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// forceClass: 0, storageManager: { autoload: 0 }, // storageManager: { type: 'firebase-firestore' }, layerManager: { showWrapper: 0, }, assetManager: { upload: '/admin/frontend/assets/upload', autoAdd: true, assets: images_assets }, styleManager : { clearProperties: 1, sectors: sectors, }, }); window.editor = editor; function saveCode() { try { var html = extrasEditor.deleteAreas(editor.getHtml(), view_name); var html = extrasEditor.buildHtml(html); var css = editor.getCss(); var css = cssbeautify(css, { indent: ' ', openbrace: 'separate-line', autosemicolon: true }); $.post("/admin/frontend/views/"+view_id+"/live_editor/save", {html: html, css: css}, function(data){ alert(data.result) }) } catch (e) { alert("Error when saving: Check that all is well") } } var toogleTools = false; var pnm = editor.Panels; pnm.addButton('commands', [ { id: 'keppler-logo', className: 'gjs-keppler-logo', command: function(e) {}, } ]); pnm.addButton('options', [{ id: 'undo', className: 'fa fa-undo icon-undo', title: 'Undo', command: function(e) { return e.runCommand('core:undo') }, },{ id: 'redo', title: 'Redo', className: 'fa fa-repeat icon-redo', command: function(e) { return e.runCommand('core:redo') }, }, { id: 'refresh', title: 'Refresh', className: 'fa fa-refresh', command(editor, sender) { window.location.reload(); }, }, // { // id: 'clear-all', // className: 'fa fa-trash icon-blank', // command: function(e) { return e.runCommand('core:canvas-clear') }, // }, { id: 'save-code', title: 'Save', className: 'fa fa-save', command(editor, sender) { saveCode(editor, view_id); }, }, { id: 'exit', title: 'Exit', className: 'fa fa-sign-out', command(editor, sender) { var confirmation = confirm("Are you sure?"); if (confirmation===true) { var route = "/admin/frontend/views/"+view_id+"/editor"; window.location.href = route } }, }, { id: 'show-tools', title: 'Open tools', className: 'fa fa-bars', command(editor, sender) { if(toogleTools===false) { $(".gjs-pn-views").removeClass('gsj-hide-tools').addClass('gsj-show-tools') $(".gjs-pn-views-container").removeClass('gsj-hide-tools').addClass('gsj-show-tools') $(".gjs-pn-options > .gjs-pn-buttons > .gjs-pn-btn.fa-bars ").removeClass('fa-bars').addClass('fa-times') toogleTools=true } else { $(".gjs-pn-views").removeClass('gsj-show-tools').addClass('gsj-hide-tools') $(".gjs-pn-views-container").removeClass('gsj-show-tools').addClass('gsj-hide-tools') $(".gjs-pn-options > .gjs-pn-buttons > .gjs-pn-btn.fa-times ").removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-bars') toogleTools=false } }, }]); editor.StyleManager.addProperty('Background', { id: 'gradient', name: 'Gradient', property: 'background-image', type: 'gradient', defaults: 'none' }); var codeButton = pnm.getButton("options", "fullscreen"); codeButton.collection.remove(codeButton); // var codeButton = editor.Panels.getButton("options", "export-template"); // codeButton.collection.remove(codeButton); var bm = editor.BlockManager; var noArea = false; editor.on('canvas:dragenter', (some, argument) => { // do something $(".gjs-pn-views").removeClass('gsj-show-tools').addClass('gsj-hide-tools') $(".gjs-pn-views-container").removeClass('gsj-show-tools').addClass('gsj-hide-tools') $(".gjs-pn-options > .gjs-pn-buttons > .gjs-pn-btn.fa-bars ").removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-bars') }) editor.on('canvas:dragend', (some, argument) => { // do something noArea = extrasEditor.getIfNotArea(some); $(".gjs-pn-views").removeClass('gsj-hide-tools').addClass('gsj-show-tools') $(".gjs-pn-views-container").removeClass('gsj-hide-tools').addClass('gsj-show-tools') $(".gjs-pn-options > .gjs-pn-buttons > .gjs-pn-btn.fa-times ").removeClass('fa-bars').addClass('fa-times') }) editor.on("block:drag:start", (some, argument) => { var section = ['header', 'view', 'footer'] for(var i=0; i < section.length; i++) { var el = $(".gjs-frame").contents().find("#keppler-"+section[i]); $(el).addClass("keppler-"+section[i]+"-area") } }) editor.on("block:drag:stop", (some, argument) => { var section = ['header', 'view', 'footer'] for(var i=0; i < section.length; i++) { var el = $(".gjs-frame").contents().find("#keppler-"+section[i]); $(el).removeClass("keppler-"+section[i]+"-area") } var el = $(some.view.$el[0]); if (!noArea) { el.remove(); } }) bm.add('link', { label: 'Link', category: 'Basic', attributes: {class:'fa fa-link'}, content: { type:'link', content:'Link', style:{color: '#d983a6'} } }); bm.add('link-block', { label: 'Link Block', attributes: {class:'fa fa-link'}, category: 'Basic', content: { type:'link', editable: false, draggable: '#wrapper', style:{ display: 'inline-block', padding: '5px', 'min-height': '50px', 'min-width': '50px' } }, }); bm.add('image', { label: 'Image', category: 'Basic', attributes: {class:'gjs-fonts gjs-f-image'}, content: { style: {color: 'black'}, type:'image', activeOnRender: 1 } }); bm.add('video', { label: 'Video', category: 'Basic', attributes: {class:'fa fa-youtube-play'}, 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Section content
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Insert title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

`, attributes: {class:'gjs-fonts gjs-f-h1p'} }); bm.add('quo', { label: 'Quote', category: 'Typography', content: '
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ipsum dolor sit
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