module AIXM module Feature module NavigationalAid ## # VOR (VHF omnidirectional range) operate in the frequency band between # 108.00 Mhz to 117.95 MHz. Two type of VORs exist: # # Types: # * +:vor+ (+:VOR+) - standard VOR # * +:doppler_vor+ (+:DVOR+) - Doppler VOR # # North types: # * +:geographic+ (+:TRUE+) - VOR aligned towards geographic north # * +:grid+ (+:GRID+) - VOR aligned along north-south lines of the # universal transverse mercator grid imposed on # topographic maps by the USA and NATO # * +:magnetic+ (+:MAG+) - VOR aligned towards magnetic north # # class VOR < Base using AIXM::Refinements TYPES = { VOR: :vor, DVOR: :doppler_vor }.freeze NORTHS = { TRUE: :geographic, GRID: :grid, MAG: :magnetic }.freeze attr_reader :type, :f, :north, :dme, :tacan public_class_method :new def initialize(id:, name:, xy:, z: nil, type:, f:, north:) super(id: id, name: name, xy: xy, z: z) self.type, self.f, self.north = type, f, north end def type=(value) @type = TYPES.lookup(value&.to_sym, nil) || fail(ArgumentError, "invalid type") end def type_key TYPES.key(type) end def f=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid f") unless value.is_a?(F) && value.between?(108, 117.95, :mhz) @f = value end def north=(value) @north = NORTHS.lookup(value&.to_sym, nil) || fail(ArgumentError, "invalid north") end def north_key NORTHS.key(north) end ## # Associate a DME (also known as VOR/DME) def associate_dme(channel:) @dme = AIXM.dme(id: id, name: name, xy: xy, z: z, channel: channel) @dme.schedule = schedule @dme.remarks = remarks @dme.vor = self end ## # Associate a TACAN (also known as VORTAC) def associate_tacan(channel:) @tacan = AIXM.tacan(id: id, name: name, xy: xy, z: z, channel: channel) @tacan.schedule = schedule @tacan.remarks = remarks @tacan.vor = self end ## # Digest to identify the payload def to_digest [super, type, f.to_digest, north].to_digest end ## # Render UID markup def to_uid(*extensions) builder = 2) builder.VorUid({ newEntity: (true if extensions >> :ofm) }.compact) do |voruid| voruid.codeId(id) voruid.geoLat(*extensions))) voruid.geoLong(xy.long(format_for(*extensions))) end end ## # Render AIXM markup def to_aixm(*extensions) builder = to_builder(*extensions) builder.Vor do |vor| vor << to_uid(*extensions).indent(2) vor.OrgUid vor.txtName(name) if name vor.codeType(type_key.to_s) vor.valFreq(f.freq.trim) vor.uomFreq(f.unit.upcase.to_s) vor.codeTypeNorth(north_key.to_s) vor.codeDatum('WGE') if z vor.valElev(z.alt) vor.uomDistVer(z.unit.to_s) end if schedule vor.Vtt do |vtt| vtt << schedule.to_aixm(*extensions).indent(4) end end vor.txtRmk(remarks) if remarks end builder << @dme.to_aixm(*extensions) if @dme builder << @tacan.to_aixm(*extensions) if @tacan! # see end end end end end