define("dojox/calendar/ViewBase", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/query", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on", "dojo/date", "dojo/date/locale", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dojox/widget/_Invalidating", "dojox/widget/Selection", "dojox/calendar/time", "./StoreMixin"], function( declare, lang, arr, win, event, html, has, query, dom, domStyle, domConstruct, on, date, locale, _WidgetBase, _Invalidating, Selection, timeUtil, StoreMixin){ /*===== var __GridClickEventArgs = { // summary: // The event dispatched when the grid is clicked or double-clicked. // date: Date // The start of the previously displayed time interval, if any. // triggerEvent: Event // The event at the origin of this event. }; =====*/ /*===== var __ItemMouseEventArgs = { // summary: // The event dispatched when an item is clicked, double-clicked or context-clicked. // item: Object // The item clicked. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The item renderer clicked. // triggerEvent: Event // The event at the origin of this event. }; =====*/ /*===== var __itemEditingEventArgs = { // summary: // An item editing event. // item: Object // The date item that is being edited. // editKind: String // Kind of edit: "resizeBoth", "resizeStart", "resizeEnd" or "move". // dates: Date[] // The computed date/time of the during the event editing. One entry per edited date (touch use case). // startTime: Date? // The start time of data item. // endTime: Date? // The end time of data item. // sheet: String // For views with several sheets (columns view for example), the sheet when the event occurred. // source: dojox/calendar/ViewBase // The view where the event occurred. // eventSource: String // The device that triggered the event. This property can take the following values: // // - "mouse", // - "keyboard", // - "touch" // triggerEvent: Event // The event at the origin of this event. }; =====*/ return declare("dojox.calendar.ViewBase", [_WidgetBase, StoreMixin, _Invalidating, Selection], { // summary: // The dojox.calendar.ViewBase widget is the base of calendar view widgets // datePackage: Object // JavaScript namespace to find Calendar routines. Uses Gregorian Calendar routines at by default. datePackage: date, _calendar: "gregorian", // viewKind: String // Kind of the view. Used by the calendar widget to determine how to configure the view. viewKind: null, // _layoutStep: [protected] Integer // The number of units displayed by a visual layout unit (i.e. a column or a row) _layoutStep: 1, // _layoutStep: [protected] Integer // The unit displayed by a visual layout unit (i.e. a column or a row) _layoutUnit: "day", // resizeCursor: String // CSS value to apply to the cursor while resizing an item renderer. resizeCursor: "n-resize", // formatItemTimeFunc: Function // Optional function to format the time of day of the item renderers. // The function takes the date and render data object as arguments and returns a String. formatItemTimeFunc: null, _getFormatItemTimeFuncAttr: function(){ if(this.owner != null){ return this.owner.get("formatItemTimeFunc"); }else{ return this.formatItemTimeFunc; } }, // The listeners added by the view itself. _viewHandles: null, // doubleTapDelay: Integer // The maximum time amount in milliseconds between to touchstart events that trigger a double-tap event. doubleTapDelay: 300, constructor: function(/*Object*/ args){ args = args || {}; this._calendar = args.datePackage ? args.datePackage.substr(args.datePackage.lastIndexOf(".")+1) : this._calendar; this.dateModule = args.datePackage ? lang.getObject(args.datePackage, false) : date; this.dateClassObj = this.dateModule.Date || Date; this.dateLocaleModule = args.datePackage ? lang.getObject(args.datePackage+".locale", false) : locale; this.rendererPool = []; this.rendererList = []; this.itemToRenderer = {}; this._viewHandles = []; }, destroy: function(preserveDom){ // renderers while(this.rendererList.length > 0){ this._destroyRenderer(this.rendererList.pop()); } for(kind in this._rendererPool){ var pool = this._rendererPool[kind]; if(pool){ while(pool.length > 0){ this._destroyRenderer(pool.pop()); } } } while(this._viewHandles.length > 0){ this._viewHandles.pop().remove(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, _createRenderData: function(){ // summary: // Creates the object that contains all the data needed to render this widget. // tags: // protected }, _validateProperties: function(){ // summary: // Validates the widget properties before the rendering pass. // tags: // protected }, _setText: function(node, text, allowHTML){ // summary: // Creates a text node under the parent node after having removed children nodes if any. // node: Node // The node that will contain the text node. // text: String // The text to set to the text node. if(text != null){ if(!allowHTML && node.hasChildNodes()){ // span > textNode node.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue = text; }else{ while(node.hasChildNodes()){ node.removeChild(node.lastChild); } var tNode = win.doc.createElement("span"); this.applyTextDir(tNode, text); if(allowHTML){ tNode.innerHTML = text; }else{ tNode.appendChild(win.doc.createTextNode(text)); } node.appendChild(tNode); } } }, isAscendantHasClass: function(node, ancestor, className){ // summary: // Determines if a node has an ascendant node that has the css class specified. // node: Node // The DOM node. // ancestor: Node // The ancestor node used to limit the search in hierarchy. // className: String // The css class name. // returns: Boolean while(node != ancestor && node != document){ if(dojo.hasClass(node, className)){ return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; }, isWeekEnd: function(date){ // summary: // Determines whether the specified date is a week-end. // This method is using