* 0.6.7 * RMagick outputter should use line command for lines [joshuaflanagan] * 0.6.6 * Add support for Codabar symbology [labocho] * 0.6.1 * Fix single-pixel error with RMagick [James Brink] * 0.6 * Add automatic character set to Code128 * Fix test for HtmlOutputter * 0.5.1 * Fix some encoding issues (ruby 2.0 & 1.9) * Rewrite HtmlOutputter. Not entirely backwards compatible with the previous version. * 0.5.0 * Require requirement of barcode symbologies in the same way outputters must be required before being used * 0.4.4 * Use Gemfile for dependency management [Ken Collins] * Move to MiniTest [Ken Collins] * HTML outputter [Ken Collins] * Various 1.9 fixes [Ken Collins, Dominique Ribaut] * 0.4.3 * 2- and 5-digit UPC supplements * Use ChunkyPNG for PngOutputter * 0.4.2 * ChunkyPngOutputter now renders 2D barcodes not upside down [Thanks Scient] * 0.4.1 * ChunkyPngOutputter - ChunkyPNG is a pure-Ruby PNG library * 0.4.0 * Can you tell I'm just making up version numbers as I go along? * DataMatrix (not required automatically, requires the 'semacode' gem) * Refactored PrawnOutputter a little. No more stupid options hashes + unbleed attribute * 0.3.2 * Fix bug where Code128 extras choke on newlines [Wayne Conrad] * Don't allow Code128 with empty data strings [Wayne Conrad] * Allow custom :size for QrCodes * 0.3.1 * Add support for PDF417, using Pdf417lib (JRuby only) [Aslak Hellesøy] * 0.3.0 * Make compatible with Ruby 1.9 [Chris Mowforth] * Add SvgOutputter for outputting SVGs without dependencies [Peter H. Li] * 0.2.1 * Allow QR Codes with sizes up to 40 * 0.2.0 * Added support for 2D barcodes * Updated all outputters to support 2D barcodes * Added support for QR Code * 0.1.2 * Added CairoOutputter [Kouhei Sutou] * 0.1.1 * Added PngOutputter that uses "png" gem