.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#11
module Rails::Generators::Migration
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::Rails::Generators::Migration::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#35
def create_migration(destination, data, config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute migration_class_name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#13
def migration_class_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute migration_file_name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#13
def migration_file_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute migration_number.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#13
def migration_number; end
# Creates a migration template at the given destination. The difference
# to the default template method is that the migration version is appended
# to the destination file name.
# The migration version, migration file name, migration class name are
# available as instance variables in the template to be rendered.
# migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate/add_foo_to_bar.rb"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#56
def migration_template(source, destination, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#39
def set_migration_assigns!(destination); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#15
module Rails::Generators::Migration::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#24
def current_migration_number(dirname); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#20
def migration_exists?(dirname, file_name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#16
def migration_lookup_at(dirname); end
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/migration.rb#30
def next_migration_number(dirname); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#7
module Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#26
def initialize(args, *_options); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#19
def skip_warn; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#19
def skip_warn=(val); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#56
def inflection_impossible?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#52
def irregular_model_name?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#48
def plural_model_name?(name); end
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#21
def included(base); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#19
def skip_warn; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#19
def skip_warn=(val); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#14
Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers::INFLECTION_IMPOSSIBLE_ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#10
Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers::IRREGULAR_MODEL_NAME_WARN_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/model_helpers.rb#8
Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers::PLURAL_MODEL_NAME_WARN_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#8
class Rails::Generators::NamedBase < ::Rails::Generators::Base
# @return [NamedBase] a new instance of NamedBase
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#11
def initialize(args, *options); end
# Returns the value of attribute file_name.
# source://thor/1.3.0/lib/thor/base.rb#155
def file_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#29
def js_template(source, destination); end
# source://thor/1.3.0/lib/thor/base.rb#163
def name; end
# source://thor/1.3.0/lib/thor/base.rb#163
def name=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#23
def template(source, *args, &block); end
# Tries to retrieve the application name or simply return application.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#138
def application_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#175
def assign_names!(name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#188
def attributes_names; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#70
def class_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#58
def class_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#105
def edit_helper(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#54
def file_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#125
def fixture_file_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#74
def human_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#82
def i18n_scope; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#97
def index_helper(type: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#43
def inside_template; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#50
def inside_template?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#150
def model_resource_name(base_name = T.unsafe(nil), prefix: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#200
def mountable_engine?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#66
def namespaced_class_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#109
def new_helper(type: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Convert attributes array into GeneratedAttribute objects.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#182
def parse_attributes!; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#121
def plural_file_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#78
def plural_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#167
def plural_route_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#117
def plural_table_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#196
def pluralize_table_names?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#146
def redirect_resource_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#62
def regular_class_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#129
def route_url; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#101
def show_helper(arg = T.unsafe(nil), type: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# FIXME: We are avoiding to use alias because a bug on thor that make
# this method public and add it to the task list.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#39
def singular_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#159
def singular_route_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#113
def singular_table_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#86
def table_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#93
def uncountable?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#133
def url_helper_prefix; end
class << self
# Add a class collisions name to be checked on class initialization. You
# can supply a hash with a +:prefix+ or +:suffix+ to be tested.
# ==== Examples
# check_class_collision suffix: "Decorator"
# If the generator is invoked with class name Admin, it will check for
# the presence of "AdminDecorator".
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/named_base.rb#214
def check_class_collision(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Deal with controller names on scaffold and add some helpers to deal with
# ActiveModel.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#10
module Rails::Generators::ResourceHelpers
include ::Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers
# Set controller variables on initialization.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#17
def initialize(*args); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#39
def assign_controller_names!(name); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#50
def controller_class_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#31
def controller_class_path; end
# Returns the value of attribute controller_file_name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#29
def controller_file_name; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#46
def controller_file_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#54
def controller_i18n_scope; end
# Returns the value of attribute controller_name.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#29
def controller_name; end
# Loads the ORM::Generators::ActiveModel class. This class is responsible
# to tell scaffold entities how to generate a specific method for the
# ORM. Check Rails::Generators::ActiveModel for more information.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#61
def orm_class; end
# Initialize ORM::Generators::ActiveModel to access instance methods.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#77
def orm_instance(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/resource_helpers.rb#11
def included(base); end
# This class provides a TestCase for testing generators. To set up, you need
# just to configure the destination and set which generator is being tested:
# class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
# tests AppGenerator
# destination File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__)
# end
# If you want to ensure your destination root is clean before running each test,
# you can set a setup callback:
# class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
# tests AppGenerator
# destination File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__)
# setup :prepare_destination
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/test_case.rb#30
class Rails::Generators::TestCase < ::ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ::ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
include ::Rails::Generators::Testing::Behavior
include ::Rails::Generators::Testing::SetupAndTeardown
include ::Rails::Generators::Testing::Assertions
include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_
include ::FileUtils
extend ::Rails::Generators::Testing::Behavior::ClassMethods
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class=(_arg0); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class?; end
class << self
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path=(value); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#21
def current_path?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments=(value); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#22
def default_arguments?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root=(value); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#23
def destination_root?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class=(value); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#24