method as // calendars are not supporting this method. // date: Date // The date to test. return locale.isWeekend(date); }, getWeekNumberLabel: function(date){ // summary: // Returns the week number string from method as // calendar are not supporting the "w" pattern. // date: Date // The date to format. if(date.toGregorian){ date = date.toGregorian(); } return locale.format(date, { selector: "date", datePattern: "w"}); }, floorToDay: function(date, reuse){ // summary: // Floors the specified date to the start of day. // date: Date // The date to floor. // reuse: Boolean // Whether use the specified instance or create a new one. Default is false. // returns: Date return timeUtil.floorToDay(date, reuse, this.dateClassObj); }, floorToMonth: function(date, reuse){ // summary: // Floors the specified date to the start of the date's month. // date: Date // The date to floor. // reuse: Boolean // Whether use the specified instance or create a new one. Default is false. // returns: Date return timeUtil.floorToMonth(date, reuse, this.dateClassObj); }, floorDate: function(date, unit, steps, reuse){ // summary: // floors the date to the unit. // date: Date // The date/time to floor. // unit: String // The unit. Valid values are "minute", "hour", "day". // steps: Integer // For "day" only 1 is valid. // reuse: Boolean // Whether use the specified instance or create a new one. Default is false. // returns: Date return timeUtil.floor(date, unit, steps, reuse, this.dateClassObj); }, isToday: function(date){ // summary: // Returns whether the specified date is in the current day. // date: Date // The date to test. // renderData: Object // The current renderData // returns: Boolean return timeUtil.isToday(date, this.dateClassObj); }, isStartOfDay: function(d){ // summary: // Tests if the specified date represents the starts of day. // d:Date // The date to test. // returns: Boolean return timeUtil.isStartOfDay(d, this.dateClassObj, this.dateModule); }, isOverlapping: function(renderData, start1, end1, start2, end2, includeLimits){ // summary: // Computes if the first time range defined by the start1 and end1 parameters // is overlapping the second time range defined by the start2 and end2 parameters. // renderData: Object // The render data. // start1: Date // The start time of the first time range. // end1: Date // The end time of the first time range. // start2: Date // The start time of the second time range. // end2: Date // The end time of the second time range. // includeLimits: Boolean // Whether include the end time or not. // returns: Boolean if(start1 == null || start2 == null || end1 == null || end2 == null){ return false; } var cal = renderData.dateModule; if(includeLimits){ if(, end2) == 1 ||, end1) == 1){ return false; } }else if(, end2) != -1 ||, end1) != -1){ return false; } return true; }, computeRangeOverlap: function(renderData, start1, end1, start2, end2, includeLimits){ // summary: // Computes the overlap time range of the time ranges. // Returns a vector of Date with at index 0 the start time and at index 1 the end time. // renderData: Object. // The render data. // start1: Date // The start time of the first time range. // end1: Date // The end time of the first time range. // start2: Date // The start time of the second time range. // end2: Date // The end time of the second time range. // includeLimits: Boolean // Whether include the end time or not. // returns: Date[] var cal = renderData.dateModule; if(start1 == null || start2 == null || end1 == null || end2 == null){ return null; } var comp1 =, end2); var comp2 =, end1); if(includeLimits){ if(comp1 == 0 || comp1 == 1 || comp2 == 0 || comp2 == 1){ return null; } } else if(comp1 == 1 || comp2 == 1){ return null; } return [ this.newDate(, start2)>0 ? start1: start2, renderData), this.newDate(, end2)>0 ? end2: end1, renderData) ]; }, isSameDay : function(date1, date2){ // summary: // Tests if the specified dates are in the same day. // date1: Date // The first date. // date2: Date // The second date. // returns: Boolean if(date1 == null || date2 == null){ return false; } return date1.getFullYear() == date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() == date2.getDate(); }, computeProjectionOnDate: function(renderData, refDate, date, max){ // summary: // Computes the time to pixel projection in a day. // renderData: Object // The render data. // refDate: Date // The reference date that defines the destination date. // date: Date // The date to project. // max: Integer // The size in pixels of the representation of a day. // tags: // protected // returns: Number var cal = renderData.dateModule; if(max <= 0 ||, refDate) == -1){ return 0; } var referenceDate = this.floorToDay(refDate, false, renderData); if(date.getDate() != referenceDate.getDate()){ if(date.getMonth() == referenceDate.getMonth()){ if(date.getDate() < referenceDate.getDate()){ return 0; } else if(date.getDate() > referenceDate.getDate()){ return max; } }else{ if(date.getFullYear() == referenceDate.getFullYear()){ if(date.getMonth() < referenceDate.getMonth()){ return 0; } else if(date.getMonth() > referenceDate.getMonth()){ return max; } }else{ if(date.getFullYear() < referenceDate.getFullYear()){ return 0; } else if(date.getFullYear() > referenceDate.getFullYear()){ return max; } } } } var res; if(this.isSameDay(refDate, date)){ var d = lang.clone(refDate); var minTime = 0; if(renderData.minHours != null && renderData.minHours != 0){ d.setHours(renderData.minHours); minTime = d.getHours() * 3600 + d.getMinutes() * 60 + d.getSeconds(); } d = lang.clone(refDate); var maxTime; if(renderData.maxHours == null || renderData.maxHours == 24){ maxTime = 86400; // 24h x 60m x 60s }else{ d.setHours(renderData.maxHours); maxTime = d.getHours() * 3600 + d.getMinutes() * 60 + d.getSeconds(); } //precision is the second //use