Mailgun - Templates ==================== This is the Mailgun Ruby *Templates* utilities. The below assumes you've already installed the Mailgun Ruby SDK in to your project. If not, go back to the master README for instructions. Usage - Templates ----------------------- **Build a message with a template:** ```ruby mb_obj = mb_obj.from("") mb_obj.add_recipient("to", "") mb_obj.subject ("This is the subject!") message.template('') message.template_version('example.tag') mg_client.send_message "", mb_obj ``` **Rails Example. Build a message with a template:** ```ruby class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer def welcome_email message = mail( from: "", to: "", subject: "This is the subject!", template: '' ) do |format| format.text { render plain: "Test!" } end message.tap do |message| message.mailgun_template_variables ||= { 'version' => 'example.tag' } end end end ``` Template Handlebars ------------------------- ``` {{#if english}}
This text is in the English language.
{{else if spanish}}Este texto está en idioma español.
{{else if french}}Ce texte est en langue française.
{{/if}} ``` In order to send the spanish version, for example: ```ruby message.variable('spanish', 'true') ``` Also, Rails example: ```ruby class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer def welcome_email message = mail( from: "", to: "", subject: "This is the subject!", template: '' ) do |format| format.text { render plain: "Test!" } end message.tap do |message| message.mailgun_variables ||= { 'spanish' => 'true' } end end end ``` More Documentation ------------------ See the official [Mailgun Templates Docs]( for more information