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256dest->globalmerge_imagemerge_imagemerge_streammerge_colormap_if_possibleoptimize.copttemplate.cprepare_colormap_mapfix_difference_boundscreate_new_image_data32create_new_image_data160 && "optimized frame has strange disposal"bounds->top < screen_height && bounds->left < screen_width && bounds->top + bounds->height <= screen_height && bounds->left + bounds->width <= screen_width%d colors required in a frame (256 is max)quantize.c!kd3->treekd3->maxdepth < 32stackpos < 32planpos == nplan<%d,%d,%d>noneposterizedefaultfloyd-steinbergfso3o3x3o4o4x4o8o8x8ro64ro64x64ordereddiag45diagonaltrihalftonetrihalfsqhalftonesqhalfsquarehalftone*new_ncol < new_cm->capacity*new_ncol == 256kcolor.hkd3_closest_transformedset_dither_type (2<FPZcnx+?Rg| 'B^{9\=e=j*]/fK @  E  Y 3 ~  d TMP\s2Y#[0 yZ@*  !!""(##>$$X%%x& ''0((\))*(++`,,-?../)00v122t3 44}5-667F889k:%;;>?^@#AABxCBD EEFwGHHIIJKqLJM$NOOPQ~RaSET+UVVWXYZ[\]s^i_``XaRbMcJdHeHfIgLhPiVj]kelpm{nopqrstu w&x@y\zz{|}~\ 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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     @ 08($4<, 19) !=- %5* "2:&6>. #3;+'7?/plan_from_cplantry_assign_transparencykd3_disablekd3_closest_transformedkd3_build??@adaptive palette size must be between 2 and 256trivial adaptive palette (only %d colors in source)(unsigned) i < (unsigned) kd3->nitemskd3->disabled < 0 || kd3->disabled == iF@FCG9?;@@@?{Gz?A`"?bX9?v/?LXz???f1 >= 0 && f2 < fset->countsupport.c0123456789ABCDEFabcdefinvalid color %<%s%>no frame named %<#%s%>%s.%s%s.%03d%s.%0*d %3d: #%02X%02X%02X\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\000%s:%s%s fatal error: %s:%s%s warning: %s:%s%s :%.*s%.*srbfile not in GIF format%g %g %g0123456789abcdefABCDEF%1x%1x%1x%2x%2x%2xfile not in colormap formatempty output GIF not written%s color out of range%s color not in colormapdest->nimages > 0srci->refcount > 1irrelevant background color + image #%d #%s %dx%d at %d,%d interlaced transparent %d compressed size %u comment local color table [%d] | disposal %s delay %d.%02ds* %s %d image%s logical screen %dx%d global color table [%d] background %d end comment loop forever loop count %u extension %d: app ''%c' (0x%02X)0x%02X at end before #%d packetized %08x: %02x %02x%02x extensions %d gifsicleasisprevious7invalid color %<%s%> (want #RGB or #RRGGBB)%<%O%> takes two color argumentsinvalid position %<%s%> (want 'X,Y')invalid dimensions %<%s%> (want WxH)frame specifications must start with #frame %<#%s%> out of range, image has %d framesUsage: %s [OPTION | FILE | FRAME]... Try '%s --help' for more information. 'Gifsicle' manipulates GIF images. Its most common uses include combining single images into animations, adding transparency, optimizing animations for space, and printing information about GIFs. Usage: %s [OPTION | FILE | FRAME]... Mode options: at most one, before any filenames. -m, --merge Merge mode: combine inputs, write stdout. -b, --batch Batch mode: modify inputs, write back to same filenames. -e, --explode Explode mode: write N files for each input, one per frame, to 'input.frame-number'. -E, --explode-by-name Explode mode, but write 'input.name'. General options: Also --no-OPTION for info and verbose. -I, --info Print info about input GIFs. Two -I's means normal output is not suppressed. --color-info, --cinfo --info plus colormap details. --extension-info, --xinfo --info plus extension details. --size-info, --sinfo --info plus compression information. -V, --verbose Prints progress information. -h, --help Print this message and exit. --version Print version number and exit. -o, --output FILE Write output to FILE. -w, --no-warnings Don't report warnings. --no-ignore-errors Quit on very erroneous input