# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid module Touchable module InstanceMethods # Touch the document, in effect updating its updated_at timestamp and # optionally the provided field to the current time. If any belongs_to # associations exist with a touch option, they will be updated as well. # # @example Update the updated_at timestamp. # document.touch # # @example Update the updated_at and provided timestamps. # document.touch(:audited) # # @note This will not autobuild associations if those options are set. # # @param [ Symbol ] field The name of an additional field to update. # # @return [ true/false ] false if record is new_record otherwise true. # # @since 3.0.0 def touch(field = nil) return false if _root.new_record? current = Time.now field = database_field_name(field) write_attribute(:updated_at, current) if respond_to?("updated_at=") write_attribute(field, current) if field # If the document being touched is embedded, touch its parents # all the way through the composition hierarchy to the root object, # because when an embedded document is changed the write is actually # performed by the composition root. See MONGOID-3468. if _parent # This will persist updated_at on this document as well as parents. # TODO support passing the field name to the parent's touch method; # I believe it should be read out of # _association.inverse_association.options but inverse_association # seems to not always/ever be set here. See MONGOID-5014. _parent.touch if field # If we are told to also touch a field, perform a separate write # for that field. See MONGOID-5136. # In theory we should combine the writes, which would require # passing the fields to be updated to the parents - MONGOID-5142. sets = set_field_atomic_updates(field) selector = atomic_selector _root.collection.find(selector).update_one(positionally(selector, sets), session: _session) end else # If the current document is not embedded, it is composition root # and we need to persist the write here. touches = touch_atomic_updates(field) unless touches["$set"].blank? selector = atomic_selector _root.collection.find(selector).update_one(positionally(selector, touches), session: _session) end end # Callbacks are invoked on the composition root first and on the # leaf-most embedded document last. # TODO add tests, see MONGOID-5015. run_callbacks(:touch) true end end extend self # Add the association to the touchable associations if the touch option was # provided. # # @example Add the touchable. # Model.define_touchable!(assoc) # # @param [ Association ] association The association metadata. # # @return [ Class ] The model class. # # @since 3.0.0 def define_touchable!(association) name = association.name method_name = define_relation_touch_method(name, association) association.inverse_class.tap do |klass| klass.after_save method_name klass.after_destroy method_name klass.after_touch method_name end end private # Define the method that will get called for touching belongs_to # associations. # # @api private # # @example Define the touch association. # Model.define_relation_touch_method(:band) # Model.define_relation_touch_method(:band, :band_updated_at) # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the association. # @param [ Association ] association The association metadata. # # @since 3.1.0 # # @return [ Symbol ] The method name. def define_relation_touch_method(name, association) relation_classes = if association.polymorphic? association.send(:inverse_association_classes) else [ association.relation_class ] end relation_classes.each { |c| c.send(:include, InstanceMethods) } method_name = "touch_#{name}_after_create_or_destroy" association.inverse_class.class_eval do define_method(method_name) do without_autobuild do if relation = __send__(name) if association.touch_field # Note that this looks up touch_field at runtime, rather than # at method definition time. relation.touch association.touch_field else relation.touch end end end end end method_name.to_sym end end end