# frozen_string_literal: false
require_relative "security"
require_relative "element"
require_relative "xmldecl"
require_relative "source"
require_relative "comment"
require_relative "doctype"
require_relative "instruction"
require_relative "rexml"
require_relative "parseexception"
require_relative "output"
require_relative "parsers/baseparser"
require_relative "parsers/streamparser"
require_relative "parsers/treeparser"
module REXML
# Represents an XML document.
# A document may have:
# - A single child that may be accessed via method #root.
# - An XML declaration.
# - A document type.
# - Processing instructions.
# == In a Hurry?
# If you're somewhat familiar with XML
# and have a particular task in mind,
# you may want to see the
# {tasks pages}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/master_toc_rdoc.html],
# and in particular, the
# {tasks page for documents}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/document_toc_rdoc.html].
class Document < Element
# A convenient default XML declaration. Use:
# mydoc << XMLDecl.default
# :call-seq:
# new(string = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
# new(io_stream = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
# new(document = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
# Returns a new \REXML::Document object.
# When no arguments are given,
# returns an empty document:
# d = REXML::Document.new
# d.to_s # => ""
# When argument +string+ is given, it must be a string
# containing a valid XML document:
# xml_string = 'FooBar'
# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
# d.to_s # => "FooBar"
# When argument +io_stream+ is given, it must be an \IO object
# that is opened for reading, and when read must return a valid XML document:
# File.write('t.xml', xml_string)
# d = File.open('t.xml', 'r') do |io|
# REXML::Document.new(io)
# end
# d.to_s # => "FooBar"
# When argument +document+ is given, it must be an existing
# document object, whose context and attributes (but not chidren)
# are cloned into the new document:
# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
# d.children # => [ ... >]
# d.context = {raw: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
# d.add_attributes({'bar' => 0, 'baz' => 1})
# d1 = REXML::Document.new(d)
# d1.children # => []
# d1.context # => {:raw=>:all, :compress_whitespace=>:all}
# d1.attributes # => {"bar"=>bar='0', "baz"=>baz='1'}
# When argument +context+ is given, it must be a hash
# containing context entries for the document;
# see {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html]:
# context = {raw: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string, context)
# d.context # => {:raw=>:all, :compress_whitespace=>:all}
def initialize( source = nil, context = {} )
@entity_expansion_count = 0
@context = context
return if source.nil?
if source.kind_of? Document
@context = source.context
super source
build( source )
# :call-seq:
# node_type -> :document
# Returns the symbol +:document+.
def node_type
# :call-seq:
# clone -> new_document
# Returns the new document resulting from executing
# Document.new(self). See Document.new.
def clone
Document.new self
# :call-seq:
# expanded_name -> empty_string
# Returns an empty string.
def expanded_name
#d = doc_type
#d ? d.name : "UNDEFINED"
alias :name :expanded_name
# :call-seq:
# add(xml_decl) -> self
# add(doc_type) -> self
# add(object) -> self
# Adds an object to the document; returns +self+.
# When argument +xml_decl+ is given,
# it must be an REXML::XMLDecl object,
# which becomes the XML declaration for the document,
# replacing the previous XML declaration if any:
# d = REXML::Document.new
# d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
# d.add(REXML::XMLDecl.new('2.0'))
# d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
# When argument +doc_type+ is given,
# it must be an REXML::DocType object,
# which becomes the document type for the document,
# replacing the previous document type, if any:
# d = REXML::Document.new
# d.doctype.to_s # => ""
# d.add(REXML::DocType.new('foo'))
# d.doctype.to_s # => ""
# When argument +object+ (not an REXML::XMLDecl or REXML::DocType object)
# is given it is added as the last child:
# d = REXML::Document.new
# d.add(REXML::Element.new('foo'))
# d.to_s # => ""
def add( child )
