require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe(PatronusFati::DataModels::AccessPoint) do subject {'66:77:88:99:aa:bb') } it_behaves_like 'a common stateful model' context '#active_ssids' do it 'should return a hash when ssids have been populated' do subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') expect(subject.active_ssids).to be_kind_of(Hash) end it 'should not include inactive SSIDs' do ssid = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) expect(ssid).to receive(:active?).and_return(false) subject.ssids = { tmp: ssid } expect(subject.active_ssids.values).to_not include(ssid) end it 'should include active SSIDs' do ssid = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) expect(ssid).to receive(:active?).and_return(true) subject.ssids = { tmp: ssid } expect(subject.active_ssids.values).to include(ssid) end end context '#add_client' do it 'should not add a client more than once' do sample_mac = 'cc:bb:cc:bb:cc:bb' subject.client_macs = [ sample_mac ] expect { subject.add_client(sample_mac) } .to_not change { subject.client_macs } end it 'should add a client if it\'s not presently in the list' do sample_mac = 'ac:db:fc:4b:8c:0b' subject.client_macs = [] expect { subject.add_client(sample_mac) } .to change { subject.client_macs }.from([]).to([sample_mac]) end end # TODO: context '#announce_changes' context '#cleanup_ssids' do it 'should not set the dirty children flag if there is nothing to change' do subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') expect { subject.cleanup_ssids }.to_not change { subject.sync_status } end it 'should not set the dirty children flag when the AP is offline' do allow(subject).to receive(:active?).and_return(false) # Create a 'dead' SSID subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') subject.mark_synced subject.ssids['test'].presence = expect { subject.cleanup_ssids }.to_not change { subject.sync_status } end it 'should remove dead SSIDs from the SSID list' do allow(subject).to receive(:active?).and_return(true) # Create a 'dead' SSID subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') subject.mark_synced subject.ssids['test'].presence = expect(subject.ssids).to_not be_empty subject.cleanup_ssids expect(subject.ssids).to be_empty end it 'should set the dirty children flag when SSIDs have been removed while the AP is active' do allow(subject).to receive(:active?).and_return(true) # Create a 'dead' SSID subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') subject.mark_synced subject.ssids['test'].presence = expect { subject.cleanup_ssids }.to change { subject.sync_status } end end context '#diagnostic_data' do it 'should include all SSID diagnostic data' do ssid_dbl = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) expect(ssid_dbl).to receive(:diagnostic_data).and_return(:datum) subject.ssids = { tmp: ssid_dbl } expect(subject.diagnostic_data[:ssids]).to eql({tmp: :datum}) end end context '#full_state' do it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.full_state).to be_kind_of(Hash) end it 'should include the keys expected by pulse' do subject.track_ssid(essid: 'test') subject.update(channel: 45, type: 'adhoc') [:active, :bssid, :channel, :connected_clients, :ssids, :type, :vendor].each do |k| expect(subject.full_state.key?(k)).to be_truthy end end it 'should include the attributes of active ssids' do subject.ssids = {} ssid_dbl = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) expect(subject).to receive(:active_ssids).and_return({ pnt: ssid_dbl }) expect(ssid_dbl).to receive(:local_attributes).and_return('data') expect(subject.full_state[:ssids]).to eql(['data']) end end context '#initialize' do it 'should set the local attributes to an appropriate hash' do subject ='12:23:34:45:56:67') expect(subject.local_attributes).to eql(bssid: '12:23:34:45:56:67') end it 'should initialize client_macs to an empty array' do expect(subject.client_macs).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(subject.client_macs).to be_empty end end context '#mark_synced' do it 'should clear dirty flags' do subject.update(channel: 8) expect(subject.data_dirty?).to be_truthy expect { subject.mark_synced } .to change { subject.data_dirty? }.from(true).to(false) end it 'should call mark_synced on each SSID as well' do dbl = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) subject.ssids = { test: dbl } expect(dbl).to receive(:mark_synced) subject.mark_synced end end context '#remove_client' do it 'should make no changes if the provided mac isn\'t present' do subject.client_macs = [ 'one' ] expect { subject.remove_client('test') }.to_not change { subject.client_macs } end it 'should remove only the provided mac if other macs are present' do subject.client_macs = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] subject.remove_client('b') expect(subject.client_macs).to eql(['a', 'c']) end end context '#track_ssid' do let(:valid_ssid_data) { { essid: 'test' } } it 'should create a new SSID instance if one doesn\'t already exist' do expect(subject.ssids).to be_nil expect { subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) }.to change { subject.ssids } end it 'should mark the SSID as visible' do ssid_dbl = double(PatronusFati::DataModels::Ssid) pres_dbl = double(PatronusFati::Presence) subject.ssids = { 'test' => ssid_dbl } allow(ssid_dbl).to receive(:dirty?) allow(ssid_dbl).to receive(:update) expect(ssid_dbl).to receive(:presence).and_return(pres_dbl) expect(pres_dbl).to receive(:mark_visible) subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) end it 'should update the SSID with the attributes provided' do subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) expect(subject.ssids['test'].presence).to receive(:mark_visible) subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) end it 'should set the dirty children attribute if the SSID changed' do expect(subject.sync_flag?(:dirtyChildren)).to be_falsey subject.track_ssid(max_rate: 100) expect(subject.sync_flag?(:dirtyChildren)).to be_truthy end it 'should not set the dirty children attribute if the SSID info didn\'t change' do subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) subject.mark_synced expect(subject.sync_flag?(:dirtyChildren)).to be_falsey subject.track_ssid(valid_ssid_data) expect(subject.sync_flag?(:dirtyChildren)).to be_falsey end end context '#update' do it 'should not set invalid keys' do expect { subject.update(bad: 'key') } .to_not change { subject.local_attributes } end it 'shouldn\'t modify the sync flags on invalid keys' do expect { subject.update(other: 'key') } .to_not change { subject.sync_status } end it 'shouldn\'t modify the sync flags if the values haven\'t changed' do expect { subject.update(subject.local_attributes) } .to_not change { subject.sync_status } end it 'should set the dirty attribute flag when a value has changed' do expect { subject.update(channel: 9) } .to change { subject.sync_status } expect(subject.sync_flag?(:dirtyAttributes)).to be_truthy end end context '#valid?' do it 'should be true when all required attributes are set' do subject.local_attributes = { bssid: 'something', channel: 4, type: 'adhoc' } expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'should not be valid when the channel is 0' do subject.local_attributes = { bssid: 'something', channel: 0, type: 'adhoc' } expect(subject).to_not be_valid end it 'should be false when missing a required attribute' do subject.local_attributes = { bssid: 'something', channel: 4 } expect(subject).to_not be_valid end end context '#vendor' do it 'should short circuit if no BSSID is available' do expect(Louis).to_not receive(:lookup) subject.update(bssid: nil) subject.vendor end it 'should use the Louis gem to perform it\'s lookup' do inst = 'test string' subject.update(bssid: inst) expect(Louis).to receive(:lookup).with(inst).and_return({}) subject.vendor end it 'should default the long vendor name if it\'s available' do result = { 'long_vendor' => 'correct', 'short_vendor' => 'bad' } expect(Louis).to receive(:lookup).and_return(result) expect(subject.vendor).to eql('correct') end it 'should fallback on the short vendor name if long isn\'t available' do result = { 'short_vendor' => 'short' } expect(Louis).to receive(:lookup).and_return(result) expect(subject.vendor).to eql('short') end end end