"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire." -- Obi-Wan Kenoby = Cerberus Cerberus is a Rack middleware for form-based authentication. Its purpose is only to offer a nicer (or more actual) replacement for Basic HTTP authentication. Install with: # sudo gem install rack-cerberus You can use it almost the same way you use Rack::Auth::Basic: require 'cerberus' use Rack::Session::Cookie use Cerberus do |login, pass| pass=='secret' end Like in that example, make sure you have a session, because Cerberus use it for persistent login. There is an optional hash you can add for personalizing it. Options are: * :company_name * :fg_color (foreground color) * :bg_color (background color) * :icon_url (for a company logo or any icon) Which is used that way: use Cerberus, {:company_name => 'Nintendo'} do |login, pass| pass=='secret' end Just like Rack::Auth::Basic, Cerberus yields login and pass, and delegate authentication to the block you send it which should return a boolean. If you want to see a concrete example, go into the Cerberus directory and run: # rackup example.ru It's gonna start the example at http://localhost:9292 === Help If you need some help, let's join my IRC channel: #mighub If you want to help me, don't hesitate to fork that project on Github or send patches. === Changelog 0.0.1 Changed Everything somehow 0.1.0 Make it possible to authenticate through GET request (for restful APIs) === Copyright (c) 2010 Mickael Riga - see MIT_LICENCE for details