# Spidr * [Homepage](http://spidr.rubyforge.org/) * [Source](http://github.com/postmodern/spidr) * [Issues](http://github.com/postmodern/spidr/issues) * [Mailing List](http://groups.google.com/group/spidr) * irc.freenode.net #spidr ## Description Spidr is a versatile Ruby web spidering library that can spider a site, multiple domains, certain links or infinitely. Spidr is designed to be fast and easy to use. ## Features * Follows: * a tags. * iframe tags. * frame tags. * Cookie protected links. * HTTP 300, 301, 302, 303 and 307 Redirects. * Meta-Refresh Redirects. * HTTP Basic Auth protected links. * Black-list or white-list URLs based upon: * URL scheme. * Host name * Port number * Full link * URL extension * Provides call-backs for: * Every visited Page. * Every visited URL. * Every visited URL that matches a specified pattern. * Every origin and destination URI of a link. * Every URL that failed to be visited. * Provides action methods to: * Pause spidering. * Skip processing of pages. * Skip processing of links. * Restore the spidering queue and history from a previous session. * Custom User-Agent strings. * Custom proxy settings. * HTTPS support. ## Examples Start spidering from a URL: Spidr.start_at('http://tenderlovemaking.com/') Spider a host: Spidr.host('coderrr.wordpress.com') Spider a site: Spidr.site('http://rubyflow.com/') Spider multiple hosts: Spidr.start_at( 'http://company.com/', :hosts => [ 'company.com', /host\d\.company\.com/ ] ) Do not spider certain links: Spidr.site('http://matasano.com/', :ignore_links => [/log/]) Do not spider links on certain ports: Spidr.site( 'http://sketchy.content.com/', :ignore_ports => [8000, 8010, 8080] ) Print out visited URLs: Spidr.site('http://rubyinside.org/') do |spider| spider.every_url { |url| puts url } end Build a URL map of a site: url_map = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } Spidr.site('http://intranet.com/') do |spider| spider.every_link do |origin,dest| url_map[dest] << origin end end Print out the URLs that could not be requested: Spidr.site('http://sketchy.content.com/') do |spider| spider.every_failed_url { |url| puts url } end Finds all pages which have broken links: url_map = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } spider = Spidr.site('http://intranet.com/') do |spider| spider.every_link do |origin,dest| url_map[dest] << origin end end spider.failures.each do |url| puts "Broken link #{url} found in:" url_map[url].each { |page| puts " #{page}" } end Search HTML and XML pages: Spidr.site('http://company.withablog.com/') do |spider| spider.every_page do |page| puts "[-] #{page.url}" page.search('//meta').each do |meta| name = (meta.attributes['name'] || meta.attributes['http-equiv']) value = meta.attributes['content'] puts " #{name} = #{value}" end end end Print out the titles from every page: Spidr.site('http://www.rubypulse.com/') do |spider| spider.every_html_page do |page| puts page.title end end Find what kinds of web servers a host is using, by accessing the headers: servers = Set[] Spidr.host('generic.company.com') do |spider| spider.all_headers do |headers| servers << headers['server'] end end Pause the spider on a forbidden page: spider = Spidr.host('overnight.startup.com') do |spider| spider.every_forbidden_page do |page| spider.pause! end end Skip the processing of a page: Spidr.host('sketchy.content.com') do |spider| spider.every_missing_page do |page| spider.skip_page! end end Skip the processing of links: Spidr.host('sketchy.content.com') do |spider| spider.every_url do |url| if url.path.split('/').find { |dir| dir.to_i > 1000 } spider.skip_link! end end end ## Requirements * [nokogiri](http://nokogiri.rubyforge.org/) ~> 1.3 ## Install $ sudo gem install spidr ## License Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Hal Brodigan See {file:LICENSE.txt} for license information.