def generator_class?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#13
module Rails::Generators::Testing
include ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#6
module Rails::Generators::Testing::Assertions
# Asserts the given class method exists in the given content. This method does not detect
# class methods inside (class << self), only class methods which starts with "self.".
# When a block is given, it yields the content of the method.
# assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |migration|
# assert_class_method :up, migration do |up|
# assert_match(/create_table/, up)
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#88
def assert_class_method(method, content, &block); end
# Asserts a given file exists. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative
# to the configured destination:
# assert_file "config/environment.rb"
# You can also give extra arguments. If the argument is a regexp, it will check if the
# regular expression matches the given file content. If it's a string, it compares the
# file with the given string:
# assert_file "config/environment.rb", /initialize/
# Finally, when a block is given, it yields the file content:
# assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
# assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
# assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#25
def assert_directory(relative, *contents); end
# Asserts the given attribute type gets a proper default value:
# assert_field_default_value :string, "MyString"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#117
def assert_field_default_value(attribute_type, value); end
# Asserts the given attribute type gets translated to a field type
# properly:
# assert_field_type :date, :date_select
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#110
def assert_field_type(attribute_type, field_type); end
# Asserts a given file exists. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative
# to the configured destination:
# assert_file "config/environment.rb"
# You can also give extra arguments. If the argument is a regexp, it will check if the
# regular expression matches the given file content. If it's a string, it compares the
# file with the given string:
# assert_file "config/environment.rb", /initialize/
# Finally, when a block is given, it yields the file content:
# assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
# assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
# assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#25
def assert_file(relative, *contents); end
# Asserts the given method exists in the given content. When a block is given,
# it yields the content of the method.
# assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
# assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
# assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#100
def assert_instance_method(method, content); end
# Asserts the given method exists in the given content. When a block is given,
# it yields the content of the method.
# assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
# assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
# assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
# end
# end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#100
def assert_method(method, content); end
# Asserts a given migration exists. You need to supply an absolute path or a
# path relative to the configured destination:
# assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb"
# This method manipulates the given path and tries to find any migration which
# matches the migration name. For example, the call above is converted to:
# assert_file "db/migrate/003_create_products.rb"
# Consequently, assert_migration accepts the same arguments has assert_file.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#64
def assert_migration(relative, *contents, &block); end
# Asserts a given file does not exist. You need to supply an absolute path or a
# path relative to the configured destination:
# assert_no_file "config/random.rb"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#47
def assert_no_directory(relative); end
# Asserts a given file does not exist. You need to supply an absolute path or a
# path relative to the configured destination:
# assert_no_file "config/random.rb"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#47
def assert_no_file(relative); end
# Asserts a given migration does not exist. You need to supply an absolute path or a
# path relative to the configured destination:
# assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb"
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb#74
def assert_no_migration(relative); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#14
module Rails::Generators::Testing::Behavior
include ::ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::Rails::Generators::Testing::Behavior::ClassMethods
# Create a Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute by supplying the
# attribute type and, optionally, the attribute name:
# create_generated_attribute(:string, "name")
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#85
def create_generated_attribute(attribute_type, name = T.unsafe(nil), index = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Instantiate the generator.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#77
def generator(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Runs the generator configured for this class. The first argument is an array like
# command line arguments:
# class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
# tests AppGenerator
# destination File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__)
# setup :prepare_destination
# test "database.yml is not created when skipping Active Record" do
# run_generator %w(myapp --skip-active-record)
# assert_no_file "config/database.yml"
# end
# end
# You can provide a configuration hash as second argument. This method returns the output
# printed by the generator.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#67
def run_generator(args = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#90
def destination_root_is_set?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#94
def ensure_current_path; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#104
def migration_file_name(relative); end
# Clears all files and directories in destination.
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#99
def prepare_destination; end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def current_path; end
def current_path=(value); end
def current_path?; end
def default_arguments; end
def default_arguments=(value); end
def default_arguments?; end
def destination_root; end
def destination_root=(value); end
def destination_root?; end
def generator_class; end
def generator_class=(value); end
def generator_class?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods
def current_path; end
def current_path=(value); end
def current_path?; end
def default_arguments; end
def default_arguments=(value); end
def default_arguments?; end
def destination_root; end
def destination_root=(value); end
def destination_root?; end
def generator_class; end
def generator_class=(value); end
def generator_class?; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#27
module Rails::Generators::Testing::Behavior::ClassMethods
# Sets default arguments on generator invocation. This can be overwritten when
# invoking it.
# arguments %w(app_name --skip-active-record)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#39
def arguments(array); end
# Sets the destination of generator files:
# destination File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__)
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#46
def destination(path); end
# Sets which generator should be tested:
# tests AppGenerator
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/behavior.rb#31
def tests(klass); end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb#6
module Rails::Generators::Testing::SetupAndTeardown
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb#7
def setup; end
# source://railties//lib/rails/generators/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb#13
def teardown; end