<% blazer_title "Docs: #{@data_source.name}" %>

Docs: <%= @data_source.name %>

Smart Variables

<% if @smart_variables.any? %>

Use these variable names to get a dropdown of values.

<% @smart_variables.each do |k, _| %> <% end %>
{<%= k %>}

Use {start_time} and {end_time} for a date range selector. End a variable name with _at for a date selector.

<% else %>

None set - add them in config/blazer.yml.

<% end %>

Linked Columns

<% if @linked_columns.any? %>

Use these column names to link results to other pages.

<% @linked_columns.each do |k, v| %> <% end %>
Name URL
<%= k %> <%= v %>

Values that match the format of a URL will be linked automatically.

<% else %>

None set - add them in config/blazer.yml.

<% end %>

Smart Columns

<% if @smart_columns.any? %>

Use these column names to show additional data.

<% @smart_columns.each do |k, _| %> <% end %>
<%= k %>
<% else %>

None set - add them in config/blazer.yml.

<% end %>


Use specific combinations of column types to generate charts.

Chart Column Types
Line 2+ columns - timestamp, numeric(s)
Line 3 columns - timestamp, string, numeric
Column 2+ columns - string, numeric(s)
Column 3 columns - string, string, numeric
Scatter 2 columns - both numeric
Pie 2 columns - string, numeric - and last column named pie
Map Named latitude and longitude, or lat and lon, or lat and lng <% if !blazer_maps? %>
Needs configured <% end %>

Use the column name target to draw a line for goals.