import { typeOf } from '../../lib/type-of'; import EmberObject from '../../lib/system/object'; import compare from '../../lib/compare'; import Comparable from '../../lib/mixins/comparable'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let data = []; let Comp = EmberObject.extend(Comparable); Comp.reopenClass({ compare(obj) { return obj.get('val'); }, }); moduleFor( '', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { data[0] = null; data[1] = false; data[2] = true; data[3] = -12; data[4] = 3.5; data[5] = 'a string'; data[6] = 'another string'; data[7] = 'last string'; data[8] = [1, 2]; data[9] = [1, 2, 3]; data[10] = [1, 3]; data[11] = { a: 'hash' }; data[12] = EmberObject.create(); data[13] = function(a) { return a; }; data[14] = new Date('2012/01/01'); data[15] = new Date('2012/06/06'); } ['@test ordering should work'](assert) { let suspect, comparable, failureMessage, suspectIndex, comparableIndex; for (suspectIndex = 0; suspectIndex < data.length; suspectIndex++) { suspect = data[suspectIndex]; assert.equal(compare(suspect, suspect), 0, suspectIndex + ' should equal itself'); for (comparableIndex = suspectIndex + 1; comparableIndex < data.length; comparableIndex++) { comparable = data[comparableIndex]; failureMessage = 'data[' + suspectIndex + '] (' + typeOf(suspect) + ') should be smaller than data[' + comparableIndex + '] (' + typeOf(comparable) + ')'; assert.equal(compare(suspect, comparable), -1, failureMessage); } } } ['@test comparables should return values in the range of -1, 0, 1'](assert) { let negOne = Comp.create({ val: -1, }); let zero = Comp.create({ val: 0, }); let one = Comp.create({ val: 1, }); assert.equal(compare(negOne, 'a'), -1, 'First item comparable - returns -1 (not negated)'); assert.equal(compare(zero, 'b'), 0, 'First item comparable - returns 0 (not negated)'); assert.equal(compare(one, 'c'), 1, 'First item comparable - returns 1 (not negated)'); assert.equal(compare('a', negOne), 1, 'Second item comparable - returns -1 (negated)'); assert.equal(compare('b', zero), 0, 'Second item comparable - returns 0 (negated)'); assert.equal(compare('c', one), -1, 'Second item comparable - returns 1 (negated)'); } } );