Aws.config[:ecs] = { stub_responses: { describe_clusters: { clusters: [ { cluster_arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-ecs-cluster', cluster_name: 'my-ecs-cluster', status: 'ACTIVE', registered_container_instances_count: 0, pending_tasks_count: 0, running_tasks_count: 0, active_services_count: 0 } ], failures: [ ] }, list_container_instances: { container_instance_arns: [ 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:container-instance/f2756532-8f13-4d53-87c9-aed50dc94cd7' ] }, describe_container_instances: { container_instances: [ { agent_connected: true, container_instance_arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:container-instance/f2756532-8f13-4d53-87c9-aed50dc94cd7', ec2_instance_id: 'i-01234567', pending_tasks_count: 0, registered_resources: [ { name: 'CPU', type: 'INTEGER', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 2048, long_value: 0 }, { name: 'MEMORY', type: 'INTEGER', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 3768, long_value: 0 }, { name: 'PORTS', type: 'STRINGSET', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 0, long_value: 0, string_set_value: %w[ 2376 22 51678 2375 ] } ], remaining_resources: [ { name: 'CPU', type: 'INTEGER', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 1948, long_value: 0 }, { name: 'MEMORY', type: 'INTEGER', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 3668, long_value: 0 }, { name: 'PORTS', type: 'STRINGSET', double_value: 0.0, integer_value: 0, long_value: 0, string_set_value: %w[ 2376 22 80 51678 2375 ] } ], running_tasks_count: 1, status: 'ACTIVE' } ], failures: [ ] }, describe_task_definition: { task_definition: { container_definitions: [ { name: 'wordpress', cpu: 10, environment: [ ], essential: true, image: 'wordpress', links: [ 'mysql' ], memory: 500, mount_points: [ ], port_mappings: [ { container_port: 80, host_port: 80 } ], volumes_from: [ ] }, { name: 'mysql', cpu: 10, environment: [ { name: 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', value: 'password' } ], essential: true, image: 'mysql', memory: 500, mount_points: [ ], port_mappings: [ ], volumes_from: [ ] } ], status: 'ACTIVE', family: 'my-ecs-task-definition', revision: 8, task_definition_arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:task-definition/my-ecs-task-definition:8', task_role_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-iam-role', volumes: [ ] } }, describe_services: { failures: [ ], services: [ { cluster_arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-ecs-cluster', created_at: Time.parse('2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z'), deployment_configuration: { maximum_percent: 200, minimum_healthy_percent: 100 }, deployments: [ { created_at: Time.parse('2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z'), desired_count: 1, id: 'ecs-svc/9223370564341623665', pending_count: 0, running_count: 0, status: 'PRIMARY', task_definition: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:task-definition/my-ecs-task-definition:8', updated_at: Time.parse('2016-08-29T16:25:52.130Z') } ], desired_count: 1, events: [ { created_at: Time.parse('2016-08-29T16:25:58.520Z'), id: '38c285e5-d335-4b68-8b15-e46dedc8e88d', message: '(service my-ecs-service) was unable to place a task ' \ 'because no container instance met all of its requirements. The ' \ 'closest matching (container-instance ' \ '3f4de1c5-ffdd-4954-af7e-75b4be0c8841) is already using a port ' \ 'required by your task. For more information, see the ' \ 'Troubleshooting section of the Amazon ECS Developer Guide.' } ], load_balancers: [ ], pending_count: 0, running_count: 0, service_arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:service/my-ecs-service', service_name: 'my-ecs-service', status: 'ACTIVE', task_definition: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:task-definition/my-ecs-task-definition:8' } ] } } }