--- cs: activemodel: attributes: delegations_verifier: email: E-mail phone: Mobilní telefonní číslo participant: decidim_action_delegator_ponderation_id: Úvaha email: E-mail phone: Telefon ponderation: name: Typ členství name_help: Typ členství setting: decidim_consultation_id: Konzultace max_grants: Maximum vote delegations a participant can receive phone_freezed: Použít telefonní číslo ze seznamu obyvatel. Nedovolte účastníkům jej upravovat. verify_with_sms: Ověřit pomocí SMS errors: models: delegations_verifier: attributes: email: email_not_found: Sorry, this email is not in the census. Please, contact us if you think this is a mistake. phone: phone_not_found: Sorry, this phone number is not in the census. Please, contact us if you think this is a mistake. decidim: action_delegator: admin: consultations: results: title: Výsledky podle odpovědi, typu členství a váhy weighted_results: title: Results by answer summing membership weights delegations: create: error: Při vytváření delegace došlo k chybě error_granter_unique: již delegovali svůj hlas error_max_grants: Dosáhli jste limitu povolených delegací pro tohoto příjemce success: Delegace úspěšně vytvořena csv_imports: invalid: There was a problem importing delegations success: Delegations imported successfully destroy: error: Došlo k potížím při odstraňování této delegace success: Delegace úspěšně zničena grantee_missing: The grantee (receiver) is not registered into the platform granter_missing: The granter (from) is not registered into the platform index: actions: csv_import: Import via csv new_delegation: Nový účastník consultation: Konzultace created_at: Vytvořeno v delete: Smazat description_html: This is the current delegations for this consultation grantee: Příjemce grantee_voted: Grantee has voted in behalf of granter? granter: Delegující granter_voted: Granter has voted? title: Účastníci new: grantee: Příjemce granter: Delegující save: Vytvořit select_member: Vybrat člena title: Nová delegace invite_participants: invite_all_users: error: There was an error inviting the users success: Uživatelé úspěšně pozváni invite_user: error: Při pozvání uživatele došlo k chybě success: Uživatel úspěšně pozván permissions: not_allowed: Pro tuto akci nemáte oprávnění resend_invitation: error: Při opětovném odesílání pozvánky došlo k chybě success: Pozvánka byla úspěšně znovu odeslána manage_delegations: create: error: There was a problem importing the participants success: The import process has started, please wait a few minutes and refresh the page to see the list of participants. Import results will be sent by email. new: import: Import required_fields: 'Required fields: granter email, grantee email' title: Import delegations title_example: 'Example:' upload_instructions: Must be a file in CSV format with a header. manage_participants: create: error: There was a problem importing the participants success: The import process has started, please wait a few minutes and refresh the page to see the list of participants. Import results will be sent by email. new: authorization_method: both: email and phone number email: e-mail phone: telefonní číslo describe: 'Note that there''s also possible to import weights using the name on the ponderation table instead of the weight number, for instance:' import: Importovat required_fields: 'Required fields: %{authorization_method}' title: Import participants title_example: 'Příklad:' upload_instructions: Musí být soubor ve formátu CSV s záhlavím. menu: consultations_submenu: by_answer: Podle odpovědi by_type_and_weight: Podle typu a váhy sum_of_weights: Podle součtu vah delegations: Corporate Governance participants: Účastníci participants: create: error: There was a problem creating the participants success: Participants created successfully destroy: error: There was a problem removing this participant success: Participant successfully destroyed edit: save: Uložit title: Upravit účastníka index: actions: csv_import: Import CSV new_participant: Nový účastník remove_census: Remove census all_users_registered_html: All users are registered into the platform created_at: Vytvořeno v email: E-mail last_login: Poslední přihlášení missing_emails: The authorization method does not require an email. Because of this, %{count} must register themselves on the platform missing_registered: There are %{missing_registered} that are not registered into the platform never_logged: Nikdy nepřihlášený participant: participant phone: Telefon ponderation: Ponderation type send_invitation_link: Click here to send an invitation to them title: Seznam obyvatel user: Name voted: Has voted? new: save: Vytvořit title: Nový účastník remove_census: confirm: Are you sure you want to remove the census? This operation cannot be undone success: "%{participants_count} entries were successfully deleted from the census" update: error: There was a problem updating the participants success: Participants saved successfully permissions: sync: started: Participans synchronization has started. