require 'r10k/logging' require 'r10k/settings/mixin' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'puppet_forge' module R10K module Forge # Download, unpack, and install modules from the Puppet Forge class ModuleRelease include R10K::Settings::Mixin def_setting_attr :proxy def_setting_attr :baseurl def_setting_attr :cache_root, File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] ? '~/.r10k/cache': '/root/.r10k/cache') include R10K::Logging # @!attribute [r] forge_release # @api private # @return [PuppetForge::V3::ModuleRelease] The Forge V3 API module # release object used for downloading and verifying the module # release. attr_reader :forge_release # @!attribute [rw] download_path # @return [Pathname] Where the module tarball will be downloaded to. attr_accessor :download_path # @!attribute [rw] tarball_cache_path # @return [Pathname] Where the module tarball will be cached to. attr_accessor :tarball_cache_path # @!attribute [rw] tarball_cache_root # @return [Pathname] Directory where the module tarball will be cached to. attr_accessor :tarball_cache_root # @!attribute [rw] md5_file_path # @return [Pathname] Where the md5 of the cached tarball is stored. attr_accessor :md5_file_path # @!attribute [rw] sha256_file_path # @return [Pathname] Where the SHA256 of the cached tarball is stored. attr_accessor :sha256_file_path # @!attribute [rw] unpack_path # @return [Pathname] Where the module will be unpacked to. attr_accessor :unpack_path # @param full_name [String] The hyphen separated name of the module # @param version [String] The version of the module def initialize(full_name, version) @full_name = PuppetForge::V3.normalize_name(full_name) @version = version # Copy the PuppetForge base connection to the release class; the connection # objects are created in the class instances and thus are not shared with # subclasses. PuppetForge::V3::Release.conn = PuppetForge::V3::Base.conn @forge_release ={ :name => @full_name, :version => @version, :slug => "#{@full_name}-#{@version}" }) tarball_name = @forge_release.slug + '.tar.gz' @download_path = + (tarball_name) @tarball_cache_root =[:cache_root]) + (@forge_release.slug + "/tarball/") @tarball_cache_path = @tarball_cache_root + tarball_name md5_filename = @forge_release.slug + '.md5' @md5_file_path = @tarball_cache_root + md5_filename sha256_filename = @forge_release.slug + '.sha256' @sha256_file_path = @tarball_cache_root + sha256_filename @unpack_path = + @forge_release.slug end # Download, unpack, and install this module release to the target directory. # # @example # environment_path ='/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production') # target_dir = environment_path + 'eight_hundred' # mod ='branan-eight_hundred', '8.0.0') # mod.install(target_dir) # # @param target_dir [Pathname] The full path to where the module should be installed. # @return [void] def install(target_dir) download verify unpack(target_dir) ensure cleanup end # Download the module release to {#download_path} and cache to {#tarball_cache_path} # # @return [void] def download if @tarball_cache_path.exist? logger.debug1 "Using cached copy of #{@forge_release.slug} tarball" else logger.debug1 "Downloading #{@forge_release.slug} from #{PuppetForge::Release.conn.url_prefix} to #{@download_path}" FileUtils::mkdir_p(@tarball_cache_root) FileUtils::mv(@download_path, @tarball_cache_path) end end # Verify the module release cached in {#tarball_cache_path} against the # module release checksum given by the Puppet Forge. On mismatch, remove # the cached copy. # # @raise [R10K::Error] when no SHA256 is available and FIPS mode is on # @return [void] def verify logger.debug1 "Verifying that #{@tarball_cache_path} matches checksum" sha256_of_tarball = Digest(:SHA256).file(@tarball_cache_path).hexdigest if @sha256_file_path.exist? verify_from_file(sha256_of_tarball, @sha256_file_path) else if @forge_release.respond_to?(:file_sha256) && !