if child.kind_of? XMLDecl
if @children[0].kind_of? XMLDecl
@children[0] = child
@children.unshift child
child.parent = self
elsif child.kind_of? DocType
# Find first Element or DocType node and insert the decl right
# before it. If there is no such node, just insert the child at the
# end. If there is a child and it is an DocType, then replace it.
insert_before_index = @children.find_index { |x|
x.kind_of?(Element) || x.kind_of?(DocType)
if insert_before_index # Not null = not end of list
if @children[ insert_before_index ].kind_of? DocType
@children[ insert_before_index ] = child
@children[ insert_before_index-1, 0 ] = child
else # Insert at end of list
@children << child
child.parent = self
rv = super
raise "attempted adding second root element to document" if @elements.size > 1
alias :<< :add
# :call-seq:
# add_element(name_or_element = nil, attributes = nil) -> new_element
# Adds an element to the document by calling REXML::Element.add_element:
# REXML::Element.add_element(name_or_element, attributes)
def add_element(arg=nil, arg2=nil)
rv = super
raise "attempted adding second root element to document" if @elements.size > 1
# :call-seq:
# root -> root_element or nil
# Returns the root element of the document, if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.root # =>
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.root # => nil
def root
#@children.find { |item| item.kind_of? Element }
# :call-seq:
# doctype -> doc_type or nil
# Returns the DocType object for the document, if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.doctype.class # => REXML::DocType
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.doctype.class # => nil
def doctype
@children.find { |item| item.kind_of? DocType }
# :call-seq:
# xml_decl -> xml_decl
# Returns the XMLDecl object for the document, if it exists,
# otherwise the default XMLDecl object:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.xml_decl.class # => REXML::XMLDecl
# d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.xml_decl.class # => REXML::XMLDecl
# d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
def xml_decl
rv = @children[0]
return rv if rv.kind_of? XMLDecl
# :call-seq:
# version -> version_string
# Returns the XMLDecl version of this document as a string,
# if it has been set, otherwise the default version:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.version # => "2.0"
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.version # => "1.0"
def version
# :call-seq:
# encoding -> encoding_string
# Returns the XMLDecl encoding of the document,
# if it has been set, otherwise the default encoding:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.encoding # => "UTF-16"
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.encoding # => "UTF-8"
def encoding
# :call-seq:
# stand_alone?
# Returns the XMLDecl standalone value of the document as a string,
# if it has been set, otherwise the default standalone value:
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.stand_alone? # => "yes"
# d = REXML::Document.new('')
# d.stand_alone? # => nil
def stand_alone?
# :call-seq:
# doc.write(output=$stdout, indent=-1, transtive=false, ie_hack=false, encoding=nil)
# doc.write(options={:output => $stdout, :indent => -1, :transtive => false, :ie_hack => false, :encoding => nil})
# Write the XML tree out, optionally with indent. This writes out the
# entire XML document, including XML declarations, doctype declarations,
# and processing instructions (if any are given).
# A controversial point is whether Document should always write the XML
# declaration () whether or not one is given by the
# user (or source document). REXML does not write one if one was not
# specified, because it adds unnecessary bandwidth to applications such
# as XML-RPC.
# Accept Nth argument style and options Hash style as argument.
# The recommended style is options Hash style for one or more
# arguments case.
# _Examples_
# Document.new("").write
# output = ""
# Document.new("").write(output)
# output = ""
# Document.new("").write(:output => output, :indent => 2)
# See also the classes in the rexml/formatters package for the proper way
# to change the default formatting of XML output.
# _Examples_
# output = ""
# tr = Transitive.new
# tr.write(Document.new(""), output)
# output::
# output an object which supports '<< string'; this is where the
# document will be written.
# indent::
# An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the
# indentation will be twice this number of spaces, and children will be
# indented an additional amount. For a value of 3, every item will be
# indented 3 more levels, or 6 more spaces (2 * 3). Defaults to -1
# transitive::
# If transitive is true and indent is >= 0, then the output will be
# pretty-printed in such a way that the added whitespace does not affect
# the absolute *value* of the document -- that is, it leaves the value
# and number of Text nodes in the document unchanged.
# ie_hack::
# This hack inserts a space before the /> on empty tags to address
# a limitation of Internet Explorer. Defaults to false
# encoding::
# Encoding name as String. Change output encoding to specified encoding
# instead of encoding in XML declaration.
# Defaults to nil. It means encoding in XML declaration is used.
def write(*arguments)
if arguments.size == 1 and arguments[0].class == Hash
options = arguments[0]
output = options[:output]
indent = options[:indent]
transitive = options[:transitive]
ie_hack = options[:ie_hack]
encoding = options[:encoding]
output, indent, transitive, ie_hack, encoding, = *arguments
output ||= $stdout
indent ||= -1
transitive = false if transitive.nil?
ie_hack = false if ie_hack.nil?
encoding ||= xml_decl.encoding
if encoding != 'UTF-8' && !output.kind_of?(Output)
output = Output.new( output, encoding )
formatter = if indent > -1
if transitive
require_relative "formatters/transitive"
REXML::Formatters::Transitive.new( indent, ie_hack )
REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new( indent, ie_hack )
REXML::Formatters::Default.new( ie_hack )
formatter.write( self, output )
def Document::parse_stream( source, listener )
Parsers::StreamParser.new( source, listener ).parse
# Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.
# Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_limit= instead.
def Document::entity_expansion_limit=( val )
Security.entity_expansion_limit = val
# Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.
# Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_limit= instead.
def Document::entity_expansion_limit
return Security.entity_expansion_limit
# Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10240.
# Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_text_limit= instead.
def Document::entity_expansion_text_limit=( val )
Security.entity_expansion_text_limit = val
# Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10240.
# Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_text_limit instead.
def Document::entity_expansion_text_limit
return Security.entity_expansion_text_limit
attr_reader :entity_expansion_count
def record_entity_expansion
@entity_expansion_count += 1
if @entity_expansion_count > Security.entity_expansion_limit
raise "number of entity expansions exceeded, processing aborted."
def document
def build( source )
Parsers::TreeParser.new( source, self ).parse