this API for daylight time issues. var delta = date.getHours() * 3600 + date.getMinutes() * 60 + date.getSeconds() - minTime; if(delta < 0){ return 0; } if(delta > maxTime){ return max; } res = (max * delta)/(maxTime - minTime); }else{ if(date.getDate() < refDate.getDate() && date.getMonth() == refDate.getMonth()){ return 0; } var d2 = this.floorToDay(date); var dp1 = renderData.dateModule.add(refDate, "day", 1); dp1 = this.floorToDay(dp1, false, renderData); if(, refDate) == 1 &&, dp1) == 0 ||, dp1) == 1){ res = max; }else{ res = 0; } } return res; }, getTime: function(e, x, y, touchIndex){ // summary: // Returns the time displayed at the specified point by this component. // e: Event // Optional mouse event. // x: Number // Position along the x-axis with respect to the sheet container used if event is not defined. // y: Number // Position along the y-axis with respect to the sheet container (scroll included) used if event is not defined. // touchIndex: Integer // If parameter 'e' is not null and a touch event, the index of the touch to use. // returns: Date return null; }, newDate: function(obj){ // summary: // Creates a new Date object. // obj: Object // This object can have several values: // // - the time in milliseconds since gregorian epoch. // - a Date instance // returns: Date return timeUtil.newDate(obj, this.dateClassObj); }, _isItemInView: function(item){ // summary: // Computes whether the specified item is entirely in the view or not. // item: Object // The item to test // returns: Boolean var rd = this.renderData; var cal = rd.dateModule; if(, rd.startTime) == -1){ return false; } if(, rd.endTime) == 1){ return false; } return true; }, _ensureItemInView: function(item){ // summary: // If needed, moves the item to be entirely in view. // item: Object // The item to test // returns: Boolean // Whether the item has been moved to be in view or not. // tags: // protected var rd = this.renderData; var cal = rd.dateModule; var duration = Math.abs(cal.difference(item.startTime, item.endTime, "millisecond")); var fixed = false; if(, rd.startTime) == -1){ item.startTime = rd.startTime; item.endTime = cal.add(item.startTime, "millisecond", duration); fixed = true; }else if(, rd.endTime) == 1){ item.endTime = rd.endTime; item.startTime = cal.add(item.endTime, "millisecond", -duration); fixed = true; } return fixed; }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Scrollable // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // scrollable: Boolean // Indicates whether the view can be scrolled or not. scrollable: true, // autoScroll: Boolean // Indicates whether the view can be scrolled automatically. // Auto scrolling is used when moving focus to a non visible renderer using keyboard // and while editing an item. autoScroll: true, _autoScroll: function(gx, gy, orientation){ // summary: // Starts or stops the auto scroll according to the mouse cursor position during an item editing. // gx: Integer // The position of the mouse cursor along the x-axis. // gy: Integer // The position of the mouse cursor along the y-axis. // tags: // extension return false; }, // scrollMethod: String // Method used to scroll the view, for example the scroll of column view. // Valid value are: // // - "auto": let the view decide (default), // - "css": use css 3d transform, // - "dom": use the scrollTop property. scrollMethod: "auto", _setScrollMethodAttr: function(value){ if(this.scrollMethod != value){ this.scrollMethod = value; // reset if(this._domScroll !== undefined){ if(this._domScroll){ domStyle.set(this.sheetContainer, this._cssPrefix+"transform", "translateY(-"+pos+"px)"); }else{ this.scrollContainer.scrollTop = 0 } } delete this._domScroll; var pos = this._getScrollPosition(); delete this._scrollPos; this._setScrollPosition(pos); } }, _startAutoScroll: function(step){ // summary: // Starts the auto scroll of the view (if it's scrollable). Used only during editing. // tags: // protected var sp = this._scrollProps; if(!sp){ sp = this._scrollProps = {}; } sp.scrollStep = step; if (!sp.isScrolling){ sp.isScrolling = true; sp.scrollTimer = setInterval(lang.hitch(this, this._onScrollTimer_tick), 10); } }, _stopAutoScroll: function(){ // summary: // Stops the auto scroll of the view (if it's scrollable). Used only during editing. // tags: // protected var sp = this._scrollProps; if (sp && sp.isScrolling) { clearInterval(sp.scrollTimer); sp.scrollTimer = null; } this._scrollProps = null; }, _onScrollTimer_tick: function(pos){ }, _scrollPos: 0, getCSSPrefix: function(){ // summary: // Utility method that return the specific CSS prefix // for non standard CSS properties. Ex: -moz-border-radius. if(has("ie")){ return "-ms-"; } if(has("webkit")){ return "-webkit-"; } if(has("mozilla")){ return "-moz-"; } if(has("opera")){ return "-o-"; } }, _setScrollPosition: function(pos){ // summary: // Sets the scroll position (if the view is scrollable), using the scroll method defined. // tags: // protected if(this._scrollPos == pos){ return; } // determine scroll method once. if(this._domScroll === undefined){ var sm = this.get("scrollMethod"); if(sm === "auto"){ this._domScroll = !has("ios") && !has("android") && !has("webkit"); }else{ this._domScroll = sm === "dom"; } } this._scrollPos = pos; if(this._domScroll){ this.scrollContainer.scrollTop = pos; }else{ if(!this._cssPrefix){ this._cssPrefix = this.getCSSPrefix(); } domStyle.set(this.sheetContainer, this._cssPrefix+"transform", "translateY(-"+pos+"px)"); } }, _getScrollPosition: function(){ // summary: // Returns the scroll position (if the view is scrollable), using the scroll method defined. // tags: // protected return this._scrollPos; }, scrollView: function(dir){ // summary: // If the view is scrollable, scrolls it to the specified direction. // dir: Integer // Direction of the scroll. Valid values are -1 