@forge_release.file_sha256.nil? && ! forge_256_checksum = @forge_release.file_sha256 verify_from_forge(sha256_of_tarball, forge_256_checksum, @sha256_file_path) else if R10K::Util::Platform.fips? raise R10K::Error, "Could not verify module, no SHA256 checksum available, and MD5 checksums not allowed in FIPS mode" end logger.debug1 "No SHA256 checksum available, falling back to MD5" md5_of_tarball = Digest(:MD5).file(@tarball_cache_path).hexdigest if @md5_file_path.exist? verify_from_file(md5_of_tarball, @md5_file_path) else verify_from_forge(md5_of_tarball, @forge_release.file_md5, @md5_file_path) end end end end # Verify the checksum of the cached tarball against the # module release checksum stored in the cache as well. # On mismatch, remove the cached copy of both files. # @param tarball_checksum [String] the checksum (either md5 or SHA256) # of the downloaded module tarball # @param file [Pathname] the file containing the checksum as downloaded # previously from the forge # @param digest_class [Digest::SHA256, Digest::MD5] which checksum type # to verify with # # @raise [PuppetForge::V3::Release::ChecksumMismatch] The # cached module release checksum doesn't match the cached checksum. # # @return [void] def verify_from_file(tarball_checksum, checksum_file_path) checksum_from_file = if tarball_checksum != checksum_from_file logger.error "Checksum of #{@tarball_cache_path} (#{tarball_checksum}) does not match checksum #{checksum_from_file} in #{checksum_file_path}. Removing both files." @tarball_cache_path.delete checksum_file_path.delete raise end end # Verify the checksum of the cached tarball against the # module release checksum from the forge. # On mismatch, remove the cached copy of the tarball. # @param tarball_checksum [String] the checksum (either md5 or SHA256) # of the downloaded module tarball # @param forge_checksum [String] the checksum downloaded from the Forge # @param checksum_file_path [Pathname] the path to write the verified # checksum to # # @raise [PuppetForge::V3::Release::ChecksumMismatch] The # cached module release checksum doesn't match the forge checksum. # # @return [void] def verify_from_forge(tarball_checksum, forge_checksum, checksum_file_path) if tarball_checksum != forge_checksum logger.debug1 "Checksum of #{@tarball_cache_path} (#{tarball_checksum}) does not match checksum #{forge_checksum} found on the forge. Removing tarball." @tarball_cache_path.delete raise else File.write(checksum_file_path, forge_checksum) end end # Unpack the module release at {#tarball_cache_path} into the given target_dir # # @param target_dir [Pathname] The final path where the module release # should be unpacked/installed into. # @return [void] def unpack(target_dir) logger.debug1 _("Unpacking %{tarball_cache_path} to %{target_dir} (with tmpdir %{tmp_path})") % {tarball_cache_path: tarball_cache_path, target_dir: target_dir, tmp_path: unpack_path} file_lists = PuppetForge::Unpacker.unpack(tarball_cache_path.to_s, target_dir.to_s, unpack_path.to_s) logger.debug2 _("Valid files unpacked: %{valid_files}") % {valid_files: file_lists[:valid]} if !file_lists[:invalid].empty? logger.debug1 _("These files existed in the module's tar file, but are invalid filetypes and were not unpacked: %{invalid_files}") % {invalid_files: file_lists[:invalid]} end if !file_lists[:symlinks].empty? logger.warn _("Symlinks are unsupported and were not unpacked from the module tarball. %{release_slug} contained these ignored symlinks: %{symlinks}") % {release_slug: @forge_release.slug, symlinks: file_lists[:symlinks]} end end # Remove all files created while downloading and unpacking the module. def cleanup cleanup_unpack_path cleanup_download_path end # Remove the temporary directory used for unpacking the module. def cleanup_unpack_path if unpack_path.parent.exist? unpack_path.parent.rmtree end end # Remove the downloaded module release. def cleanup_download_path if download_path.parent.exist? download_path.parent.rmtree end end end end end