7.21.1. Overview Summary

You can use Groonga as a library. You need to use the following APIs to initialize and finalize Groonga.

grn_init() initializes Groonga. In contrast, grn_fin() finalizes Groonga.

You must call grn_init() only once before you use APIs which are provided by Groonga. You must call grn_fin() only once after you finish to use APIs which are provided by Groonga. Example

Here is an example that uses Groonga as a full-text search library.

grn_rc rc;
/* It initializes resources used by Groonga. */
rc = grn_init();
if (rc != GRN_SUCCESS) {
  return EXIT_FAILURE;
/* Some Groonga API calling codes... */
/* It releases resources used by Groonga. */
return EXIT_SUCCESS; Reference

grn_rc grn_init(void)

grn_init() initializes resources that are used by Groonga. You must call it just once before you call other Groonga APIs.

Returns:GRN_SUCCESS on success, not GRN_SUCCESS on error.
grn_rc grn_fin(void)

grn_fin() releases resources that are used by Groonga. You can't call other Groonga APIs after you call grn_fin().

Returns:GRN_SUCCESS on success, not GRN_SUCCESS on error.