require 'spec_helper' describe 'Orders', type: :feature, :js => true do let!(:product) { create(:product, :available_on => } let!(:zone) { Spree::Zone.find_by_name("GlobalZone") || create(:global_zone) } let!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method, :zones => [zone]) } let!(:country) { FactoryGirl.create(:country) } let!(:state) { country.states.first || FactoryGirl.create(:state, :country => country) } # let(:order) { OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:payment) } # let(:user) { create(:user) } # before do # order.stub(:available_payment_methods => [create(:ebs_payment_method, :environment => 'test') ]) # order.update_attribute(:user_id, # Spree::OrdersController.any_instance.stub(:try_spree_current_user => user) # end # stub_authorization! context 'User makes a payment using ebs' do before(:each) do create(:ebs_payment_method) @user = create(:user, :email => "", :password => "secret", :password_confirmation => "secret") visit spree.root_path click_link 'Login' fill_in 'spree_user_email', :with => fill_in 'spree_user_password', :with => @user.password click_button "Login" click_link click_button 'Add To Cart' click_button 'Checkout' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_firstname', :with => 'Test' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_lastname', :with => 'User' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_address1', :with => 'Testing Address1' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_address2', :with => 'Testing Street Address2' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_city', :with => 'Test City' select, :from => 'order_bill_address_attributes_state_id' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_zipcode', :with => '35004' fill_in 'order_bill_address_attributes_phone', :with => '8888888888' click_button 'Save and Continue' click_button 'Save and Continue' click_button 'Save and Continue' sleep(20) fill_in 'frm_name_on_card', :with => 'Test User' end it "should be able to make an order with complete state" do fill_in 'number_1', :with => '4111' fill_in 'number_2', :with => '1111' fill_in 'number_3', :with => '1111' fill_in 'number_4', :with => '1111' select "07 (Jul)", :from => 'frm_exp_month' select "2016", :from => 'frm_exp_year' fill_in 'frm_cvv', :with => '123' click_button "Pay" sleep(10) expect(page).to have_content(Spree.t(:payment_success)) expect(@user.orders.complete.last.state).to eq("complete") end it "should be able to fail an order with payment state" do fill_in 'number_1', :with => '4111' fill_in 'number_2', :with => '1111' fill_in 'number_3', :with => '1111' fill_in 'number_4', :with => '1111' select "07 (Jul)", :from => 'frm_exp_month' select "2017", :from => 'frm_exp_year' fill_in 'frm_cvv', :with => '123' click_button "Pay" click_link "Merchant Website" expect(page).to have_content("Transaction Failed. Payment was not successful.") expect(@user.orders.last.state).to eq("payment") end end end