require File.expand_path('../../../../spec/sample_jobs', __FILE__) require 'active_support/core_ext' shared_examples_for 'a delayed_job backend' do let(:worker) { } def create_job(opts = {}) described_class.create(opts.merge(:payload_object => end before do Delayed::Worker.max_priority = nil Delayed::Worker.min_priority = nil Delayed::Worker.default_priority = 99 Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = true SimpleJob.runs = 0 described_class.delete_all end it "should set run_at automatically if not set" do described_class.create(:payload_object => ).run_at.should_not be_nil end it "should not set run_at automatically if already set" do later = described_class.db_time_now + 5.minutes job = described_class.create(:payload_object =>, :run_at => later) job.run_at.should be_within(1).of(later) end describe "#reload" do it 'should cause the payload to be reloaded' do job = described_class.enqueue :payload_object => job.payload_object.object_id.should_not == job.reload.payload_object.object_id end end describe "enqueue" do context "with a hash" do it "should raise ArgumentError when handler doesn't respond_to :perform" do lambda { described_class.enqueue(:payload_object => }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to set priority" do job = described_class.enqueue :payload_object =>, :priority => 5 job.priority.should == 5 end it "should use default priority" do job = described_class.enqueue :payload_object => job.priority.should == 99 end it "should be able to set run_at" do later = described_class.db_time_now + 5.minutes job = described_class.enqueue :payload_object =>, :run_at => later job.run_at.should be_within(1).of(later) end it "should be able to set queue" do job = described_class.enqueue :payload_object =>, :queue => 'tracking' job.queue.should == 'tracking' end end context "with multiple arguments" do it "should raise ArgumentError when handler doesn't respond_to :perform" do lambda { described_class.enqueue( }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should increase count after enqueuing items" do described_class.enqueue described_class.count.should == 1 end it "should be able to set priority [DEPRECATED]" do silence_warnings do job = described_class.enqueue, 5 job.priority.should == 5 end end it "should use default priority when it is not set" do @job = described_class.enqueue @job.priority.should == 99 end it "should be able to set run_at [DEPRECATED]" do silence_warnings do later = described_class.db_time_now + 5.minutes @job = described_class.enqueue, 5, later @job.run_at.should be_within(1).of(later) end end it "should work with jobs in modules" do M::ModuleJob.runs = 0 job = described_class.enqueue lambda { job.invoke_job }.should change { M::ModuleJob.runs }.from(0).to(1) end end context "with delay_jobs = false" do before(:each) do Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false end it "should not increase count after enqueuing items" do described_class.enqueue described_class.count.should == 0 end it 'should invoke the enqueued job' do job = job.should_receive(:perform) described_class.enqueue job end it 'should return a job, not the result of invocation' do described_class.enqueue( be_instance_of(described_class) end end end describe "callbacks" do before(:each) do CallbackJob.messages = [] end %w(before success after).each do |callback| it "should call #{callback} with job" do job = described_class.enqueue( job.payload_object.should_receive(callback).with(job) job.invoke_job end end it "should call before and after callbacks" do job = described_class.enqueue( CallbackJob.messages.should == ["enqueue"] job.invoke_job CallbackJob.messages.should == ["enqueue", "before", "perform", "success", "after"] end it "should call the after callback with an error" do job = described_class.enqueue( job.payload_object.should_receive(:perform).and_raise("fail")) lambda { job.invoke_job }.should raise_error CallbackJob.messages.should == ["enqueue", "before", "error: RuntimeError", "after"] end it "should call error when before raises an error" do job = described_class.enqueue( job.payload_object.should_receive(:before).and_raise("fail")) lambda { job.invoke_job }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) CallbackJob.messages.should == ["enqueue", "error: RuntimeError", "after"] end end describe "payload_object" do it "should raise a DeserializationError when the job class is totally unknown" do job = :handler => "--- !ruby/object:JobThatDoesNotExist {}" lambda { job.payload_object }.should raise_error(Delayed::DeserializationError) end it "should raise a DeserializationError when the job struct is totally unknown" do job = :handler => "--- !ruby/struct:StructThatDoesNotExist {}" lambda { job.payload_object }.should raise_error(Delayed::DeserializationError) end it "should raise a DeserializationError when the YAML.load raises argument error" do job = :handler => "--- !ruby/struct:GoingToRaiseArgError {}" YAML.should_receive(:load).and_raise(ArgumentError) lambda { job.payload_object }.should raise_error(Delayed::DeserializationError) end end describe "reserve" do before do Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = 2.minutes end it "should not reserve failed jobs" do create_job :attempts => 50, :failed_at => described_class.db_time_now described_class.reserve(worker).should be_nil end it "should not reserve jobs scheduled for the future" do create_job :run_at => described_class.db_time_now + 1.minute described_class.reserve(worker).should be_nil end it "should reserve jobs scheduled for the past" do job = create_job :run_at => described_class.db_time_now - 1.minute described_class.reserve(worker).should == job end it "should reserve jobs scheduled for the past when time zones are involved" do = 'US/Eastern' job = create_job :run_at => described_class.db_time_now - 1.minute described_class.reserve(worker).should == job end it "should not reserve jobs locked by other workers" do job = create_job other_worker = = 'other_worker' described_class.reserve(other_worker).should == job described_class.reserve(worker).should be_nil end it "should reserve open jobs" do job = create_job described_class.reserve(worker).should == job end it "should reserve expired jobs" do job = create_job(:locked_by => 'some other worker', :locked_at => described_class.db_time_now - Delayed::Worker.max_run_time - 1.minute) described_class.reserve(worker).should == job end it "should reserve own jobs" do job = create_job(:locked_by =>, :locked_at => (described_class.db_time_now - 1.minutes)) described_class.reserve(worker).should == job end end context "#name" do it "should be the class name of the job that was enqueued" do described_class.create(:payload_object => ).name.should == 'ErrorJob' end it "should be the method that will be called if its a performable method object" do job = => == 'named_job' end it "should be the instance method that will be called if its a performable method object" do @job = Story.create(:text => "...") == 'Story#save' end it "should parse from handler on deserialization error" do job = Story.create(:text => "...").delay.text job.payload_object.object.destroy == 'Delayed::PerformableMethod' end end context "worker prioritization" do before(:each) do Delayed::Worker.max_priority = nil Delayed::Worker.min_priority = nil end it "should fetch jobs ordered by priority" do 10.times { described_class.enqueue, :priority => rand(10) } jobs = [] 10.times { jobs << described_class.reserve(worker) } jobs.size.should == 10 jobs.each_cons(2) do |a, b| a.priority.should <= b.priority end end it "should only find jobs greater than or equal to min priority" do min = 5 Delayed::Worker.min_priority = min 10.times {|i| described_class.enqueue, :priority => i } 5.times { described_class.reserve(worker).priority.should >= min } end it "should only find jobs less than or equal to max priority" do max = 5 Delayed::Worker.max_priority = max 10.times {|i| described_class.enqueue, :priority => i } 5.times { described_class.reserve(worker).priority.should <= max } end end context "clear_locks!" do before do @job = create_job(:locked_by => 'worker1', :locked_at => described_class.db_time_now) end it "should clear locks for the given worker" do described_class.clear_locks!('worker1') described_class.reserve(worker).should == @job end it "should not clear locks for other workers" do described_class.clear_locks!('different_worker') described_class.reserve(worker).should_not == @job end end context "unlock" do before do @job = create_job(:locked_by => 'worker', :locked_at => described_class.db_time_now) end it "should clear locks" do @job.unlock @job.locked_by.should be_nil @job.locked_at.should be_nil end end context "large handler" do before do text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. " * 1000 @job = described_class.enqueue, :length, {}) end it "should have an id" do be_nil end end context "named queues" do context "when worker has one queue set" do before(:each) do worker.queues = ['large'] end it "should only work off jobs which are from its queue" do SimpleJob.runs.should == 0 create_job(:queue => "large") create_job(:queue => "small") worker.work_off SimpleJob.runs.should == 1 end end context "when worker has two queue set" do before(:each) do worker.queues = ['large', 'small'] end it "should only work off jobs which are from its queue" do SimpleJob.runs.should == 0 create_job(:queue => "large") create_job(:queue => "small") create_job(:queue => "medium") create_job worker.work_off SimpleJob.runs.should == 2 end end context "when worker does not have queue set" do before(:each) do worker.queues = [] end it "should work off all jobs" do SimpleJob.runs.should == 0 create_job(:queue => "one") create_job(:queue => "two") create_job worker.work_off SimpleJob.runs.should == 3 end end end context "max_attempts" do before(:each) do @job = described_class.enqueue end it 'should not be defined' do @job.max_attempts.should be_nil end it 'should use the max_retries value on the payload when defined' do @job.payload_object.stub!