begin require 'mongo_mutation' require 'mongo_crushyform' require 'mongo_stash' rescue LoadError nil end require 'bureau/adapter' module BackendApiAdapter module ClassMethods def backend_get(id); id=='unique' ? find_one : get(id); end def backend_post(doc=nil); inst = new(doc); inst.is_new = true; inst; end end module InstanceMethods def backend_delete; delete; end def backend_put(fields); update_doc(fields); end def backend_values; @doc; end def backend_save?; !save.nil?; end def backend_form(url, cols=nil, opts={}) cols ||= default_backend_columns if block_given? fields_list = '' yield(fields_list) else fields_list = respond_to?(:crushyform) ? crushyform(cols) : backend_fields(cols) end o = "
\n" o << backend_form_title unless block_given? o << fields_list opts[:method] = 'PUT' if (opts[:method].nil? && ! o << "\n" unless opts[:method].nil? o << "\n" unless opts[:destination].nil? o << "\n" unless opts[:submit_text].nil? o << "\n" unless opts[:no_wrap].nil? cols.each do |c| o << "\n" end o << "\n" o << "
\n" o end def backend_delete_form(url, opts={}); backend_form(url, [], {:submit_text=>'X', :method=>'DELETE'}.update(opts)){}; end def backend_clone_form(url, opts={}) backend_form(url, [], {:submit_text=>'CLONE', :method=>'POST'}.update(opts)) do |out| out << "\n" end end # Silly but usable form prototype # Not really meant to be used in a real case # It uses a textarea for everything # Override it # Or even better, use Sequel-Crushyform plugin instead def backend_fields(cols) o = '' cols.each do |c| identifier = "#{id}-#{self.class}-#{c}" o << "
\n" o << "
\n" end o end def backend_form_title; ? "

New #{model.human_name}

\n" : "

Edit #{self.to_label}

\n"; end def backend_show; 'OK'; end end end module MongoBureau BUREAU_CRUSHYFORM_TYPES = { } def self.included(base) base.extend(BackendApiAdapter::ClassMethods) base.extend(MongoCrushyform::ClassMethods) if defined?(MongoCrushyform) base.extend(Bureau::Adapter::ClassMethods) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.bureau_config = {:nut_tree_class=>'sortable-grid'} base.crushyform_types.update(BUREAU_CRUSHYFORM_TYPES) end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :list_options def list_view(r) @list_options = {:request=>r, :destination=>r.fullpath, :path=>r.script_name, :filter=>r['filter'] },sortable_on_that_page?) out = list_view_header out << scene_selector unless bureau_config[:scene_selector_class].nil? out << many_to_many_picker unless bureau_config[:minilist_class].nil? out << "" end def sortable_on_that_page? o = @list_options o[:search].nil? && @schema.key?('position') && (@schema['position'][:scope].nil? || (o[:filter]||{}).key?(@schema['position'][:scope])) end def minilist_view o = "\n" end def scene_selector o = @list_options klass = bureau_config[:scene_selector_class].is_a?(Symbol) ? Kernel.const_get(bureau_config[:scene_selector_class]) : bureau_config[:scene_selector_class] obj = klass.get(o[:filter]["id_#{bureau_config[:scene_selector_class]}"]) unless obj.nil? out = "

Point and click in order to highlight a zone.

\n" out << obj.build_image_tag('image','original', :class=>'mapolygon-me') save_btn = command_plus.sub(/btn btn-plus/, 'save-mapolygon').sub(/>Create this zone<').sub(/(href='[^']*)/, "\\1&model[coordinates]=") out << "
\n" end end private def image_slot(name='image',opts={}) super(name,opts) # First image slot is considered the best bureau thumb unless instance_methods.include?(:to_bureau_thumb) define_method :to_bureau_thumb do |style| generic_thumb(name, style) end end end def typecast_filter filter={} filter.each do |k,v| filter[k] = true if v=='true' filter[k] = false if v=='false' filter[k] = v.to_i if v[/^\d+$/] end end end include BackendApiAdapter::InstanceMethods include MongoCrushyform::InstanceMethods if defined?(MongoCrushyform) include Bureau::Adapter::InstanceMethods def after_stash(col) convert(col, "-resize '100x75^' -gravity center -extent 100x75", 'stash_thumb_gif') convert(col, "-resize '184x138^' -gravity center -extent 184x138", 'nutshell_jpg') end def bureau_attachment_url_for obj, col='image', size='original' return obj.attachment_url(col,size) if obj.respond_to?(:attachment_url) "/gridfs/#{obj.doc[col][size]}" end def generic_thumb(img , size='stash_thumb_gif', obj=self) return placeholder_thumb(size) if obj.nil? current = obj.doc[img] if !current.nil? && !current[size].nil? "\n" else placeholder_thumb(size) end end def to_thumb(c) current = @doc[c] if current.respond_to?(:[]) img_url = @doc[c]['stash_thumb_gif'].nil? ? model.list_options&&"#{model.list_options[:path]}/_static/img/file.png" : bureau_attachment_url_for(self,c,'stash_thumb_gif') "\n" end end def scene_selector_coordinates; @doc['coordinates']; end def in_nutshell o = model.list_options out = "
\n" out << self.to_bureau_thumb('nutshell_jpg') if self.respond_to?(:to_bureau_thumb) cols = model.bureau_config[:quick_update_fields] ||{|col| [:boolean,:select].include?(model.schema[col][:type]) && !model.schema[col][:multiple] && !model.schema[col][:no_quick_update] } cols.each do |c| column_label = model.schema[c][:name] || c.to_s.sub(/^id_/, '').tr('_', ' ').capitalize out << "
#{column_label}: #{self.crushyinput(c)}
\n" end out << "
\n" end def nutshell_children o = model.list_options out = "" nutshell_backend_associations.each do |k, opts| next if opts[:hidden] k = Kernel.const_get(k) link = "#{o[:path]}/list/#{k}?filter[#{model.foreign_key_name}]=#{}" text = opts[:link_text] || "#{k.human_name}(s)" out << "#{text} #{self.children_count(k) unless opts[:hide_count]}\n" end out end def nutshell_backend_associations model.relationships end def default_backend_columns; model.schema.keys; end def cloning_backend_columns; default_backend_columns.reject{|c| model.schema[c][:type]==:attachment}; end end