module AchClient ## Concern for providers that have SOAP apis, to be included in # provider class module SoapProvider extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # @return [String] Url of provider's WSDL doc for the environment you want class_attribute :wsdl # @return [Savon::Client] The Savon client object to use for making SOAP # requests to the provider class_attribute :_soap_client # Makes a SOAP request to the provider, without any error handling, and # returns the savon response after logging it # @param method [Symbol] SOAP operation to call against the provider # @param message [Hash] The request body # @return [Savon::Response] raw response def self.request(method:, message:) logged_response(method,, message: message)) end private_class_method def self.logged_response(method, response) # Provider name can be the name of the class this is included in provider_name = self.to_s.demodulize AchClient::Logging::LogProviderJob.perform_async( body: response.xml, name: "response-#{provider_name}-#{method}-#{}.xml" ) response end # @return [Savon::Client] The Savon client object to use for making SOAP # requests to the provider private_class_method def self.soap_client self._soap_client ||= Savon.client(wsdl: self.wsdl) do # Lets us use symbols as keys without Savon changing the case # { 'Key' => 'Value' } == { Key: 'Value' } convert_request_keys_to :none pretty_print_xml true end end end end end