# pry-stack_explorer.rb # (C) John Mair (banisterfiend); MIT license require "pry" unless defined?(::Pry) require "pry-stack_explorer/version" require "pry-stack_explorer/commands" require "pry-stack_explorer/frame_manager" require "pry-stack_explorer/when_started_hook" require "binding_of_caller" module PryStackExplorer # short-hand for `PryStackExplorer` ::SE = self class << self # @return [Hash] The hash storing all frames for all Pry instances for # the current thread. def frame_hash Thread.current[:__pry_frame_managers__] ||= Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } end # Return the complete frame manager stack for the Pry instance # @param [Pry] _pry_ The Pry instance associated with the frame # managers # @return [Array] The stack of Pry::FrameManager objections def frame_managers(_pry_) frame_hash[_pry_] end # Create a `Pry::FrameManager` object and push it onto the frame # manager stack for the relevant `_pry_` instance. # @param [Array] bindings The array of bindings (frames) # @param [Pry] _pry_ The Pry instance associated with the frame manager def create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, _pry_, options={}) fm = FrameManager.new(bindings, _pry_) frame_hash[_pry_].push fm push_helper(fm, options) fm end # Update the Pry instance to operate on the specified frame for the # current frame manager. # @param [PryStackExplorer::FrameManager] fm The active frame manager. # @param [Hash] options The options hash. def push_helper(fm, options={}) options = { :initial_frame => 0 }.merge!(options) fm.change_frame_to(options[:initial_frame], false) end private :push_helper # Delete the currently active frame manager # @param [Pry] _pry_ The Pry instance associated with the frame # managers. # @return [Pry::FrameManager] The popped frame manager. def pop_frame_manager(_pry_) return if frame_managers(_pry_).empty? popped_fm = frame_managers(_pry_).pop pop_helper(popped_fm, _pry_) popped_fm end # Restore the Pry instance to operate on the previous # binding. Also responsible for restoring Pry instance's backtrace. # @param [Pry::FrameManager] popped_fm The recently popped frame manager. # @param [Pry] _pry_ The Pry instance associated with the frame managers. def pop_helper(popped_fm, _pry_) if frame_managers(_pry_).empty? if _pry_.binding_stack.empty? _pry_.binding_stack.push popped_fm.prior_binding else _pry_.binding_stack[-1] = popped_fm.prior_binding end frame_hash.delete(_pry_) else frame_manager(_pry_).refresh_frame(false) end # restore backtrace _pry_.backtrace = popped_fm.prior_backtrace end private :pop_helper # Clear the stack of frame managers for the Pry instance # @param [Pry] _pry_ The Pry instance associated with the frame managers def clear_frame_managers(_pry_) pop_frame_manager(_pry_) until frame_managers(_pry_).empty? frame_hash.delete(_pry_) # this line should be unnecessary! end alias_method :delete_frame_managers, :clear_frame_managers # @return [PryStackExplorer::FrameManager] The currently active frame manager def frame_manager(_pry_) frame_hash[_pry_].last end # Simple test to check whether two `Binding` objects are equal. # @param [Binding] b1 First binding. # @param [Binding] b2 Second binding. # @return [Boolean] Whether the `Binding`s are equal. def bindings_equal?(b1, b2) (b1.eval('self').equal?(b2.eval('self'))) && (b1.eval('__method__') == b2.eval('__method__')) && (b1.eval('local_variables').map { |v| b1.eval("#{v}") }.equal?( b2.eval('local_variables').map { |v| b2.eval("#{v}") })) end end end Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:after_session, :delete_frame_manager) do |_, _, _pry_| PryStackExplorer.clear_frame_managers(_pry_) end Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :save_caller_bindings, PryStackExplorer::WhenStartedHook.new) # Import the StackExplorer commands Pry.config.commands.import PryStackExplorer::Commands # monkey-patch the whereami command to show some frame information, # useful for navigating stack. Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:before_whereami, :stack_explorer) do if PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(pry_instance) && !internal_binding?(target) bindings = PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(pry_instance).bindings binding_index = PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(pry_instance).binding_index output.puts "\n" output.puts "#{Pry::Helpers::Text.bold('Frame number:')} #{binding_index}/#{bindings.size - 1}" output.puts "#{Pry::Helpers::Text.bold('Frame type:')} #{bindings[binding_index].frame_type}" if bindings[binding_index].frame_type end end