require 'fileutils' # Add methods for aliasing and overriding rake tasks # From: Rake::TaskManager.class_eval do def alias_task(fq_name) raise "Task '#{fq_name}' not found" unless @tasks.has_key?(fq_name) new_name = "#{fq_name}:original" @tasks[new_name] = @tasks.delete(fq_name) end end def alias_task(fq_name) Rake.application.alias_task(fq_name) end def override_task(*args, &block) name, params, deps = Rake.application.resolve_args(args.dup) fq_name = Rake.application.instance_variable_get(:@scope).to_a.reverse.push(name).join(':') alias_task(fq_name) Rake::Task.define_task(*args, &block) end # -------------------------------------------------- # ---------------Custom Rake Tasks for Naf---------- # -------------------------------------------------- namespace :naf do namespace :isolate do desc "Custom isolation Engine migrations to db/naf/migrate folder, for use on non-primary database" task :migrations do puts "Moving naf migration files to folder: #{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}" FileUtils.mkdir(isolated_naf_folder) unless Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_folder) FileUtils.mkdir(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) unless Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) source_folder = "#{Rails.root}/db/migrate" Dir.entries(source_folder).grep(/\.naf\.rb/).each do |migration_file| file_path = "#{source_folder}/#{migration_file}" puts "#{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}/#{migration_file}" if File.exists?("#{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}#{migration_file}") puts "\t#{migration_file} already exists, skipping" else puts "\t #{file_path} => #{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}#{migration_file}", isolated_naf_migrations_folder) end end end end namespace :janitor do desc "create partitioning infrastructure for naf tables" task infrastructure: :environment do model_names = [,,] end end namespace :logs do desc "Archive logs (moves logs to a different directory)" task archive: :environment do # When installing Naf, check the filesystem for existence of naflogs. # If so, archive the logs before you start using the system. if + "/naf") # Each archive will have a unique path based on the time archived time = FileUtils.mkdir_p(Naf::LOGGING_ROOT_DIRECTORY + Naf::LOGGING_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY + "/#{time}") puts "Moving naf logs into archive directory: #{Naf::LOGGING_ROOT_DIRECTORY + Naf::LOGGING_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}/#{time.gsub(' ', '\ ')}" # Move the naf logs into the archive directory system "mv #{Naf::LOGGING_ROOT_DIRECTORY}/naf " + "#{Naf::LOGGING_ROOT_DIRECTORY + Naf::LOGGING_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}/#{time.gsub(' ', '\ ')}" end end end namespace :db do desc "Custom migrate task, connects to correct database, migrations found in db/naf/migrate" task migrate: :environment do if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 puts "Running naf migrations with database configuration: #{naf_environment}" puts naf_migrations connect_to_naf_database do version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(isolated_naf_migrations_folder, version ) end else #Invoke the standard migration task, within the Naf Engine scope ENV['SCOPE'] = 'naf' Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke end end desc "Perform a rollback on the on the naf migrations" task rollback: :environment do if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 connect_to_naf_database do step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 ActiveRecord::Migrator.rollback(isolated_naf_migrations_folder, step) end else ENV['SCOPE'] = 'naf' Rake::Task['db:rollback'].invoke end end namespace :migrate do desc 'Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION.' task up: [:environment] do if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 connect_to_naf_database do version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil raise 'VERSION is required' unless version, [isolated_naf_migrations_folder], version) end else puts "You are using the primary database for Naf, please run: rake db:migrate:up VERSION=x" end end desc 'Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION.' task down: [:environment] do if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 connect_to_naf_database do version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil raise 'VERSION is required' unless version, [isolated_naf_migrations_folder], version) end else puts "You are using the primary database for Naf, please run: rake db:migrate:down VERSION=x" end end desc "Show the status of migrations" task status: :environment do if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 connect_to_naf_database do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[naf_environment] unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(ActiveRecord::Migrator.schema_migrations_table_name) puts 'Schema migrations table does not exist yet.' next # means "return" for rake task end db_list = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT version FROM #{ActiveRecord::Migrator.schema_migrations_table_name}") file_list = [] Dir.foreach(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) do |file| # only files matching "20091231235959_some_name.rb" pattern if match_data = /^(\d{14})_(.+)\.rb$/.match(file) status = db_list.delete(match_data[1]) ? 'up' : 'down' file_list << [status, match_data[1], match_data[2].humanize] end end! do |version| ['up', version, '********** NO FILE **********'] end # output puts "\ndatabase: #{config['database']}\n\n" puts "#{'Status'.center(8)} #{'Migration ID'.ljust(14)} Migration Name" puts "-" * 50 (db_list + file_list).sort_by {|migration| migration[1]}.each do |migration| puts "#{migration[0].center(8)} #{migration[1].ljust(14)} #{migration[2]}" end end else puts "You are using the primary database for Naf, please run: rake db:migrate:status" end end end namespace :structure do desc "Dump the naf_development schema" task dump: :environment do env = "naf_#{::Rails.env}" config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[env] ENV['PGHOST'] = config["host"] if config["host"] ENV['PGPORT'] = config["port"].to_s if config["port"] ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config["password"].to_s if config["password"] search_path = "naf*" command = "pg_dump -i -U \"#{config["username"]}\" -s -x -O" ( config["exclude"] || [] ).each {|e| command << " -T \"#{e}\""} command << " -f