GIFs. --conserve-memory Conserve memory at the expense of speed. --multifile Support concatenated GIF files. Frame selections: #num, #num1-num2, #num1-, #name Frame change options: --delete FRAMES Delete FRAMES from input. --insert-before FRAME GIFS Insert GIFS before FRAMES in input. --append GIFS Append GIFS to input. --replace FRAMES GIFS Replace FRAMES with GIFS in input. --done Done with frame changes. Image options: Also --no-OPTION and --same-OPTION. -B, --background COL Make COL the background color. --crop X,Y+WxH, --crop X,Y-X2,Y2 Crop the image. --crop-transparency Crop transparent borders off the image. --flip-horizontal, --flip-vertical Flip the image. -i, --interlace Turn on interlacing. -S, --logical-screen WxH Set logical screen to WxH. -p, --position X,Y Set frame position to (X,Y). --rotate-90, --rotate-180, --rotate-270, --no-rotate Rotate the image. -t, --transparent COL Make COL transparent. Extension options: --app-extension N D Add an app extension named N with data D. -c, --comment TEXT Add a comment before the next frame. --extension N D Add an extension number N with data D. -n, --name TEXT Set next frame's name. --no-comments, --no-names, --no-extensions Remove comments (names, extensions) from input.Animation options: Also --no-OPTION and --same-OPTION. -d, --delay TIME Set frame delay to TIME (in 1/100sec). -D, --disposal METHOD Set frame disposal to METHOD. -l, --loopcount[=N] Set loop extension to N (default forever). -O, --optimize[=LEVEL] Optimize output GIFs. -U, --unoptimize Unoptimize input GIFs. Whole-GIF options: Also --no-OPTION. --careful Write larger GIFs that avoid bugs in other programs. --change-color COL1 COL2 Change COL1 to COL2 throughout. -k, --colors N Reduce the number of colors to N. --color-method METHOD Set method for choosing reduced colors. -f, --dither Dither image after changing colormap. --gamma G Set gamma for color reduction [2.2]. --resize WxH Resize the output GIF to WxH. --resize-width W Resize to width W and proportional height. --resize-height H Resize to height H and proportional width. --resize-fit WxH Resize if necessary to fit within WxH. --scale XFACTOR[xYFACTOR] Scale the output GIF by XFACTORxYFACTOR. --resize-method METHOD Set resizing method. --resize-colors N Resize can add new colors up to N. --transform-colormap CMD Transform each output colormap by shell CMD. --use-colormap CMAP Set output GIF's colormap to CMAP, which can be 'web', 'gray', 'bw', or a GIF file. Report bugs to . Too much information? Try '%s --help | more'. invalid scale factor %<%s%> (want XxY)invalid rectangle %<%s%> (want X1,Y1-X2,Y2 or X1,Y1+WxHcan%,t use as palette (no global color table)there were errors reading this GIFmaximum 256 colors allowed in colormaphuge GIF, conserving memory (processing may take a while)cropping dimensions don%,t fit imageirrelevant background color (The background will appear transparent because the first image contains transparency.)input images have conflicting background colors (This means some animation frames may appear incorrect.)input images have conflicting background colorsverrorread_colormap_filemerge_frame_intervalmerger_flattenfix_total_cropxform.ccan%,t create temporary file!