and 1. // tags: // extension }, ensureVisibility: function(start, end, margin, visibilityTarget, duration){ // summary: // Scrolls the view if the [start, end] time range is not visible or only partially visible. // start: Date // Start time of the range of interest. // end: Date // End time of the range of interest. // margin: int // Margin in minutes around the time range. // visibilityTarget: String // The end(s) of the time range to make visible. // Valid values are: "start", "end", "both". // duration: Number // Optional, the maximum duration of the scroll animation. // tags: // extension }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Store & Items // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _getStoreAttr: function(){ if(this.owner){ return this.owner.get("store"); } return; }, _setItemsAttr: function(value){ this._set("items", value); this.displayedItemsInvalidated = true; }, _refreshItemsRendering: function(){ var rd = this.renderData; this._computeVisibleItems(rd); this._layoutRenderers(rd); }, invalidateLayout: function(){ // summary: // Triggers a re-layout of the renderers. this._layoutRenderers(this.renderData); }, resize: function(){ //this.invalidateRendering(); }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Layout // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// computeOverlapping: function(layoutItems, func){ // summary: // Computes the overlap layout of a list of items. A lane and extent properties are added to each layout item. // layoutItems: Object[] // List of layout items, each item must have a start and end properties. // addedPass: Function // Whether computes the extent of each item renderer on free sibling lanes. // returns: Object // tags: // protected if(layoutItems.length == 0){ return { numLanes: 0, addedPassRes: [1] }; } var numLanesPerInt; var lanes = []; for(var i=0; i add a lane lanes.push([layoutItem]); layoutItem.lane = lanes.length-1; layoutItem.extent = -1; }, _layoutInterval: function(renderData, index, start, end, items){ // summary: // For each item in the items list: retrieve a renderer, compute its location and size and add it to the DOM. // renderData: Object // The render data. // index: Integer // The index of the interval. // start: Date // The start time of the displayed date interval. // end: Date // The end time of the displayed date interval. // items: Object[] // The list of the items to represent. // tags: // extension }, // layoutPriorityFunction: Function // An optional comparison function use to determine the order the item will be laid out // The function is used to sort an array and must, as any sorting function, take two items // as argument and must return an integer whose sign define order between arguments. // By default, a comparison by start time then end time is used. layoutPriorityFunction: null, _sortItemsFunction: function(a, b){ var res =, b.startTime); if(res == 0){ res = -1 *, b.endTime); } return res; }, _layoutRenderers: function(renderData){ // summary: // Renders the data items. This method will call the _layoutInterval() method. // renderData: Object // The render data. // tags: // protected if(!renderData.items){ return; } // recycle renderers first this._recycleItemRenderers(); var cal = renderData.dateModule; // Date var startDate = this.newDate(renderData.startTime); // Date and time var startTime = lang.clone(startDate); var endDate; var items = renderData.items.concat(); var itemsTemp = [], events; var index = 0; while(, renderData.endTime) == -1 && items.length > 0){ endDate = cal.add(startDate, this._layoutUnit, this._layoutStep); endDate = this.floorToDay(endDate, true, renderData); var endTime = lang.clone(endDate); if(renderData.minHours){ startTime.setHours(renderData.minHours); } if(renderData.maxHours && renderData.maxHours != 24){ endTime = cal.add(endDate, "day", -1); endTime = this.floorToDay(endTime, true, renderData); endTime.setHours(renderData.maxHours); } // look for events that overlap the current sub interval events = arr.filter(items, function(item){ var r = this.isOverlapping(renderData, item.startTime, item.endTime, startTime, endTime); if(r){ // item was not fully processed as it overlaps another sub interval if(, endTime) == 1){ itemsTemp.push(item); } }else{ itemsTemp.push(item); } return r; }, this); items = itemsTemp; itemsTemp = []; // if event are in the current sub interval, layout them if(events.length > 0){ // Sort the item according a sorting function, by default start time then end time comparison are used. events.sort(lang.hitch(this, this.layoutPriorityFunction ? this.layoutPriorityFunction : this._sortItemsFunction)); this._layoutInterval(renderData, index, startTime, endTime, events); } startDate = endDate; startTime = lang.clone(startDate); index++; } this._onRenderersLayoutDone(this); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Renderers management // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _recycleItemRenderers: function(remove){ // summary: // Recycles all the item renderers. // remove: Boolean // Whether remove the DOM node from it parent. // tags: // protected while(this.rendererList.length>0){ this._recycleRenderer(this.rendererList.pop(), remove); } this.itemToRenderer = {}; }, // rendererPool: [protected] Array // The stack of recycled renderers available. rendererPool: null, // rendererList: [protected] Array // The list of used renderers rendererList: null, // itemToRenderer: [protected] Object // The associated array item to renderer list. itemToRenderer: null, getRenderers: function(item){ // summary: // Returns the renderers that are currently used to displayed the speficied item. // Returns an array of objects that contains two properties: // - container: The DOM node that contains the renderer. // - renderer: The dojox.calendar._RendererMixin instance. // Do