db/#{env}_structure.sql --schema=#{search_path} #{config["database"]} > /dev/null 2>&1" `#{command}` raise "Error dumping database structure for #{env}" if $?.exitstatus == 1 end end namespace :test do desc "Drop the Naf Test database" task purge: :environment do abcs = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations config = abcs['naf_test'] ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge('database' => 'postgres', 'schema_search_path' => 'public')) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_database config['database'] @encoding = config['encoding'] || ENV['CHARSET'] || 'utf8' begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config.merge('database' => 'postgres', 'schema_search_path' => 'public')) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(config['database'], config.merge('encoding' => @encoding)) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts e, *(e.backtrace) $stderr.puts "Couldn't create database for #{config.inspect}" end end desc "Clone naf_development to naf_test" task clone_structure: [ "naf:db:structure:dump", "naf:db:test:purge" ] do abcs = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations config = abcs['naf_test'] ENV['PGHOST'] = config["host"] if config["host"] ENV['PGPORT'] = config["port"].to_s if config["port"] ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config["password"].to_s if config["password"] `psql -U "#{config["username"]}" -f db/naf_#{::Rails.env}_structure.sql #{config["database"]}` raise "Error loading database structure for #{env}" if $?.exitstatus == 1 end end end desc "Undo all of the naf schema migrations" task schema_rollback: :environment do puts "Rolling back all of Naf migrations" if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 connect_to_naf_database do ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(isolated_naf_migrations_folder, 0) end else ENV['SCOPE'] = 'naf' ENV['VERSION'] = '0' Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke end end desc "Delete all of the naf schema migrations files that were installed" task remove_migration_files: [:environment, :schema_rollback] do naf_migrations.each do |migration| if using_another_database? and naf_migrations.size > 0 file_path = "#{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}#{migration}" else file_path = "#{standard_migrations_folder}#{migration}" end if File.exists?(file_path) puts "Removing migration file: #{migration}" File.delete(file_path) end end if Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) puts "Removing folder #{isolated_naf_migrations_folder}" FileUtils.rmdir(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) end if Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_folder) puts "Removing folder #{isolated_naf_folder}" FileUtils.rmdir(isolated_naf_folder) end end desc "Deletes initalizers, configs that were installed, revert edit to config/routes" task system_teardown: :environment do # The first two files configured to be removed, if someone is using an older versions of naf files_to_remove = [ "config/initializers/job_system_initializer.rb", "config/job_system_config.yml", "config/initializers/naf_initializer.rb", "config/initializers/naf.rb", "config/naf_log4r.yml", "config/naf_config.yml" ] edit_file_line_regex_hash = { "config/routes.rb" => %r{$ mount Naf::Engine, :at => "/job_system"\s*\n} } files_to_remove.each do |file| file_path = "#{Rails.root}/#{file}" if File.exists?(file_path) puts "Removing file: #{file}" File.delete(file_path) end end edit_file_line_regex_hash.each do |file, regex| puts "Reverting Naf Engine's edits to #{file}" file_path = "#{Rails.root}/#{file}" gsub_file(file_path, regex, '') end end desc "remove partitioning infrastructure for naf tables" task remove_partitions: :environment do klasses = [::Naf::HistoricalJob, ::Naf::HistoricalJobPrerequisite, ::Naf::HistoricalJobAffinityTab] existing_schemas = database_schemas schemas ={ |klass| klass.configurator.schema_name } if using_another_database? connect_to_naf_database do schemas.each do |schema| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP SCHEMA #{schema} CASCADE") if existing_schemas.include?(schema) end end else schemas.each do |schema| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP SCHEMA #{schema} CASCADE") if existing_schemas.include?(schema) end end end desc "The master task for completely expunging the installation of the naf Engine" task teardown: [:system_teardown, :remove_migration_files, :remove_partitions] do end end # Helper Methods def database_schemas params = ["SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_.*' AND nspname NOT IN ('information_schema') ORDER by nspname; ", 'SCHEMA'] if using_another_database? connect_to_naf_database do return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query(*params).flatten end else return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query(*params).flatten end end # Transactions method to connect to the specific database # you want the naf tables to live in def connect_to_naf_database original = ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(naf_environment) yield ensure ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection original end # Figure out if you are using another database for naf def using_another_database? return naf_environment == "naf_#{Rails.env}" end # Specifiy the naf environment, the configuration that migrations with run under, # If the naf_#{Rails.env} configuration exists in in database.yml, choose that, # else choose Rails.env def naf_environment naf_environments ={|env| env == "naf_#{Rails.env}"} if naf_environments.any? return naf_environments.first else return Rails.env.to_s end end # Subsitute matches to a given regex in the given file, with the given string # Used right now just to revert config/routes.rb def gsub_file(path, regexp, *args, &block) content =, *args, &block), 'wb') { |file| file.write(content) } end def standard_migrations_folder "#{Rails.root}/db/migrate/" end def isolated_naf_folder "#{Rails.root}/db/naf/" end def isolated_naf_migrations_folder "#{isolated_naf_folder}migrate/" end def naf_migrations if using_another_database? unless Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_folder) and Dir.exists?(isolated_naf_migrations_folder) raise NafConfigurationError else Dir.entries(isolated_naf_migrations_folder).grep(/\.naf\.rb$/) end else Dir.entries(standard_migrations_folder).grep(/\.naf\.rb$/) end end class NafUsageError < Exception end class NafConfigurationError < Exception end