module HealthDataStandards module Import module C32 # This class is the central location for taking a HITSP C32 XML document and converting it # into the processed form we store in MongoDB. The class does this by running each measure # independently on the XML document # # This class is a Singleton. It should be accessed by calling PatientImporter.instance class PatientImporter include Singleton include HealthDataStandards::Util # Creates a new PatientImporter with the following XPath expressions used to find content in # a HITSP C32: # # Encounter entries # //cda:section[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']/cda:entry/cda:encounter # # Procedure entries # //cda:procedure[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Result entries - There seems to be some confusion around the correct templateId, so the code checks for both # //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] | //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Vital sign entries # //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Medication entries # //cda:section[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']/cda:entry/cda:substanceAdministration # # Codes for medications are found in the substanceAdministration with the following relative XPath # ./cda:consumable/cda:manufacturedProduct/cda:manufacturedMaterial/cda:code # # Condition entries # //cda:section[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']/cda:entry/cda:act/cda:entryRelationship/cda:observation # # Codes for conditions are determined by examining the value child element as opposed to the code child element # # Social History entries (non-C32 section, specified in the HL7 CCD) # //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Care Goal entries(non-C32 section, specified in the HL7 CCD) # //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Allergy entries # //cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Immunization entries # //cda:substanceAdministration[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.'] # # Codes for immunizations are found in the substanceAdministration with the following relative XPath # ./cda:consumable/cda:manufacturedProduct/cda:manufacturedMaterial/cda:code def initialize(check_usable = true) @section_importers = {} @section_importers[:encounters] = @section_importers[:procedures] = @section_importers[:results] = @section_importers[:vital_signs] = @section_importers[:medications] = @section_importers[:conditions] = @section_importers[:social_history] ="//cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']") @section_importers[:care_goals] ="//cda:observation[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']") @section_importers[:medical_equipment] ="//cda:section[cda:templateId/@root='2.16.840.1.113883.']/cda:entry/cda:supply", "./cda:participant/cda:participantRole/cda:playingDevice/cda:code") @section_importers[:allergies] = @section_importers[:immunizations] = end def build_id_map(doc) id_map = {} path = "//*[@ID]" ids = doc.xpath(path) ids.each do |id| tag = id['ID'] value = id.content id_map[tag] = value end id_map end # @param [boolean] value for check_usable_entries...importer uses true, stats uses false def check_usable(check_usable_entries) @section_importers.each_pair do |section, importer| importer.check_for_usable = check_usable_entries end end # Parses a HITSP C32 document and returns a Hash of of the patient. # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] doc It is expected that the root node of this document # will have the "cda" namespace registered to "urn:hl7-org:v3" # @return [Record] a Mongoid model representing the patient def parse_c32(doc) c32_patient = get_demographics(c32_patient, doc) create_c32_hash(c32_patient, doc) c32_patient end # Create a simple representation of the patient from a HITSP C32 # @param [Record] record Mongoid model to append the Entry objects to # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Document] doc It is expected that the root node of this document # will have the "cda" namespace registered to "urn:hl7-org:v3" # @return [Hash] a represnetation of the patient with symbols as keys for each section def create_c32_hash(record, doc) id_map = build_id_map(doc) @section_importers.each_pair do |section, importer| record.send(section.to_setter, importer.create_entries(doc, id_map)) end end # Inspects a C32 document and populates the patient Hash with first name, last name # birth date, gender and the effectiveTime. # # @param [Hash] patient A hash that is used to represent the patient # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node] doc The C32 document parsed by Nokogiri def get_demographics(patient, doc) effective_date = doc.at_xpath('/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:effectiveTime')['value'] patient.effective_time = HL7Helper.timestamp_to_integer(effective_date) patient_element = doc.at_xpath('/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient') patient.first = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:name/cda:given').text patient.last = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:name/cda:family').text birthdate_in_hl7ts_node = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:birthTime') birthdate_in_hl7ts = birthdate_in_hl7ts_node['value'] patient.birthdate = HL7Helper.timestamp_to_integer(birthdate_in_hl7ts) gender_node = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:administrativeGenderCode') patient.gender = gender_node['code'] id_node = doc.at_xpath('/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:id') patient.medical_record_number = id_node['extension'] # parse race, ethnicity, and spoken language race_node = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:raceCode') patient.race = { code: race_node['code'], code_set: 'CDC-RE' } if race_node ethnicity_node = patient_element.at_xpath('cda:ethnicGroupCode') patient.ethnicity = {code: ethnicity_node['code'], code_set: 'CDC-RE'} if ethnicity_node languages ='languageCommunication').map {|lc| lc.at_xpath('cda:languageCode')['code'] } patient.languages = languages unless languages.empty? end end end end end