require "octothorpe" ## # These are the shared tests for all interfaces. To use them you need to supply: # # * record - a record to insert # * interface - an instance of the interface to call. # # For example (from nebulous_interface_spec): # # it_behaves_like "an interface" do # let(:record) { {id: 1, name: "percy"} } # # let(:interface) do # init_nebulous # ) # end # end # # 'record' does not have to include every column in your table, and you should actively exclude # floats (where you cannot guarantee equality) or anything that is supposed to render to a # BigDecimal. Make sure these fields are NULL in the table definition. # # Note that these shared tests only test the common parts of the API that the interface exposes to # the *model* They don't attempt to test your Interface's communication to it's data access layer, # or how it talks to the Connection class. It makes no assumptions about where your test data is # coming from, or how you are calling or mocking whatever library the interface is an adapter to. # # It's up to the individual specs to test that the interface is calling its library correctly and # deal with all the things specific to that interface - which includes how the model calls new() # and list(), for example. # RSpec.shared_examples "an interface" do let(:record_as_ot) { } describe "#id_fld" do it "is an attribute" do expect( interface.id_fld ).not_to be_nil end end # of #id_fld describe "#id_ai" do it "is an attribute" do expect( interface.id_ai ).not_to be_nil end end # of #id_ai describe "#create" do it "requires a hash or an Octothorpe" do expect{ interface.create }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.create(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.create(3) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.create(record) }.not_to raise_exception expect{ interface.create(record_as_ot) }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns the ID" do record_id = interface.create(record) expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to include record end end # of #create describe "#read" do before do interface.create(record) @id = interface.list.first[interface.id_fld] end it "requires an ID" do expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns an Octothorpe" do expect( ).to be_a_kind_of Octothorpe end end # of #read describe "#update" do before do interface.create(record) @id = interface.list.first[interface.id_fld] end it "requires an ID and a record (hash or OT)" do expect{ interface.update }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.update(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.update(14) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.update(@id, record) }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns self" do expect( interface.update(@id, record) ).to eq interface end end # of #update describe "#delete" do before do interface.create(record) @id = interface.list.first[interface.id_fld] end it "requires an id" do expect{ interface.delete }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.delete(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.delete(@id) }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns self" do expect( interface.delete(@id) ).to eq interface end end # of #delete describe "#list" do it "will allow itself to be called with no parameter" do expect{ interface.list }.not_to raise_exception end it "returns an array of Octothorpes" do interface.create(record) expect( interface.list ).to be_a_kind_of Array expect( interface.list.first ).to be_a_kind_of Octothorpe end it "has the ID field as one of the Octothorpe keys" do interface.create(record) expect( interface.list.first.to_h ).to have_key interface.id_fld end end # of #list end