class ArgumentsParser class << self def register method, arguments # check and prepare metadata arguments.collect!{|meta| meta.is_a?(Hash) ? meta : {:type => meta}} arguments.each{|meta| meta.must.include :type} # register @registry ||= {} @registry[method] = arguments end def parse_arguments_for method, *args, &block metadata = @registry[method] index = 0 parsed_args = metadata.collect do |options| send options[:type], args, block, options, index, (index == metadata.size - 1) end args.must_be.empty return parsed_args end protected def string args, block, options, index, last object(args, block, options, index, last) || "" end def object args, block, options, index, last a = if range = options[:range] if range == :except_last_hash if args.size == 1 and args.last.is_a? Hash nil else args.shift end else must_be.never_called end else args.shift end a = _common_options a, options a end def array args, block, options, index, last a = if last args elsif range = options[:range] if range == :except_last_hash if args.last.is_a? Hash tmp = args[0..-2] args[0..-2] = nil tmp else tmp = args[0..-1] args.clear tmp end else must_be.never_called end else args.shift end a = _common_options a, options a ||= [] a = [a] unless a.is_a?(Array) a end def hash args, block, options, index, last a = object(args, block, options, index, last) || {} a.must_be.a Hash a end def _common_options a, options a.must_not_be.nil if options[:require] if (default = options[:default]) and a.eql?(nil) a = default end a end end end Module.class_eval do def prepare_arguments_for method, *args # Register parsers ArgumentsParser.register method, args # Wrap method old_method = :"#{method}_wparg" alias_method old_method, method code = <