require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'sprockets/helpers/rails_helper' require 'support/common_spec_helpers' # Source: # - module RailsProjectSpecHelpers include ::CommonSpecHelpers class ExecutionError < StandardError attr_accessor :output def initialize(message, output = nil) super(message) self.output = output end def message "#{super}\nOutput was:\n#{output}" end end module SilentError attr_accessor :output def message "#{super}\nOutput was:\n#{output}" end end def silently output = $stderr, old_stderr = output, $stderr $stdout, old_stdout = output, $stdout begin yield rescue ExecutionError => e raise rescue => e e.extend(SilentError) e.output = output.string raise end ensure $stderr = old_stderr $stdout = old_stdout end protected def assert_file_exists(filename) assert File.exists?(filename), "could not find #{filename}. PWD=#{Dir.pwd}\nDid find: #{Dir.glob(File.dirname(filename)+"/*").join(", ")}" end def assert_not_output(match) $last_ouput.must_match(match) end def assert_output(match) assert $last_ouput.to_s =~ match, "#{match} was not found in #{$last_ouput.inspect}" end # Copies a rails app fixture to a temp directory # and changes to that directory during the yield. # # Automatically changes back to the working directory # and removes the temp directory when done. # def within_rails_app(name, without_gems = [], gem_locations = $gem_locations) sourcedir = fixture_path(name) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| FileUtils.cp_r "#{sourcedir}/.", tmpdir Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do gem_locations.each { |name, path| modify_gem_location(name, path) } without_gems.each { |name| remove_gem(name) } runcmd "bundle install --verbose" yield end end end def process_gemfile(gemfile = "Gemfile", &block) gem_contents = File.readlines(gemfile)!(&block) gem_contents.compact!, "w") do |f| f.print(gem_contents.join("")) end end def modify_gem_location(gemname, path, gemfile = "Gemfile") found = false process_gemfile(gemfile) do |line| if line =~ /gem *(["'])#{Regexp.escape(gemname)}\1/ found = true %Q{gem "#{gemname}", :path => #{path.inspect}\n} else line end end unless found, "a") do |f| f.print(%Q{\ngem "#{gemname}", :path => #{path.inspect}\n}) end end end def remove_gem(gemname) process_gemfile(gemfile) do |line| line unless line =~ /gem *(["'])#{Regexp.escape(gemname)}\1/ end end # Executes a system command # Raises an error if it does not complete successfully # Returns the output as a string if it does complete successfully # def runcmd(cmd, working_directory = Dir.pwd, clean_env = true, gemfile = "Gemfile", env = {}) # There's a bug in bundler where with_clean_env doesn't clear out the BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment setting # env["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "#{working_directory}/#{gemfile}" if clean_env todo = do r, w = IO.pipe pid = Kernel.spawn(env, cmd, :out =>w , :err => w, :chdir => working_directory) w.close Process.wait output = r.close unless $?.exitstatus == 0 raise ExecutionError, "Command failed with exit status #{$?.exitstatus}: #{cmd}", output end $last_ouput = output end if clean_env Bundler.with_clean_env(&todo) else end end end