(:max_attempts).and_return(99) @job.max_attempts.should == 99 end end describe "yaml serialization" do it "should reload changed attributes" do story = Story.create(:text => 'hello') job = story.delay.tell story.update_attributes :text => 'goodbye' job.reload.payload_object.object.text.should == 'goodbye' end it "should raise deserialization error for destroyed records" do story = Story.create(:text => 'hello') job = story.delay.tell story.destroy lambda { job.reload.payload_object }.should raise_error(Delayed::DeserializationError) end end describe "worker integration" do before do Delayed::Job.delete_all SimpleJob.runs = 0 end describe "running a job" do it "should fail after Worker.max_run_time" do begin old_max_run_time = Delayed::Worker.max_run_time Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = 1.second @job = Delayed::Job.create :payload_object => @job.reload.last_error.should =~ /expired/ @job.attempts.should == 1 ensure Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = old_max_run_time end end context "when the job raises a deserialization error" do it "should mark the job as failed" do Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false job = described_class.create! :handler => "--- !ruby/object:JobThatDoesNotExist {}" worker.work_off job.reload job.failed_at.should_not be_nil end end end describe "failed jobs" do before do # reset defaults Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = true Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 25 @job = Delayed::Job.enqueue( end it "should record last_error when destroy_failed_jobs = false, max_attempts = 1" do Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 1 @job.reload @job.last_error.should =~ /did not work/ @job.attempts.should == 1 @job.failed_at.should_not be_nil end it "should re-schedule jobs after failing" do worker.work_off @job.reload @job.last_error.should =~ /did not work/ @job.last_error.should =~ /sample_jobs.rb:\d+:in `perform'/ @job.attempts.should == 1 @job.run_at.should > Delayed::Job.db_time_now - 10.minutes @job.run_at.should < Delayed::Job.db_time_now + 10.minutes @job.locked_by.should be_nil @job.locked_at.should be_nil end it 'should re-schedule with handler provided time if present' do @job = Delayed::Job.enqueue( @job.reload (Delayed::Job.db_time_now + 99.minutes - @job.run_at).abs.should < 1 end it "should not fail when the triggered error doesn't have a message" do error_with_nil_message = error_with_nil_message.stub!(:message).and_return nil @job.stub!(:invoke_job).and_raise error_with_nil_message lambda{}.should_not raise_error end end context "reschedule" do before do @job = Delayed::Job.create :payload_object => end share_examples_for "any failure more than Worker.max_attempts times" do context "when the job's payload has a #failure hook" do before do @job = Delayed::Job.create :payload_object => @job.payload_object.should respond_to :failure end it "should run that hook" do @job.payload_object.should_receive :failure worker.reschedule(@job) end end context "when the job's payload has no #failure hook" do # It's a little tricky to test this in a straightforward way, # because putting a should_not_receive expectation on # @job.payload_object.failure makes that object # incorrectly return true to # payload_object.respond_to? :failure, which is what # reschedule uses to decide whether to call failure. # So instead, we just make sure that the payload_object as it # already stands doesn't respond_to? failure, then # shove it through the iterated reschedule loop and make sure we # don't get a NoMethodError (caused by calling that nonexistent # failure method). before do @job.payload_object.should_not respond_to(:failure) end it "should not try to run that hook" do lambda do Delayed::Worker.max_attempts.times { worker.reschedule(@job) } end.should_not raise_exception(NoMethodError) end end end context "and we want to destroy jobs" do before do Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = true end it_should_behave_like "any failure more than Worker.max_attempts times" it "should be destroyed if it failed more than Worker.max_attempts times" do @job.should_receive(:destroy) Delayed::Worker.max_attempts.times { worker.reschedule(@job) } end it "should not be destroyed if failed fewer than Worker.max_attempts times" do @job.should_not_receive(:destroy) (Delayed::Worker.max_attempts - 1).times { worker.reschedule(@job) } end end context "and we don't want to destroy jobs" do before do Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false end it_should_behave_like "any failure more than Worker.max_attempts times" it "should be failed if it failed more than Worker.max_attempts times" do @job.reload.failed_at.should == nil Delayed::Worker.max_attempts.times { worker.reschedule(@job) } @job.reload.failed_at.should_not == nil end it "should not be failed if it failed fewer than Worker.max_attempts times" do (Delayed::Worker.max_attempts - 1).times { worker.reschedule(@job) } @job.reload.failed_at.should == nil end end end end end