describe "Teacup::Stylesheet" do describe 'creation' do before do @stylesheet = { } end after do Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:constanttest) end it 'should create constants for named stylesheets' do Teacup::Stylesheet[:constanttest].should == @stylesheet end it 'should allow creating anonymous stylesheets' do stylesheet = { } == nil end end describe 'in the simplest cases' do before do @stylesheet = do style :example_button, frame: [[0, 0], [100, 100]] style :example_label, :example_textfield, backgroundColor: :blue end end it 'should let you define properties for a stylename' do @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:frame].should == [[0, 0], [100, 100]] end it 'should let you define properties for many stylenames' do @stylesheet.query(:example_label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue @stylesheet.query(:example_textfield)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should return {} for unknown stylenames' do @stylesheet.query(:dingbats).should == {} end end describe 'with multiple rules for the same stylename' do before do @stylesheet = do style :example_button, title: "Example!", frame: [[0, 0], [100, 100]], layer: { borderWidth: 10, opacity: 0.5 } style :example_button, backgroundColor: :blue, frame: [[100, 100], [200, 200]], layer: { borderWidth: 20 } end end it 'should union different properties' do @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:title].should == "Example!" @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should give later properties precedence' do @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:frame].should == [[100, 100], [200, 200]] end it 'should merge hashes' do @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:layer][:borderWidth].should == 20 @stylesheet.query(:example_button)[:layer][:opacity].should == 0.5 end end describe 'when a stylename extends another' do before do @stylesheet = do style :label, backgroundColor: :blue, font: "IMPACT" style :left_label, extends: :label, backgroundColor: :green, left: 100, width: 100 style :how_much, extends: :left_label, backgroundColor: :red, top: 200, height: 200 end end it 'should put extended properties into an "extends" Array of Hashes' do @stylesheet.query(:left_label)[:font].should == "IMPACT" @stylesheet.query(:left_label)[:left].should == 100 end it 'should give the "lowest" style properties precedence' do @stylesheet.query(:left_label)[:backgroundColor].should == :green end it 'should follow a chain of extends' do @stylesheet.query(:how_much)[:backgroundColor].should == :red @stylesheet.query(:how_much)[:left] == 100 @stylesheet.query(:how_much)[:font] == "IMPACT" end end describe 'importing another stylesheet' do before do @oo_name_importer = do import :importedbyname style :label, backgroundColor: :blue, layer: { borderWidth: 2, } end do style :label, title: "Imported by name", layer: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: :red, } end @name_importer = do import :importedbyname style :label, backgroundColor: :blue end do import :importrecursion style :label, importtitle: "Import recursion" end @broken_stylesheet = do import :NonExtant style :label, backgroundColor: :blue end end after do Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:importedbyname) Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:importrecursion) end it 'should work with a name' do @name_importer.query(:label)[:title].should == "Imported by name" @name_importer.query(:label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should work with a name even if defined out of order' do @oo_name_importer.query(:label)[:title].should == "Imported by name" @oo_name_importer.query(:label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should merge properties' do @oo_name_importer.query(:label)[:layer][:borderWidth].should == 2 @oo_name_importer.query(:label)[:layer][:borderColor].should == :red end it 'should work with a value' do imported_anonymously = do style :label, title: "Imported anonymously" end anonymous_importer = do import imported_anonymously style :label, backgroundColor: :blue end anonymous_importer.query(:label) anonymous_importer.query(:label)[:title].should == "Imported anonymously" @oo_name_importer.query(:label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should not explode if a cycle is created' do Teacup::Stylesheet[:importrecursion].query(:label)[:importtitle].should == "Import recursion" end it 'should explode if an unknown stylesheet is imported' do error = nil begin @broken_stylesheet.query(:label) rescue Exception => error end error.nil?.should == false end end describe 'querying imported stylesheets' do before do @most_generic = :most_generic do style :label, backgroundColor: :blue, title: "Most generic" style :button, title: "Click Here!" end @stylesheet = :stylesheet do import :most_generic style :label, borderWidth: 10, title: "Stylesheet" end @most_specific = :most_specific do import :stylesheet style :label, title: "Most specific", font: "IMPACT" end end after do Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:most_generic) Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:stylesheet) Teacup::Stylesheet.stylesheets.delete(:most_specific) end it 'should union different properties for the same rule' do @stylesheet.query(:label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue @stylesheet.query(:label)[:borderWidth] == 10 end it 'should give the importer precedence' do @stylesheet.query(:label)[:title].should == "Stylesheet" end it 'should follow chains of imports' do @most_specific.query(:label)[:title].should == "Most specific" @most_specific.query(:label)[:font].should == "IMPACT" @most_specific.query(:label)[:borderWidth].should == 10 @most_specific.query(:label)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should allow querying a rule which exists only in the importee' do @stylesheet.query(:button)[:title].should == "Click Here!" end end describe 'precedence tree flattening' do it 'should give precedence to later imports' do stylesheet = do import{ style :label_bla, text: "Imported first", backgroundColor: :blue } import{ style :label_bla, text: "Imported last" } end stylesheet.query(:label_bla)[:text].should == "Imported last" stylesheet.query(:label_bla)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should give precedence to less-nested imports' do stylesheet = do import { import { style :button, text: "Indirect import", backgroundColor: :blue } style :button, text: "Direct import" } end stylesheet.query(:button)[:text].should == "Direct import" stylesheet.query(:button)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue end it 'should extend multiple entries, and prefer the first' do stylesheet = do style :input, origin: [0, 0], backgroundColor: :white style :textfield, text: "Extended", backgroundColor: :blue style :my_textfield, extends: [:textfield, :input], borderWidth: 10 end stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:text].should == "Extended" stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:origin].should == [0, 0] stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:borderWidth].should == 10 end it 'should give precedence to imported rules over extended rules' do stylesheet = do style :textfield, text: "Extended", backgroundColor: :blue style :my_textfield, extends: :textfield, borderWidth: 10 import{ style :my_textfield, text: "Imported" } end stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:text].should == "Imported" stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:backgroundColor].should == :blue stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:borderWidth].should == 10 end it 'should import rules using a deep merge strategy' do stylesheet = do import{ style :my_textfield, layer: { borderWidth: 1, opacity: 0.5 } } style :my_textfield, layer: { borderWidth: 10 } end stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:layer][:opacity].should == 0.5 stylesheet.query(:my_textfield)[:layer][:borderWidth].should == 10 end end end