not keep references on the renderers are they are recycled and reused for other items. // item: Object // The data or render item. // returns: Object[] if(item == null || == null){ return null; } var list = this.itemToRenderer[]; return list == null ? null : list.concat(); }, _rendererHandles: {}, // itemToRendererKindFunc: Function // An optional function to associate a kind of renderer ("horizontal", "label" or null) with the specified item. // By default, if an item is lasting more that 24 hours an horizontal item is used, otherwise a label is used. itemToRendererKindFunc: null, _itemToRendererKind: function(item){ // summary: // Associates a kind of renderer with a data item. // item: Object // The data item. // returns: String // tags: // protected if(this.itemToRendererKindFunc){ return this.itemToRendererKindFunc(item); } return this._defaultItemToRendererKindFunc(item); // String }, _defaultItemToRendererKindFunc:function(item){ // tags: // private return null }, _createRenderer: function(item, kind, rendererClass, cssClass){ // summary: // Creates an item renderer of the specified kind. A renderer is an object with the "container" and "instance" properties. // item: Object // The data item. // kind: String // The kind of renderer. // rendererClass: Object // The class to instantiate to create the renderer. // returns: Object // tags: // protected if(item != null && kind != null && rendererClass != null){ var res, renderer; var pool = this.rendererPool[kind]; if(pool != null){ res = pool.shift(); } if (res == null){ renderer = new rendererClass; // the container allow to lay out the renderer // this is important for styling (in box model // content size does take into account border) var container = domConstruct.create("div"); // The DOM object that will contain the event renderer container.className = "dojoxCalendarEventContainer "+ cssClass ; container.appendChild(renderer.domNode); res = { renderer: renderer, container: renderer.domNode, kind: kind }; this.onRendererCreated(res); } else { renderer = res.renderer; this.onRendererReused(renderer); } renderer.owner = this; renderer.set("rendererKind", kind); renderer.set("item", item); var list = this.itemToRenderer[]; if (list == null) { this.itemToRenderer[] = list = []; } list.push(res); this.rendererList.push(res); return res; } return null; }, onRendererCreated: function(renderer){ // summary: // Event dispatched when an item renderer has been created. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The renderer created. // tags: // callback }, onRendererRecycled: function(renderer){ // summary: // Event dispatched when an item renderer has been recycled. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The renderer recycled. // tags: // callback }, onRendererReused: function(renderer){ // summary: // Event dispatched when an item renderer that was recycled is reused. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The renderer reused. // tags: // callback }, onRendererDestroyed: function(renderer){ // summary: // Event dispatched when an item renderer is destroyed. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The renderer destroyed. // tags: // callback }, _onRenderersLayoutDone: function(view){ // tags: // private this.onRenderersLayoutDone(view); if(this.owner != null){ this.owner.onRenderersLayoutDone(view); } }, onRenderersLayoutDone: function(view){ // summary: // Event triggered when item renderers layout has been done. // tags: // callback }, _recycleRenderer: function(renderer, remove){ // summary: // Recycles the item renderer to be reused in the future. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The item renderer to recycle. // tags: // protected this.onRendererRecycled(renderer); var pool = this.rendererPool[renderer.kind]; if(pool == null){ this.rendererPool[renderer.kind] = [renderer]; }else{ pool.push(renderer); } if(remove){ renderer.container.parentNode.removeChild(renderer.container); } domStyle.set(renderer.container, "display", "none"); renderer.renderer.owner = null; renderer.renderer.set("item", null); }, _destroyRenderer: function(renderer){ // summary: // Destroys the item renderer. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The item renderer to destroy. // tags: // protected this.onRendererDestroyed(renderer); var ir = renderer.renderer; arr.forEach(ir.__handles, function(handle){ handle.remove(); }); if(ir["destroy"]){ ir.destroy(); } html.destroy(renderer.container); }, _destroyRenderersByKind: function(kind){ // tags: // private var list = []; for(var i=0;i 0){ this._destroyRenderer(pool.pop()); } } }, _updateEditingCapabilities: function(item, renderer){ // summary: // Update the moveEnabled and resizeEnabled properties of a renderer according to its event current editing state. // item: Object // The event data item. // renderer: dojox/calendar/_RendererMixin // The item renderer. // tags: // protected var moveEnabled = this.isItemMoveEnabled(item, renderer.rendererKind); var resizeEnabled = this.isItemResizeEnabled(item, renderer.rendererKind); var changed = false; if(moveEnabled != renderer.get("moveEnabled")){ renderer.set("moveEnabled", moveEnabled); changed = true; } if(resizeEnabled != renderer.get("resizeEnabled")){ renderer.set("resizeEnabled", resizeEnabled); changed = true; } if(changed){ renderer.updateRendering(); } }, updateRenderers: function(obj, stateOnly){ // summary: // Updates all the renderers that represents the specified item(s). // obj: Object // A render item or an array of render items. // stateOnly: Boolean // Whether only the state of the item has changed (selected, edited, edited, focused) or a more global change has occured. // tags: // protected if(obj == null){ return; } var items = lang.