// ==========================================================================
// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework
// Copyright: ©2009 Alex Iskander and TPSi
//            Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)
// ==========================================================================
/*globals Forms */


  FormView lays out rows, manages their label widths, binds their
  content properties, and sets up their contentValueKeys as needed. This class is 
  experimental and not available out of the box. 

  Usually, you will place rows into the FormView:
      childViews: "fullName gender".w(),
      contentBinding: 'MyApp.personController',

      fullName: SC.FormView.row("Name:", SC.TextFieldView.extend({
        layout: {height: 20, width: 150}

      gender: SC.FormView.row("Gender:", SC.RadioView.design({
        layout: {width: 150, height: 40, centerY: 0},
        items: ["male", "female"]

  The name of the row (ie. 'fullName'), is passed down to the fields, and used as the key
  to bind the value property to the content. In this case it will bind content.fullName to the
  value property of the textFieldView.

  @extends SC.View
  @implements SC.FlowedLayout, SC.CalculatesEmptiness, SC.FormsEditMode

SC.FormView = SC.View.extend(SC.FlowedLayout, SC.CalculatesEmptiness, SC.FormsEditMode, /** @scope SC.FormView.prototype */ {
  // We lay out forms vertically. Each item gets its own "row". Wrapping makes
  // no sense, as the FormView should grow with each row.
  layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_VERTICAL,
  canWrap: NO,

  renderDelegateName: 'formRenderDelegate',

    The default padding around items in the form. By default, this comes from the theme.
    You can supply your own directly, or override the formRenderDelegate:

        // base it on the existing render delegate
        MyTheme.formRenderDelegate = SC.AceTheme.formRenderDelegate.create({
          flowSpacing: { left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5 }
  defaultFlowSpacing: SC.propertyFromRenderDelegate('flowSpacing', {}),

  classNames: ["sc-form-view"],

    Whether to automatically start editing.
  editsByDefault: YES,

    The content to bind the form to. This content object is passed to all children.
    All child views, if added at design time via string-based childViews array, will get their
    contentValueKey set to their own key. Note that SC.RowView passes on its contentValueKey to its
    child field, and if its isNested property is YES, uses it to find its own content object.
  content: null,
    Rows in the form do not have to be full SC.FormRowView at design time. They can also be hashes
    that get loaded into rows.
  exampleRow: SC.FormRowView.extend({
    labelView: SC.FormRowView.LabelView.extend({ textAlign: SC.ALIGN_RIGHT })

  init: function() {
    if (this.get("editsByDefault")) this.set("isEditing", YES);

  createChildViews: function() {
    var childViews = this.get('childViews'),
        len        = childViews.length,
        idx, key, views, view,
        attrs, exampleRow = this.get('exampleRow');

    this.beginPropertyChanges() ;

    // swap the array
    for (idx=0; idx<len; ++idx) {
      if (key = (view = childViews[idx])) {

        // is this is a key name, lookup view class
        if (typeof key === SC.T_STRING) {
          view = this[key];
        } else {
          key = null ;

        if (!view) {
          SC.Logger.error ("No view with name "+key+" has been found in "+this.toString());
          // skip this one.

        if(!view.isClass && SC.typeOf(view) === SC.T_HASH) {
          attrs = view;
          view = exampleRow;
        else {
          attrs = {};

        if((attrs.isFormField || view.prototype.isFormField) && (attrs.hasContentValueSupport || view.prototype.hasContentValueSupport)) {
          attrs.contentValueKey = key;

        attrs.formKey = key;

        // createChildView creates the view if necessary, but also sets
        // important properties, such as parentView
        view = this.createChildView(view, attrs) ;

        if(!view.get('content')) {
          view.bind('content', this, 'content');

        // for form rows, set up label measuring and the label itself.
        if (view.isFormRow) {
          // set label (if possible).
          if (SC.none(view.get('label'))) {
              view.set("label", key.humanize().titleize());

          // set the label size measuring stuff
          if (this.get('labelWidth') !== null) {
            view.set("shouldMeasureLabel", NO);

        if (key) { this[key] = view ; } // save on key name if passed
      childViews[idx] = view;

    this.endPropertyChanges() ;

    this._hasCreatedRows = YES;

    return this ;

    Allows rows to use this to track label width.
  isRowDelegate: YES,
    Supply a label width to avoid automatically calculating the widths of the labels
    in the form. Leave null to let SproutCore automatically determine the proper width
    for the label.

    @type Number
    @default null
  labelWidth: null,
    Tells the child rows whether they should measure their labels or not.
  labelWidthDidChange: function() {
    var childViews = this.get('childViews'), i, len = childViews.length,
    shouldMeasure = SC.none(this.get('labelWidth'));
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      childViews[i].set('shouldMeasureLabel', shouldMeasure);
    Propagates the label width to the child rows, finding the measured size if necessary.
  recalculateLabelWidth: function() {
    if (!this._hasCreatedRows) {
    var ret = this.get("labelWidth"), children = this.get("childViews"), idx, len = children.length, child;
    // calculate by looping through child views and getting size (if possible and if
    // no label width is explicitly set)
    if (ret === null) {
      ret = 0;
      for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
        child = children[idx];
        // if it has a measurable row label
        if (child.get("rowLabelMeasuredSize")) {
          ret = Math.max(child.get("rowLabelMeasuredSize"), ret);
    // now set for all children
    if (this._rowLabelSize !== ret) {
      this._rowLabelSize = ret;
      // set by looping through child views
      for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
        child = children[idx];

        // if it has a measurable row label
        if (child.get("hasRowLabel")) {
          child.set("rowLabelSize", ret);
    Rows call this when their label width changes.
  rowLabelMeasuredSizeDidChange: function(row, labelSize) {


SC.mixin(SC.FormView, {
  Creates a form row.

  Can be called in two ways: `row(optionalClass, properties)`, which creates
  a field with the properties, and puts it in a new row;
  and `row(properties)`, which creates a new row—and it is up to you to add
  any fields you want in the row.
  You can also supply some properties to extend the row itself with.
  row: function(optionalClass, properties, rowExt)
    return SC.FormRowView.row(optionalClass, properties, rowExt);