%s >%s%d %d %d /tmp//gifsicle.XXXXXX!kcs->data && !kcs->scratchgfs->nimages > 0(unsigned) gfi->left + gfi->width <= kcs->width(unsigned) gfi->top + gfi->height <= kcs->heightrotation == 1 || rotation == 3can%,t run color transformation command: %scolor transformation error: %scolor transformation command failedcolor transformation command generated no outputtoo few colors in color transformation resultstoo many colors in color transformation resultsw->ipos >= yi0 && w->ipos < yi1new image is too large (max size 65535x65535)pipe_color_transformerresize_streamkd3_disablekcscreen_initkcscreen_applykcscreen_disposescale_image_data_weightedrotate_image:0y5>-DT! @UUUUUU@UUUUUU%@-C6?Ap@@pA@A@@EFG%O requires two argumentswebgraygreybw%s:#%dread error: %s%s%s%s (%d times)missing %lu pixel!nested_modegifsicle.c#stdout#can't happenwbis a terminalredundant %s option%s~%dempty fileno more images in filetrailing garbage ignored#stdin#GIF too complex to unoptimizeforeverinfinitemedian-cutblend-diversityno-drop-emptyno-keep-emptygoodfastmitchelllanczos3lanczos2lanczoscatromboxmixsamplepointtoo late to change modes%<%s%> is not a valid dithersRGBsrgb%s argument must be positive%s can be at most 2561.88LCDF Gifsicle %s frameuseless %s-related %s optioninputoutputappendapp-extensionno-app-extensionsbatchcarefulchange-colorcinfocolor-methodcolor-infocommentno-commentsconserve-memorycrop-transparencydeletedoneexplodeexplode-by-nameno-extensionno-extensionsextension-infoflip-horizontalflip-verticalno-flipgammahelpignore-errorsinsert-beforemergemultifilenextfileno-namesreplaceresizeresize-widthresize-heightresizresiresresize-fitresize-fit-widthresize-fit-heightresize-firesize-fresize-methodresize-colorsrotate-90rotate-180rotate-270no-rotatesame-app-extensionssame-backgroundsame-bgsame-clipsame-commentssame-cropsame-extensionssame-interlacesame-logical-screensame-loopcountsame-disposalsame-delaysame-namessame-positionsame-screensame-transparentscalescale-methodscale-colorssinfosize-infotransform-colormapuse-colormapverboseversionwarningsxinforotationlogical screenoutput filecolormap sizecolormap methodcolor transformationmemory conservationresize methodresize colorsunoptimizationcolor changebad extension type: must be a number between 0 and 255(plus more errors; is this GIF corrupt?)fatal error: too many missing pixels, giving up%<--info%> suppresses normal output, can%,t use with an output mode like %<--merge%> or %<--batch%>. (Try %<-II%>, which doesn%,t suppress normal output.)frame selection and frame changes don%,t mixredundant %s option (The %s option was overridden by another %s option before it had any effect.)%s: %<--multifile%> is useful only in merge modeGIF too complex to unoptimize (The reason was local color tables or complex transparency. Try running the GIF through % first.)disposal must be between 0 and 7COLOR2 must be in RGB format in %<--change-color COLOR1 COLOR2%>argument to %O must be between 2 and 256%O should be a number or %one of W and H must be positive in %<%s WxH%>%s X and Y factors must be positiveCopyright (C) 1997-2014 Eddie Kohler This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.useless %s-related %s option (It didn%,t affect any %s.)gifread_errormerge_and_write_framesset_frame_changegifwrite.csuffix < gfc->clear_codeGIF89aGIF87a! NETSCAPE2.0!node || (node >= gfc->nodes && node < gfc->nodes + NODES_SIZE)write_compressed_datagfc_lookupJ J J J J @ ]@]]<% E% C J% + B  S% A ?A x_A tC BVA bbC VA 8A NA @C LE kOA PB @B c6B cB&B iD L6B hhD ddHB ;ZD D. fQ'A QOB >TB ee\B EE `lB SyB xSB UB XB YB ZB pR? qB hJB vD I-B = (D ii7D S5 KD ll B mmE PB jgB nDB kB nF^@ O9A oK~D pGC < C b C f!C g/C b 5C b :C b >C l IC mZC nlC l vC l C rC sC [C \C ]C ^C uC WC WC MC C D MD T#D ,2D :FD /UD 0cD 1nD EyD HD :D 4D cD rD s$E 5 D oD oD aD tt\@ U7D RD VAvAD IwdE e E U(D ZD hD ;B B gB ~D D  B E KD E E +E 7E 'A I# EE C UE C jE B ~E E E E u(  u oHe &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv`\    L\ @ @ p\   [ [ X\ [   \\   P\ ( T\ 0 @ 8 .shstrtab.interp.note.openbsd.ident.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.openbsd.randomdata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.jcr.gotpad0.got.ctors.dtors.gotpad1.bss 'H- ((5= F  O JUت[ a 1K i4[ 4}@[ @ De D%He H%e %u 'u %w 'w 'w ' ' '