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]; for(var i=0; itrue, the item renderers in the control are editable. // The user can click on an item renderer, or use the keyboard or touch devices, to move or resize the associated event. editable: true, // moveEnabled: Boolean // A flag that indicates whether the user can move items displayed. // If true, the user can move the items. moveEnabled: true, // resizeEnabled: Boolean // A flag that indicates whether the items can be resized. // If `true`, the control supports resizing of items. resizeEnabled: true, isItemEditable: function(item, rendererKind){ // summary: // Computes whether particular item renderer can be edited or not. // By default it is using the editable property value. // item: Object // The item represented by the renderer. // rendererKind: String // The kind of renderer. // returns: Boolean return this.editable && (this.owner ? this.owner.isItemEditable() : true); }, isItemMoveEnabled: function(item, rendererKind){ // summary: // Computes whether particular item renderer can be moved. // By default it is using the moveEnabled property value. // item: Object // The item represented by the renderer. // rendererKind: String // The kind of renderer. // returns: Boolean return this.isItemEditable(item, rendererKind) && this.moveEnabled && (this.owner ? this.owner.isItemMoveEnabled(item, rendererKind): true); }, isItemResizeEnabled: function(item, rendererKind){ // summary: // Computes whether particular item renderer can be resized. // By default it is using the resizedEnabled property value. // item: Object // The item represented by the renderer. // rendererKind: String // The kind of renderer. // returns: Boolean return this.isItemEditable(item, rendererKind) && this.resizeEnabled && (this.owner ? this.owner.isItemResizeEnabled(item, rendererKind): true); }, // _isEditing: Boolean // Whether an item is being edited or not. _isEditing: false, isItemBeingEdited: function(item){ // summary: // Returns whether an item is being edited or not. // item: Object // The item to test. // returns: Boolean return this._isEditing && this._edProps && this._edProps.editedItem && ==; }, _setEditingProperties: function(props){ // summary: // Registers the editing properties used by the editing functions. // This method should only be called by editing interaction mixins like Mouse, Keyboard and Touch. // tags: // protected this._edProps = props; }, _startItemEditing: function(item, eventSource){ // summary: // Configures the component, renderers to start one (mouse) of several (touch, keyboard) editing gestures. // item: Object // The item that will be edited. // eventSource: String // "mouse", "keyboard", "touch" // tags: // protected this._isEditing = true; var p = this._edProps; p.editedItem = item; p.eventSource = eventSource; p.secItem = this._secondarySheet ? this._findRenderItem(, this._secondarySheet.renderData.items) : null; p.ownerItem = this.owner ? this._findRenderItem(, this.items) : null; if (!p.liveLayout){ p.editSaveStartTime = item.startTime; p.editSaveEndTime = item.endTime; p.editItemToRenderer = this.itemToRenderer; p.editItems = this.renderData.items; p.editRendererList = this.rendererList; this.renderData.items = [p.editedItem]; var id =; this.itemToRenderer = {}; this.rendererList = []; var list = p.editItemToRenderer[id]; p.editRendererIndices = []; arr.forEach(list, lang.hitch(this, function(ir, i){ if(this.itemToRenderer[id] == null){ this.itemToRenderer[id] = [ir]; }else{ this.itemToRenderer[id].push(ir); } this.rendererList.push(ir); })); // remove in old map & list the occurrence used by the edited item p.editRendererList = arr.filter(p.editRendererList, function(ir){ return ir != null && != id; }); delete p.editItemToRenderer[id]; } // graphic feedback refresh this._layoutRenderers(this.renderData); this._onItemEditBegin({ item: item, eventSource: eventSource }); }, _onItemEditBegin: function(e){ // tags: // private this._editStartTimeSave = this.newDate(e.item.startTime); this._editEndTimeSave = this.newDate(e.item.endTime); this._dispatchCalendarEvt(e, "onItemEditBegin"); }, onItemEditBegin: function(e){ // summary: // Event dispatched when the item is entering the editing mode. // tags: // callback }, _endItemEditing: function(/*String*/eventSource, /*Boolean*/canceled){ // summary: // Leaves the item editing mode. // item: Object // The item that was edited. // eventSource: String // "mouse", "keyboard", "touch" // tags: // protected this._isEditing = false; var p = this._edProps; arr.forEach(p.handles, function(handle){ handle.remove(); }); if (!p.liveLayout){ this.renderData.items = p.editItems; this.rendererList = p.editRendererList.concat(this.rendererList); lang.mixin(this.itemToRenderer, p.editItemToRenderer); } var store = this.get("store"); this._onItemEditEnd(lang.mixin(this._createItemEditEvent(), { item: this.renderItemToItem(p.editedItem, store), eventSource: eventSource, completed: !canceled })); this._layoutRenderers(this.renderData); this._edProps = null; }, _onItemEditEnd: function(e){ // tags: // private this._dispatchCalendarEvt(e, "onItemEditEnd"); if(!e.isDefaultPrevented()){ if(e.completed){ // Inject new properties in data store item // and apply data changes var store = this.get("store"); store.put(e.item, store); }else{ e.item.startTime = this._editStartTimeSave; e.item.endTime = this._editEndTimeSave; } } }, onItemEditEnd: function(e){ // summary: // Event dispatched when the item is leaving the editing mode. // tags: // protected }, _createItemEditEvent: function(){ // tags: // private var e = { cancelable: true, bubbles: false, __defaultPrevent: false }; e.preventDefault = function(){ this.__defaultPrevented = true; }; e.isDefaultPrevented = function(){ return this.