module AmaLayout class Notification TYPES = %i[notice warning alert].freeze DEFAULT_LIFESPAN = 1.year.freeze FORMAT_VERSION = '1.0.0'.freeze # NOTE: The following attributes are designed to be immutable - you need # make a new instance to change them. The only mutable attribute is :active. attr_reader :id, :type, :brand, :header, :content, :created_at, :lifespan, :version attr_accessor :active def initialize(args = {}) args = args.with_indifferent_access @id = args[:id] @type = args.fetch(:type, :notice).to_sym @brand = args[:brand] @header = args.fetch(:header) @content = args.fetch(:content) @created_at = parse_time(args.fetch(:created_at)) @lifespan = parse_duration(args.fetch(:lifespan, DEFAULT_LIFESPAN)) @version = args.fetch(:version, FORMAT_VERSION) = args.fetch(:active) invalid_type! if TYPES.exclude?(type) end def <=>(other) created_at <=> other.created_at end def active? active end def dismissed? !active? end def dismiss! = false dismissed? end def digest Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( "#{type}#{header}#{content}#{brand}#{version}" ) end def stale? Time.current > created_at + lifespan end def to_h # NOTE: We want the following keys to be strings to provide # consistency with the underlying data store. { 'type' => type.to_s, 'brand' => brand, 'header' => header, 'content' => content, 'created_at' => created_at.iso8601, 'active' => active, 'lifespan' => lifespan.to_i, 'version' => version } end private def invalid_type! raise ArgumentError, "invalid notification type: #{type}" end def parse_time(time) time.is_a?(String) ? : time end def parse_duration(duration) if duration.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration) duration else duration.seconds end end end end