import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class WordProblemSolverTest { @Rule public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); WordProblemSolver solver; @Before public void setup() { solver = new WordProblemSolver(); } @Test public void testSingleAddition1() { assertEquals(2, solver.solve("What is 1 plus 1?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleAddition2() { assertEquals(55, solver.solve("What is 53 plus 2?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleAdditionWithNegativeNumbers() { assertEquals(-11, solver.solve("What is -1 plus -10?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleAdditionOfLargeNumbers() { assertEquals(45801, solver.solve("What is 123 plus 45678?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleSubtraction() { assertEquals(16, solver.solve("What is 4 minus -12?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleMultiplication() { assertEquals(-75, solver.solve("What is -3 multiplied by 25?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSingleDivision() { assertEquals(-11, solver.solve("What is 33 divided by -3?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testMultipleAdditions() { assertEquals(3, solver.solve("What is 1 plus 1 plus 1?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testAdditionThenSubtraction() { assertEquals(8, solver.solve("What is 1 plus 5 minus -2?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testMultipleSubtractions() { assertEquals(3, solver.solve("What is 20 minus 4 minus 13?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testSubtractionThenAddition() { assertEquals(14, solver.solve("What is 17 minus 6 plus 3?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testMultipleMultiplications() { assertEquals(-12, solver.solve("What is 2 multiplied by -2 multiplied by 3?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testAdditionThenMultiplication() { assertEquals(-8, solver.solve("What is -3 plus 7 multiplied by -2?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testMultipleDivisions() { assertEquals(2, solver.solve("What is -12 divided by 2 divided by -3?")); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testUnknownOperation() { expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("I'm sorry, I don't understand the question!"); solver.solve("What is 52 cubed?"); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testInvalidQuestionFormat() { expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("I'm sorry, I don't understand the question!"); // See if you really need to know! solver.solve("Who is the President of the United States?"); } }