__defaultPrevented; }; return e; }, _startItemEditingGesture: function(dates, editKind, eventSource, e){ // summary: // Starts the editing gesture. // date: Date[] // The reference dates (at least one). // editKind: String // Kind of edit: "resizeBoth", "resizeStart", "resizeEnd" or "move". // eventSource: String // "mouse", "keyboard", "touch" // e: Event // The event at the origin of the editing gesture. // tags: // protected var p = this._edProps; if(!p || p.editedItem == null){ return; } this._editingGesture = true; var item = p.editedItem; p.editKind = editKind; this._onItemEditBeginGesture(this.__fixEvt(lang.mixin(this._createItemEditEvent(), { item: item, startTime: item.startTime, endTime: item.endTime, editKind: editKind, rendererKind: p.rendererKind, triggerEvent: e, dates: dates, eventSource: eventSource }))); p.itemBeginDispatched = true; }, _onItemEditBeginGesture: function(e){ // tags: // private var p = this._edProps; var item = p.editedItem; var dates = e.dates; p.editingTimeFrom = []; p.editingTimeFrom[0] = dates[0]; p.editingItemRefTime = []; p.editingItemRefTime[0] = this.newDate(p.editKind == "resizeEnd" ? item.endTime : item.startTime); if (p.editKind == "resizeBoth"){ p.editingTimeFrom[1] = dates[1]; p.editingItemRefTime[1] = this.newDate(item.endTime); } var cal = this.renderData.dateModule; p.inViewOnce = this._isItemInView(item); if(p.rendererKind == "label" || this.roundToDay){ p._itemEditBeginSave = this.newDate(item.startTime); p._itemEditEndSave = this.newDate(item.endTime); } p._initDuration = cal.difference(item.startTime, item.endTime, item.allDay?"day":"millisecond"); this._dispatchCalendarEvt(e, "onItemEditBeginGesture"); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()){ if (e.eventSource == "mouse"){ var cursor = e.editKind=="move"?"move":this.resizeCursor; p.editLayer = domConstruct.create("div", { style: "position: absolute; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; top:0; z-index:30; tabIndex:-1; background-image:url('"+this._blankGif+"'); cursor: "+cursor, onresizestart: function(e){return false;}, onselectstart: function(e){return false;} }, this.domNode); p.editLayer.focus(); } } }, onItemEditBeginGesture: function(e){ // summary: // Event dispatched when an editing gesture is beginning. // e: __itemEditingEventArgs // The editing event. // tags: // callback }, _waDojoxAddIssue: function(d, unit, steps){ // summary: // Workaround an issue of function // that does not support the subtraction of time correctly (normalization issues). // d: Date // Reference date. // unit: String // Unit to add. // steps: Integer // Number of units to add. // tags: // protected var cal = this.renderData.dateModule; if(this._calendar != "gregorian" && steps < 0){ var gd = d.toGregorian(); gd = date.add(gd, unit, steps); return new this.renderData.dateClassObj(gd); }else{ return cal.add(d, unit, steps); } }, _computeItemEditingTimes: function(item, editKind, rendererKind, times, eventSource){ // tags: // private var cal = this.renderData.dateModule; var p = this._edProps; var diff = cal.difference(p.editingTimeFrom[0], times[0], "millisecond"); times[0] = this._waDojoxAddIssue(p.editingItemRefTime[0], "millisecond", diff); if(editKind == "resizeBoth"){ diff = cal.difference(p.editingTimeFrom[1], times[1], "millisecond"); times[1] = this._waDojoxAddIssue(p.editingItemRefTime[1], "millisecond", diff); } return times; }, _moveOrResizeItemGesture: function(dates, eventSource, e){ // summary: // Moves or resizes an item. // dates: Date[] // The reference dates. // editKind: String // Kind of edit: "resizeStart", "resizeEnd", "resizeBoth" or "move". // eventSource: String // "mouse", "keyboard", "touch" // e: Event // The event at the origin of the editing gesture. // tags: // private if(!this._isEditing || dates[0] == null){ return; } var p = this._edProps; var item = p.editedItem; var rd = this.renderData; var cal = rd.dateModule; var editKind = p.editKind; var newTimes = [dates[0]]; if(editKind == "resizeBoth"){ newTimes[1] = dates[1]; } newTimes = this._computeItemEditingTimes(item, p.editKind, p.rendererKind, newTimes, eventSource); var newTime = newTimes[0]; // usual use case var moveOrResizeDone = false; var oldStart = lang.clone(item.startTime); var oldEnd = lang.clone(item.endTime); // swap cannot used using keyboard as a gesture is made of one single change (loss of start/end context). var allowSwap = p.eventSource == "keyboard" ? false : this.allowStartEndSwap; // Update the Calendar with the edited value. if(editKind == "move"){ if(, newTime) != 0){ var duration = cal.difference(item.startTime, item.endTime, "millisecond"); item.startTime = this.newDate(newTime); item.endTime = cal.add(item.startTime, "millisecond", duration); moveOrResizeDone = true; } }else if(editKind == "resizeStart"){ if(, newTime) != 0){ if(, newTime) != -1){ item.startTime = this.newDate(newTime); }else{ // swap detected if(allowSwap){ item.startTime = this.newDate(item.endTime); item.endTime = this.newDate(newTime); p.editKind = editKind = "resizeEnd"; if(eventSource == "touch"){ // invert touches as well! p.resizeEndTouchIndex = p.resizeStartTouchIndex; p.resizeStartTouchIndex = -1; } }else{ // block the swap but keep the time of day item.startTime = this.newDate(item.endTime); item.startTime.setHours(newTime.getHours()); item.startTime.setMinutes(newTime.getMinutes()); item.startTime.setSeconds(newTime.getSeconds()); } } moveOrResizeDone = true; } }else if(editKind == "resizeEnd"){ if(, newTime) != 0){ if(, newTime) != 1){ item.endTime = this.newDate(newTime); }else{ // swap detected if(allowSwap){ item.endTime = this.newDate(item.startTime); item.startTime = this.newDate(newTime); p.editKind = editKind = "resizeStart"; if(eventSource == "touch"){ // invert touches as well! p.resizeStartTouchIndex = p.resizeEndTouchIndex; p.resizeEndTouchIndex = -1; } }else{ // block the swap but keep the time of day item.endTime = this.newDate(item.startTime); item.endTime.setHours(newTime.getHours()); item.endTime.setMinutes(newTime.getMinutes()); item.endTime.setSeconds(newTime.getSeconds()); } } moveOrResizeDone = true; } }else if(editKind == "resizeBoth"){ moveOrResizeDone = true; var start = this.newDate(newTime); var end = this.newDate(newTimes[1]); if(, end) != -1){ // swap detected if(allowSwap){ var t = start; start = end; end = t; }else{ // as both ends are moved, the simple way is to forbid the move gesture. moveOrResizeDone = false; } } if(moveOrResizeDone){ item.startTime = start; item.endTime = end; } }else{ return false; } if(!moveOrResizeDone){ return false; } var evt = lang.mixin(this._createItemEditEvent(), { item: item, startTime: item.startTime, endTime: item.endTime, editKind: editKind, rendererKind: p.rendererKind, triggerEvent: e, eventSource: eventSource }); // trigger snapping, rounding, minimal duration, boundaries checks etc. if(editKind == "move"){ this._onItemEditMoveGesture(evt); }else{ this._onItemEditResizeGesture(evt); } // prevent invalid range if(, item.endTime) == 1){ var tmp = item.startTime; item.startTime = item.startTime; item.endTime = tmp; } moveOrResizeDone =, item.startTime) != 0 ||, item.endTime) != 0; if(!moveOrResizeDone){ return false; } this._layoutRenderers(this.renderData); if(p.liveLayout && p.secItem != null){ p.secItem.startTime = item.startTime; p.secItem.endTime = item.endTime; this._secondarySheet._layoutRenderers(this._secondarySheet.renderData); }else if(p.ownerItem != null && this.owner.liveLayout){ p.ownerItem.startTime = item.startTime; p.ownerItem.endTime = item.endTime; this.owner._layoutRenderers(this.owner.renderData); } return true; }, _findRenderItem: function(id, list){ // tags: // private list = list || this.renderData.items; for(var i=0; i= this._DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS && !this.allowResizeLessThan24H; this.ensureMinimalDuration(this.renderData, e.item, minimalDay ? "day" : this.minDurationUnit, minimalDay ? 1 : this.minDurationSteps, e.editKind); if(!p.inViewOnce){ p.inViewOnce = this._isItemInView(e.item); } // to prevent strange behaviors use constraint in items already fully in view. if(p.inViewOnce && this.stayInView){ this._ensureItemInView(e.item); } } }, onItemEditResizeGesture: function(e){ // summary: // Event dispatched during a resize editing gesture. // e: __itemEditingEventArgs // The editing event. // tags: // callback }, _endItemEditingGesture: function(/*String*/eventSource, /*Event*/e){ // tags: // protected if(!this._isEditing){ return; } this._editingGesture = false; var p = this._edProps; var item = p.editedItem; p.itemBeginDispatched = false; this._onItemEditEndGesture(lang.mixin(this._createItemEditEvent(), { item: item, startTime: item.startTime, endTime: item.endTime, editKind: p.editKind, rendererKind: p.rendererKind, triggerEvent: e, eventSource: eventSource })); }, _onItemEditEndGesture: function(e){ // tags: // private var p = this._edProps; delete p._itemEditBeginSave; delete p._itemEditEndSave; this._dispatchCalendarEvt(e, "onItemEditEndGesture"); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()){ if(p.editLayer){ if(has("ie")){ = "default"; } setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ if(this.domNode){ // for unit tests this.domNode.focus(); p.editLayer.parentNode.removeChild(p.editLayer); p.editLayer = null; } }), 10); } } }, onItemEditEndGesture: function(e){ // summary: // Event dispatched at the end of an editing gesture. // e: __itemEditingEventArgs // The editing event. // tags: // callback }, ensureMinimalDuration: function(renderData, item, unit, steps, editKind){ // summary: // During the resize editing gesture, ensures that the item has the specified minimal duration. // renderData: Object // The render data. // item: Object // The edited item. // unit: String // The unit used to define the minimal duration. // steps: Integer // The number of time units. // editKind: String // The edit kind: "resizeStart" or "resizeEnd". var minTime; var cal = renderData.dateModule; if(editKind == "resizeStart"){ minTime = cal.add(item.endTime, unit, -steps); if(, minTime) == 1){ item.startTime = minTime; } } else { minTime = cal.add(item.startTime, unit, steps); if(, minTime) == -1){ item.endTime = minTime; } } }, // doubleTapDelay: Integer // The maximum delay between two taps needed to trigger an "itemDoubleClick" event, in touch context. doubleTapDelay: 300, // snapUnit: String // The unit of the snapping to apply during the editing of an event. // "day", "hour" and "minute" are valid values. snapUnit: "minute", // snapSteps: Integer // The number of units used to compute the snapping of the edited item. snapSteps: 15, // minDurationUnit: "String" // The unit used to define the minimal duration of the edited item. // "day", "hour" and "minute" are valid values. minDurationUnit: "hour", // minDurationSteps: Integer // The number of units used to define the minimal duration of the edited item. minDurationSteps: 1, // liveLayout: Boolean // If true, all the events are laid out during the editing gesture. If false, only the edited event is laid out. liveLayout: false, // stayInView: Boolean // Specifies during editing, if the item is already in view, if the item must stay in the time range defined by the view or not. stayInView: true, // allowStartEndSwap: Boolean // Specifies if the start and end time of an item can be swapped during an editing gesture. Note that using the keyboard this property is ignored. allowStartEndSwap: true, // allowResizeLessThan24H: Boolean // If an event has a duration greater than 24 hours, indicates if using a resize gesture, it can be resized to last less than 24 hours. // This flag is usually used when two different kind of renderers are used (MatrixView) to prevent changing the kind of renderer during an editing gesture. allowResizeLessThan24H: false }); });