Priority queue with array based heap.
- clear
- clone
- downheap
- each_pop
- each_with_index
- empty?
- make_legal
- new
- pop
- pop_array
- push
- push_array
- replace_array
- replace_top
- replace_top_low
- to_a
- top
- upheap
[R] | gt | |
[RW] | qarray | |
[R] | size |
Public Class methods
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 43 def initialize(compareProc=lambda{|x,y| x>y}) # By default, retrieves maximal elements first. @qarray=[nil]; @size=0; @gt=compareProc; make_legal end
Public Instance methods
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 78 def clear @qarray.replace([nil]); @size=0; end
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 87 def clone q=new; q.qarray=@qarray.clone; q.size=@size; q.gt=@gt; return q; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 144 def each_pop # iterate pop. destructive. Use as self.each_pop{|x| ... }. while(@size>0); yield self.pop; end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 149 def each_with_index # Not ordered. Use as self.each_with_index{|e,i| ... }. for i in 1..@size do; yield @qarray[i],i; end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 74 def empty? return (0==@size) end
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 70 def make_legal for k in 2..@size do; upheap(k); end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 99 def pop # return top element. nil if queue is empty. if @size>0; res=@qarray[1]; @qarray[1]=@qarray[@size]; @size=@size-1; downheap(1); return res; else return nil end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 109 def pop_array(n=@size) # return top n-element as an sorted array. (i.e. The obtaining array is decreasing order.) # See also to_a. a=[] n.times{a.push(pop)} return a end
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 91 def push(v) @size=@size+1; @qarray[@size]=v; upheap(@size); end
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 95 def push_array(arr=[]) @qarray[@size+1,arr.size]=arr; arr.size.times{@size+=1; upheap(@size)} end
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 82 def replace_array(arr=[]) # Use push_array. @qarray.replace([nil]+arr); @size=arr.size; make_legal end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 137 def replace_top(v) # replace top element if @size>0; res=@qarray[1]; @qarray[1]=v; downheap(1); return res; else @qarray[1]=v; return nil; end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 130 def replace_top_low(v) # replace top element if v<top element. if @size>0; @qarray[0]=v; downheap(0); return @qarray[0]; else @qarray[1]=v; return nil; end; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 117 def to_a # array sorted as increasing order. # See also pop_array. res=@qarray[1..@size]; res.sort!{|x,y| if @gt[x,y]; 1;elsif @gt[y,x]; -1; else 0; end;} return res end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 125 def top # top element. not destructive. if @size>0; return @qarray[1]; else return nil; end; end
Private Instance methods
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# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 58 def downheap(k) v=@qarray[k]; q2=@size.div(2) loop{ if (k>q2); break; end; j=k+k; if ((j<@size)and(@gt[@qarray[j+1],@qarray[j]])); j=j+1; end; if @gt[v,@qarray[j]]; break; end; @qarray[k]=@qarray[j]; k=j; } @qarray[k]=v; end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/pqueue.rb, line 49 def upheap(k) k2=k.div(2); v=@qarray[k]; while ((k2>0)and(@gt[v,@qarray[k2]])); @qarray[k]=@qarray[k2]; k=k2; k2=k2.div(2) end; @qarray[k]=v; end