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. update: error: There was a problem updating the permissions success: Permissions updated successfully ponderations: create: error: There's been and error creating the ponderation success: New ponderation created successfully destroy: error: There's been and error removing the ponderation success: Ponderation destroyed successfully edit: save: Uložit title: Edit ponderation type form: name_help: Member type, e.g. "member", "associate", "supporter". Must be unique. name_placeholder: 'Try, for example: "member", "associate", "supporter"...' weight_help: Vote weight, e.g. "1", "2", "1.5". This number will be used to ponderate the votes for the participants in this ponderation type. index: actions: new_ponderation: New ponderation created_at: Vytvořeno v name: Typ členství num_users: Census total title: Ponderations weight: Vote weight new: save: Vytvořit title: New ponderation type update: error: There's been and error updating the ponderation success: Ponderation updated successfully settings: authorization_method: both: Email and phone number email: Pouze e-mail phone: Only phone number authorization_method_help: | Available options are:
Attached is a file with import details, which contains rows that were not imported.
\nIf you want to continue importing, correct the rows specified, delete the last column from the file, save \nthe file and import again.
\n" result: "Imported: %{rows_count} rows of %{total_rows_count}." row_number: Row number skipped_rows: "Skipped: %{skipped_rows} rows." subject: CSV imported success: CSV imported successfully text_error: Error invite_participants_mailer: confirmation: body: You have been invited to participate in the consultation. Please click the link below to confirm your participation. confirm: Confirm participation greeting: Hello %{recipient}, name: Modul Decidim ActionDelegator cooperatives participants_csv_importer: import: error: There was a problem importing the participants error_field: Reason for skipping field_name: phone: phone weight: weight phone_exists: Participant with this phone already exists ponderation_not_found: Ponderation type not found skip_import_info: Participant already exists %{with_mismatched_fields} with_mismatched_fields: " with mismatched fields: %{fields}" sms_message: Váš ověřovací kód je %{code} user_delegations: index: vote_delegated: V této konzultaci můžete hlasovat jménem uživatele %{name} verification: admin: members: index: title: Správa členů verifications: delegations_verifier: authorizations: edit: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to reset the verification code? destroy: Reset verification code resend: Didn't receive the verification code? send: Confirm title: Introduce the verification code you received new: authorize: Authorize my account missing_phone_error: Missing membership phone not_in_census: We're sorry but you can't be authorized because your email is not in the census. Please contact the admin if you feel this is a mistake. participate_in: 'This authorization allows you to participate in the following consultations: %{consultations}' phone_warning: This phone number has been imported by the admin. Please, reach out if it's not correct. send_code: Send verification code title: Authorize with Corporate Governance Verifier admin: actions: invite: Send invitation invite_all: Send invitations to non-existing users resend: Resend invitation consultations: results: default_metadata: "(členské údaje nejsou k dispozici)" export: Export export_filename: výsledky konzultací membership_type: Typ členství membership_weight: Váha total_delegates: "%{count} delegovaných hlasů" authorization_handlers: admin: delegations_verifier: help: - Metoda ověřování pro delegované hlasování delegations_verifier: explanation: Ověření uživatelé s touto metodou mohou delegovat hlasy na ostatní uživatele fields: phone: Phone number name: Corporate Governance resources: question: actions: comment: Comment vote: Vote verifications: authorizations: first_login: actions: delegations_verifier: Get verified with Corporate Governance Census devise: mailer: invite_participant: subject: You have been invited to participate in the consultation layouts: decidim: admin: question: attachments: Přílohy categories: Kategorie user_profile: vote_delegations: Delegace hlasů