module FaaStRuby module Command module Workspace class Destroy < WorkspaceBaseCommand def initialize(args) @args = args @missing_args = [] FaaStRuby::CLI.error(@missing_args, color: nil) if missing_args.any? @workspace_name = @args.shift parse_options FaaStRuby::Credentials.load_for(@workspace_name) @options['credentials_file'] ||= FaaStRuby.credentials_file end def run warning unless @options['force'] FaaStRuby::CLI.error("Cancelled") unless @options['force'] == 'y' workspace = @workspace_name) workspace.destroy FaaStRuby::CLI.error(workspace.errors) if workspace.errors.any? FaaStRuby::Credentials.remove(@workspace_name, @options['credentials_file']) puts "Workspace '#{@workspace_name}' was deleted from the server" end private def warning print "WARNING: ".red puts "This action will permanently remove the workspace '#{@workspace_name}' and all its functions from the server." print "Are you sure? [y/N] " @options['force'] = STDIN.gets.chomp end def missing_args if @args.empty? @missing_args << "Missing argument: WORKSPACE_NAME".red @missing_args << "Usage: faastruby destroy-workspace WORKSPACE_NAME" end FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["'#{@args.first}' is not a valid workspace name.".red, usage], color: nil) if @args.first =~ /^-.*/ @missing_args end def "destroy-workspace".blue + " WORKSPACE_NAME [-y, --yes]" end def usage "Usage: faastruby #{}" end def parse_options @options = {} while @args.any? option = @args.shift case option when '-y' @options['force'] = 'y' else FaaStRuby::CLI.error("Unknown argument: #{option}") end end end end end end end