# # ActiveFacts CQL Parser. # Parse rules relating to ValueType definitions. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # module ActiveFacts module CQL grammar ValueTypes rule value_type s each? s term_definition_name m1:mapping_pragmas # REVISIT: ORM2 would allow (subtype_prefix term)? written_as any? s base:(term/implicit_value_type_name) s value_type_parameters u:units? c:context_note? r:(value_constraint enforcement)? m2:mapping_pragmas c2:context_note? s ';' s { def ast name = term_definition_name.value params = value_type_parameters.values value_constraint = nil unless r.empty? value_constraint = Compiler::ValueConstraint.new(r.value_constraint.ast, r.enforcement.ast) end units = u.empty? ? [] : u.value pragmas = m1.value+m2.value context_note = !c.empty? ? c.ast : (!c2.empty? ? c2.ast : nil) Compiler::ValueType.new name, base.value, params, units, value_constraint, pragmas, context_note end } end rule implicit_value_type_name id { def node_type; :term; end } end rule value_type_parameters '(' s tpl:type_parameter_list? ')' s { def values; tpl.empty? ? [] : tpl.values; end } / s { def values; []; end } end rule type_parameter_list head:number s tail:( ',' s number s )* { def values [head.value, *tail.elements.map{|i| i.number.value}] end } end rule unit_definition u:( s coeff:unit_coefficient? base:units? s o:unit_offset? conversion singular:unit_name s plural:('/' s p:unit_name s)? / s singular:unit_name s plural:('/' s p:unit_name s)? conversion coeff:unit_coefficient? base:units? s o:unit_offset? ) q:(approximately '' / ephemera s url )? s ';' { def ast singular = u.singular.text_value plural = u.plural.text_value.empty? ? nil : u.plural.p.text_value if u.coeff.empty? raise "Unit definition requires either a coefficient or an ephemera URL" unless q.respond_to?(:ephemera) numerator,denominator = 1, 1 else numerator, denominator = *u.coeff.ast end offset = u.o.text_value.empty? ? 0 : u.o.value bases = u.base.empty? ? [] : u.base.value approximately = q.respond_to?(:approximately) || u.conversion.approximate? ephemera = q.respond_to?(:ephemera) ? q.url.text_value : nil Compiler::Unit.new singular, plural, numerator, denominator, offset, bases, approximately, ephemera end } end rule unit_name id { def node_type; :unit; end } end rule unit_coefficient numerator:number denominator:(s '/' s number)? s { def ast [ numerator.text_value, (denominator.text_value.empty? ? "1" : denominator.number.text_value) ] end } end rule unit_offset sign:[-+] s number s { def value sign.text_value == '-' ? "-"+number.text_value : number.text_value end } end # In a unit definition, we may use undefined base units; this is the only way to get fundamental units rule units !non_unit maybe_unit s tail:(!non_unit maybe_unit s)* div:('/' s maybe_unit s tail:(!non_unit maybe_unit s)*)? { def value tail.elements.inject([maybe_unit.value]) { |a, e| a << e.maybe_unit.value } + (div.text_value.empty? ? [] : div.tail.elements.inject([div.maybe_unit.inverse]) { |a, e| a << e.maybe_unit.inverse }) end } end rule non_unit restricted_to / conversion / approximately / ephemera end rule unit maybe_unit &{|s| input.context.unit?(s[0].unit_name.text_value) } end rule maybe_unit unit_name pow:('^' '-'? [0-9])? { def value [unit_name.text_value, pow.text_value.empty? ? 1 : Integer(pow.text_value[1..-1])] end def inverse a = value a[1] = -a[1] a end } end rule value_constraint restricted_to restricted_values c:context_note? { def ast v = restricted_values.values c[:context_note] = c.ast unless c.empty? v end } # REVISIT: "where the possible value/s of that is/are value (, ...)" end rule restricted_values range_list s u:units? { def values { :ranges => range_list.ranges, :units => u.empty? ? nil : u.value } end } / regular_expression { def values { :regular_expression => contents } end } end rule range_list '{' s head:range s tail:( ',' s range )* '}' s { def ranges [head.value, *tail.elements.map{|e| e.range.value }] end } end end end end