title: Arctic UI API SDK Reference
language_tabs: # must be one of https://git.io/vQNgJ
- ruby
- Contact us for an account
- errors
search: true
# Introduction
The Arctic UI API are the available endpoints for building UI applications to view and interact with the Arctic project core.
This SDK gives you a programmable way to interact with the UI API. You can also explore the API in a more interactive and direct way via our [Swagger documentation](https://arctic-core.herokuapp.com).
# Installation
To install the gem: `gem 'arctic-ui'`
# Configuration
require 'arctic/ui'
Arctic::UI.configure do |config|
config.client_id = "CLIENT_ID"
config.client_secret = "CLIENT_SECRET"
> Make sure to replace `YOUR_CLIENT_ID` and `YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET` with the information from the account given to you.
After we have setup an account for you, you will get a `CLIENT_ID` and `CLIENT_SECRET`.
The `CLIENT_ID` and the `CLIENT_SECRET` should be stored inside your application in a secure way.
To get a set of credentials, please get in touch with us.
# Authentication
require 'arctic/ui'
api = Arctic::UI::API.new email, password
The `email` and `password` should be supplied by the user. The user should be associated with your account.
You can setup, create and manage users for your account in your [Arctic Backoffice](https://arctic.com/backoffice).
# Account
## Get account information
> Example response
"id": "735108ed-55ef-4314-8295-b57fb0d1e05c",
"name": "Bob's webshop",
"throttling": {
"interval": 1,
"amount": 100,
"current": 99
The user's account represents the account object. This is the central object that all users and shops are related to. This also holds your rate limit information (see the Rate Limiting section).
## Update account information
api.update_account name: 'New Account Name'
> Example response
"id": "735108ed-55ef-4314-8295-b57fb0d1e05c",
"name": "New Account Name",
"throttling": {
"interval": 1,
"amount": 100,
"current": 74
Possible account attributes you can update
Attribute | Description
--------- | -----------
name | The human readable name of your account
# Shops
## List shops
> Example response
"id": "2270b57a-80ee-4a44-9cd3-014c0469b39d",
"name": "Danish shop"
"id": "a30c348a-0396-4c86-8aee-3af3c782862c",
"name": "Swedish shop"
This will return a list of the shops available on your account.
## Update an existing shop's information
api.update_shops id: 'a30c348a-0396-4c86-8aee-3af3c782862c', name: 'Norwegian shop'
> Example response
"id": "a30c348a-0396-4c86-8aee-3af3c782862c",
"name": "Norwegian shop"
Possible shop attributes to update
Attribute | Type | Description
--------- | ---- | -----------
name | String | The human readable identifier of the shop on the Arctic platform
preprocessors | Array | A list of preprocessor IDs to use for your shop
# Preprocessors
## List available preprocessors
> Example response
"id": "8680cc9b-12d5-4bbd-a4ff-f176ef90d676",
"name": "Dandomain"
"id": "062da138-c0c1-46b2-b0fd-b43f9a2ad888",
"name": "Amazon UK"
A preprocessor represents a connection between where you're hosting your webshop (e.g. Dandomain) and our system. A preprocessor will pull the items from your system into the Arctic system, from where they will be distributed throug Postprocessors.