module Exchange module ExternalAPI # The XavierMedia API class, handling communication with the Xavier Media Currency API # You can find further information on the Xaviermedia API here: # @author Beat Richartz # @version 0.1 # @since 0.1 class XavierMedia < Base # The base of the Xaviermedia API URL API_URL = "" # The currencies the Xaviermedia API URL can handle CURRENCIES = %W(eur usd jpy gbp cyp czk dkk eek huf ltl mtl pln sek sit skk chf isk nok bgn hrk rol ron rub trl aud cad cny hkd idr krw myr nzd php sgd thb zar) # Updates the rates by getting the information from Xaviermedia API for today or a defined historical date # The call gets cached for a maximum of 24 hours. # @version 0.3 # @param [Hash] opts Options to define for the API Call # @option opts [Time, String] :at a historical date to get the exchange rates for # @example Update the currency bot API to use the file of March 2, 2010 # =>,2,2010)) def update(opts={}) time = Exchange::Helper.assure_time(opts[:at], :default => :now) api_url = api_url(time) retry_urls ={ |i| api_url(time - 86400 * (i+1)) }, :format => :xml, :at => time, :retry_with => retry_urls) do |result| @base = result.css('basecurrency').children[0].to_s @rates = Hash[*result.css('fx currency_code')'fx rate'){|c| }).flatten] @timestamp =*result.css('fx_date').children[0].to_s.split('-')).to_i end end private # A helper function which build a valid api url for the specified time # @param [Time] time The exchange rate date for which the URL should be built # @return [String] An Xaviermedia API URL for the specified time def api_url(time) [API_URL, "#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")}.xml"].join('/') end end end end